Don’t Mess With Rick Perry’s Money

July 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry, always steadfast and honest when it comes to his values about not taking money from the damn federal guvmint, is turning down health care money for thousands of Texas uninsured children.

I have to respect a man whose values are so strong that he’s willing to let little children suffer for what he believes.  That there is some hardcore values.

And he’s even willing to let Texas farmers suffer … oh wait, David in Poetry, Texas, which just happens to be the corporate headquarters of the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., just texted me with this little piece of information.

The governor’s posturing about federal dollars is ironic considering he touts his upbringing in humble rural West Texas as molding who he is. From 1995 – 2006, Paint Creek’s county of about 6,000 received $81,172,449 in federal farm subsidies. That’s over 7 million a year into one county. 686 recipients of the county averaged over $118,000 a year in federal checks over those 11 years. Why isn’t that government creep or socialism or a “failed program”? Is access to Medicaid for the poor and uninsured not worth the dime on the dollar it would cost Texas?


Poetry, Texas

Wanna look it up yourself? With this handy little website, you can learn about farm subsidies and who gets them.

Texas Summary Information

  • $25.9 billion in subsidies 1995-2011.
  • $15.3 billion in commodity subsidies.
  • $4.36 billion in crop insurance subsidies.
  • $2.91 billion in conservation subsidies.
  • $3.34 billion in disaster subsidies.
  • Texas ranking: 1 of 50 States

So, it’s okay for Rick Perry to help his agribusiness buddies with federal subsidies, but working people without health insurance?  Screw ‘um.

It’s all in how you play the game.

Thanks to David in Poetry, Texas for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Don’t Mess With Rick Perry’s Money”

  1. okie-dokie says:

    A conservative without hypocrisy? Special rules for special folk.

  2. Too bad the GOP is about to find out that those ‘working people’ have discovered who is for them, and it is not the GOP.

  3. daChipster says:

    I’m sure Bubba can back me up on the old saying…when you have the facts, pound the facts. When you have the law, pound the law. When you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table.

    Ol’ Rick’s been pounding the table… HEAD FIRST!

  4. Kate oDubhagain says:

    daChipster, you are just so fine!

  5. Indeed. I would like to feel sorry GoodHair, but I cannot find a way – nor for Gohmer.

  6. omg what valuable info. it’s like good manure. think i’ll spread it around. thanks!

  7. aggieland liz says:

    Rick Perry is no. 1 on my “he needs to be killed” list…

  8. We know that the red staters who yell so loudly about high taxes are the biggest welfare queens and that the blue staters are carrying them. The states that get more in federal dollars than they give are overwhelmingly red, and the ones who give more than they get are overwhelmingly blue.
