
July 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Don’t eat at Chick-Fil-A.  Just don’t.

Do you know what causes bad breath?  Chick-Fil-A.  Dandruff?  Chick-Fil-A.  The need for trifocals on your glasses?  Chick-Fil-A.  That thing where two of your nails break right before a big party?  Chick-Fil-A.  Warts?  Well, not Chick-Fil-A, but they’re working on it.

I figure that if Chick-Fil-A can bare false witness, so can I.  Lying is the same as stealing, you know.


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0 Comments to “Crap-Fil-A”

  1. So far they have been downgraded to Chick-Fil-B.

    I guess bearing false witness is not a sin in their corporate bible.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    We in Boston have anticipatorily shown Chick-fil-A the door based on Mr. Cathy’s remarks.

    Hizzonah the Mayah gets things right sometimes.

    By the way, I note that Cathy says that all of his employees are married to their first wives. Does he have no women working for him? Or do they just not count?

  3. Several years ago I had a Chick-fil-A sandwich. I didn’t finish it and have never had another. It didn’t taste nasty, but it had absolutely no taste. Come to think of it, I got my first and only nail fungus a couple of days after having that sandwich.

  4. Wyatt_Earl says:

    “Chick-Fil-B” Can’t top that . . .

  5. Married to their “first wives”? Plural? After all, the Old Testament did support polygamy.

    If it does mean singular spouses, does that mean if you get divorced and remarry, your employment is terminated?

  6. I’m a big believer in equal protection, thus marriage for all, and shake my head whenever I hear someone pontificate as did Mr Cathy.

    That said, this Fort Worth, Obama-loving Democrat loves her Chick-Fil-A. Their stores are clean, their food good, their drive-thru quick and virtually error-free, and their employees, bless them, are happy, respectful, friendly, gracious, and darn sweet. For that, I salute the Cathys.

    What I also know is what Mr. Cathy believes does not matter. As a society, and contrary to what is seen on the Interwebs, we are moving forward and it is only a matter of time before the coming generations sweep the remaining bigotry of their forefathers under the figurative carpet.

  7. I hope that people who dislike Chick-Fil-A’s anti-gay agenda will avoid eating there. I hope that people who like Chick-Fil-A’s anti-gay agenda will eat there a lot more, hardening their arteries and hastening their demise. It’s Darwinianism at its best.

  8. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I don’t know about the bad breath part, but those 1400 mg of sodium in their basic chicken sandwich is enough to keep me out of the place. Don’t know how they get that much into it when the waffle fries only have 150.
    Basic Chicken
    440 Calories 16g Fat 2g Fiber 6g Sugars 30g Protein
    3.5g Saturated Fat 0g Trans Fat 60mg Cholesterol
    1400mg Sodium 42g Carbohydrates 15% Iron
    15% Calcium 2% Vitamin A 2% Vitamin C

    Waffle Fries
    390 Calories 20g Fat 3g Fiber 0g Sugars 4g Protein
    3g Saturated Fat 0g Trans Fat 0mg Cholesterol
    150mg Sodium 48g Carbohydrates 4% Iron
    2% Calcium 0% Vitamin A 4% Vitamin C

  9. Gramiam says:

    I love it when Karma kicks the “bad guys” right in the patootie
    and then, for emphasis, promotes healthy eating! ROFLMAO!

  10. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    Before I rant you should know I can’t eat any less at Chick-Fil-A than I already don’t eat there.

    I wish every time a CEO of some organization gets a wild hair in their a$$ to “state what they believe” some of the cooler headed “you people” would stuff a sock in it. None of these revelations work out well and some wind up in court.

    Here’s a thought: make a good product, sell it for a fair price, keep the store clean and well lit, retain employees based on their delivery of good customer service. Leave the political, ethical, and moral pontificating to professionals like politicians and pastors.

  11. Cheryl Ann says:

    It just makes me sad to see how Christianity has become so tied together with hate. What is deal? How about “judge not, lest ye be judged”? Or “love thy neighbor”? I love a quote I saw someone out there on the internet “people don’t have a clue what their cat is thinking but are positive they know what God thinks”.

    Why can’t these right wing nut jobs own vegetable stands or something, why is always something I like?

  12. Lying is not the same as stealing but you can go to hell for stealing like you can go to hell for TOM DELAYING.

  13. Sam in Kyle says:

    Notable homophobe Mike Huckabee has preached against eating at fast food restaurants for years. Now suddenly he’s asking all fellow Christian/homophobes to eat at Chick-Fil-A on August 1 to support their endorsement of ignorance. Mr. Cathy may run a great chain but he pumps money into groups that foster hatred and discrimination. For that I won’t eat at his stores no matter the quality. It’s a matter of principle.

    The best take I’ve seen so far is the new sandwich, the Queer-Hatin’ Cordon Bleu, described on the Onion. Like the name of the cone too but can’t put it here.,28888/

  14. You may not be aware of the flap Chick-fil-A caused in Vermont last fall. Some farmer at the farmer’s market had Tee shirts made that say “Eat more Kale” a typical sentiment around these parts. Chick-fil-A claimed it was so much like their slogan “Eat more Chickin” signs held by cows, that they wanted him to stop. Well you can imagine how that went over! BTW there isn’t a single one of their restuarants here in the state.

    the link above is to the facebook page supporting the farmer and some nice shots of the Tee shirts.

  15. daChipster says:

    In protest, the LOLcows who use various stratagems to encourage people to “Eat Mor Chikin” have ended their association with Chick-Fil-B (JT, a meme is born!)

    They have announced their decision to rebrand their “EMC” campaign.

    Now, they will picket Chick-Fil-B with signs that say “Eat ME, Cathy!”

    When reached for a comment, their spokescow said, “Moo.”

  16. Is it true people in the South like Chick-Fil-A because it gives them gas which they use to heat the trailer in the winter?

  17. Stephanie in Arlington says:

    I’ve also eaten there only once – that was all it took to never want to visit Chik-Fil-B (love that!) again. They gave away free breakfast sandwiches at my daughter’s school one morning & I threw mine out. YUK!

  18. When Chick-Fil-F(ail at being Christian) first opened I was offended by their wear-in-on-our-sleeve-WE-are-CHRISTIANS-so-we-won’t-be-open-on-Sunday-rub-it-in-your-face attitude. I think I’ve eaten there less than five times in all the years they’ve been in business and that’s because I didn’t want to be a complete jerk to my dining companion.

    PS: the hubs is a minister

  19. It always saddens and amuses me when Christiany types pretending to be all High-Holy are offended for their god and feel that they need to defend their god. The very basic definition of God (big g — the real one) is that God is omnipotent and omniscient. So when these little ignorant, piss-ant fools say that they have to stand up and protect their little-g god, they are admitting that their little-g god isn’t real. God (as in big-g) is more than able to take care of her- or him-self.

    And these idiots, who wrap themselves in religion and Christianity seem to forget that the god/man they worship made it very clear that he was opposed to the co-mingling of religion and commerce. Have these Christiany people forgotten Jesus, in the only time he was physically violent in the scriptures, clearing the Temple of merchants and saying “Do not make My Father’s house a house of trade!”

    So it kinda seems to me, from my well-worn red letter New Testament edition of the Bible that maybe Jesus had a thing about keeping commerce and religion separate.

    Perhaps companies like Chck-Fil-B (love that) and Target need to go back to Sunday School so that they can learn that particular passage.

  20. Oh, and the scripture reference about “Do not make My Father’s house a house of trade!” is from John, 2:13-16.

  21. One ought not to eat at Chick-fil-A. It leads to Sabbath-breaking and bad companions.

  22. @Sam in Kyle – I believe the President of Tyson Chicken and Huckabee have close ties. I would surmise Chick-Fil-B (I love that) buys a lot of chicken from Tyson. It’s always about the money, isn’t it?

  23. gidget commando says:

    Oh, dear, I may never catch my breath properly again after Chick-Fil-B.

  24. @Don A, the sodium level is probably so high because they soak the chicken in very salty water for an hour or longer. Doing that (similar to brining a turkey) is supposed to give the meat more flavor, moisture and tenderness. Soaking it too long makes the meat mushy, like paper mache.

  25. @June: Eew. Is that why I don’t like their sandwiches? That and the fact that the bread falls apart,the chicken slip-slides out, and you end up having to eat with a fork. No big sacrifice here to not go there the maybe 4 times a year that I have in the past.

  26. LongRider says:

    I don’t live in Chic-Fil-B country, but when visiting there I’ve never been interested in visiting their restaurants. Why? I couldn’t get past what was for me such a dumb name for a business.

    OK, mabee not the most logical reason, but there it is.

    Now I have a real reason to skip ’em. 🙂

  27. Cartoon:
    “Don’t go in there! Don’t patronize that business because of the awful things they believe!”

    “You mean you and people like you won’t go in there?”

    “That’s right!”

    “Fine!” (goes in)
