No Wonder They Condemned Michele Backmann

July 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, in case you’re wondering why a few brave Republicans stood up and condemned Michele Bachmann, there may have been something bigger, better, and more likely involved in this deal.

Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist helped the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrate the U.S. government, according to the report that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) cited in an attack on top State Department aide Human Abedin.

Bachmann cites a movie produced by the same good folks who brought you Joe McCarthy, called “The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within,” a ten-part video course produced by the Center for Security Policy.

Norquist speaking coyly, "What is this Muslim Brotherhood the newly crazy woman Bachmann speaks of??

Grover coyly asks, "What is this Muslim Brotherhood this newly crazy Bachmann woman speaks of?"

The Muslim Brotherhood was helped in its efforts to achieve information dominance over the George W. Bush administration, thanks to collaboration between a top Muslim Brotherhood operative, Abdurahman Alamoudi, and anti-tax activist Grover Norquist.

In addition to al Qaeda financier Alamoudi, Norquist helped mainstream in the Bush campaign and/or administration five other Muslims with extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

In his capacity as the de facto Muslim gatekeeper in the Office of Public Liaison under senior Bush advisor Karl Rove, and then as an assistant in the personal office of the Secretary of Transportation, Khan had, at a minimum, an opportunity to facilitate the penetration of other Islamists

You screw with Norquist, you end up with a horse’s head in your bed.  And that’s because the other end of the horse is Grover Norquist.

You screw with Norquist AND Rove, you end up with a horse’s and a jackass’ head in your bed.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “No Wonder They Condemned Michele Backmann”

  1. Bo Leeyeau says:

    Dang! I knew there was something about old Grover that wasn’t right. Put a white robe and sandals on him and wrap a pillow case around his head and he’d look like a arab for sure.

  2. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    With due apologies to JJ’s momma.

    The child bride and I watched Good Morning Vietnam last night on video. The actor Noble Willingham, raised in Mineola and a graduate of North Texas State in Denton, got to say a couple of great lines about President Nixon, but they strike me as equally applicable to Grover Norquist, “He lugs a trainload of $hit behind him that could fertilize the Sinai. Why, I wouldn’t buy an apple from the son of a bitch…”

    Grover has spent his life behind the scenes, influencing policy, but he never has earned the right, through election, to have those views or implement a policy and deal with its outcomes. He doesn’t have any skin in this game. When it all goes to hell, like Rove, he will wiggle away then pop up someplace else, none the worse off. What a guy!

  3. daChipster says:

    I hate, Hate, HATE stories like this, because I don’t know who to cheer for.

    First, there’s cuh-RAZEE Michele Bachmann, who really is the latest nutty fruit of the Ronald Reagan tree, when he emptied the mental institutions KNOWING that you had to be nuts to continue to vote Republican. It stood to reason that the inmates would eventually take over – not the asylum, because they got let out – but rather the big GOP Elephant tent that took them in.

    Second, there’s Grover Norquist who in his own quiet way is as batguano crazy as Michele. If there is a just God, Grover will be hurrying toward a meeting in the Capitol with some of his minions and a construction crew will accidentally drop a bathtub on him. Soon. Check your EternityMinder calendar: how does tomorrow look for you, God?

    Finally, there’s Karl Rove, accused of harboring secret Muslim anchor terrorists. It doesn’t matter if God is just or not, in this case, since Karl is already taken. He’s already sold his soul at the Crossroads (GPS) at midnight. Hey Karl, you shoulda got Beelzebub to throw in some hair while you were at it.


    When all is said and done, I think I have to root for Crazy Michele. The other two guys are genuinely evil and any way we can take them down is good.

    Michele, on the other hand, is better than a Dairy Queen Hot Fudge Nutty Nutty on greenhouse-gas enhanced 101-degree summer day. On entertainment and fund raising value alone, she’s worth keeping around for a little longer.

    Until that fateful day when she discovers that Marcus wasn’t able to pray his gay away, any more than Miss Clairol could pray Michele’s gray away.

  4. To say she “jumped the shark” is putting it mildly.

  5. Mr. Grover is married to a Muslim woman, or maybe of Arab descent but not Muslim. Could have something to do with these attacks on him.

  6. ks sunflower says:

    Thought some of us might enjoy looking at the pretty pictures (actually posters in the sense of visuals with great captions) on the following site.

    Our dear daughter sent me the link and I have been chuckling for quite some time and wishing I could make bumper stickers out of many of them.

    Think of the FB site as a well-deserved treat in the midst of the all the dreary news and oppressive heat (or is it the other way ’round- oppressive news and dreary heat, no matter, at one or two of the things you find on the site should make you smile).

  7. Jim in Laredo says:

    Our friend, Jim Wright, at Stonekettle Station has some thoughts about Michelle.

  8. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Does this mean that Grover was the one who set up the date between Duhbya and the Saudi prince he was holding hands with?

  9. Aw c’mon!
    Like the good ol’ days of McCarthy, I like the end of the show when they feed on each other!

  10. Yes, Michelle is crazy, but it wouldn’t surprise me if what she wrote about Grover were true. He certainly isn’t doing what is best for the country and the Republicans know it; they just don’t want to risk getting reelected.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief.

  12. The idea that Grover might be involved with the Muslim Brotherhood is a little hard to believe. They don’t have enough money to afford his friendship.

  13. I have read in plenty of places that Mrs. Norquist is a Palestinian Muslim who was on the Board of several organizations considered iffy by religious RWNJ’s.

    Grover would have to be nuts to think he could rattle Tom Coburn’s cage without some blowback. Ol Grover’s going down.

  14. Michelle signed the tax pledge of Norquist.
    So does that means that Michelle is complicit with the ‘hood?????

    So she and all the other members of Congress who signed it should be tried for treason.
    According to her reasoning, she was helping the ENEMY!!!!!

    If the republicans do not see that this woman is bat shi_ crazy, then what will she have to do, stand naked in front of the Lincoln Memorial for them to realize it????

    It is time to for the honest, good republicans to stand up and say, enough is enough, or else the republican party is dead.

  15. Diane, she’d need to do a Wilbur Mills, Fannie Foxx Tidal Basin stunt for those Rethugs to disown her. Probably with a woman.

  16. I thought that it was “illegal” to smoke what Michelle has been smoking.

    If it’s not illegal….. I want some.
