Hey, Yeah Well, Say That “War on Women” Crap To This Bucket of Acid, Bitch

June 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Nope, there’s no Republican War on Women.

Well, unless you want to be real picky about it and include throwing acid at female Democratic senators as “war.”

General Townsend, Commander of the Atlantic Theater

Jay Townsend, GOP spokesman for Rep. Nan Hayworth of New York, suggested, “Let’s hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won’t abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector.”

Hey, at least he’s not proposing landmines in the Democratic female bathroom.  Although it has been rumored that he’s calling some drone strikes on Barbara Boxer.

By the way, Townsend is an unsuccessful candidate for United States Senator.  Who could have guessed that?  And he’s written a book on campaign tips.  Honey, honey, honey, Tip #1:  shuddup.

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0 Comments to “Hey, Yeah Well, Say That “War on Women” Crap To This Bucket of Acid, Bitch”

  1. gidget commando says:

    The way I understand it, that charmer Townsend was talking to someone on Facebook who had asked about–get this–gas prices. If he’s so peeved at Dems in general, he could have said “Democratic Senators” instead of “female democratic senators,” amirite? (It still would have been vile, but it would have been equal-opportunity vile.) This? I defy anybody to say this isn’t just a war on women, it’s utter hatred and contempt.

    But I’m a cranky feminist with no sense of humor because I fail to see Teh Funny in a crack about throwing acid into the faces of FEMALE Democratic Senators. It’s not like I count or nuthin’.

  2. Isn’t throwing acid in women’s faces pretty much a Sharia thing?

  3. Elise Von Holten says:

    One of the comments on the Huffpo piece was, “I don’t get it who would throw a pill at women?” It made me laugh and cry.
    Such ignorance–and then the outrage hit that all the hate mongering, illiterate bozo’s each have a vote, the billionaires buy them up, the sound bites are not called out–Faux’s 4 min video damage–where is the sanity–I have dealt with enough crazy in my own personal life–gun toting crazy family, violent and drunk–that my tolerance for these bozo’s and their unaccountability has reached it’s max.
    The worst part is defending my ex husbands right to be alive and himself–he’s a bastard, wasted 30 years of my love because he can’t receive female love–but he has a right to be and be who he is–and some bozo wants to put him in a death camp!! I’m the woman scorned–not these in the closet homophobes–I get to make his life hell! Not them!
    Violators–acid in the faces of our congresspeople! I call it sedition and these people traitors–a cross-hair target and
    Gifford gets shot–no accountability! Irresponsible and seditious–we need to be the people that say “no more!” –not just to ourselves but in the streets and stores, the churches and fairs, anywhere where the people gather–its time to tough love them to pieces and stop the insanity!

  4. Acid Nan still supports this scum. Drop her a line on her Facebook page.

  5. She is unfortunately my Congresscritter, but we’ve been moved out of her district come next election.

  6. Response found on Nan’s FB page (see above), it essentially is a contrived controversy then: “…The comment receiving the attention was not made on behalf of the Congresswoman or her campaign and was clearly not meant to be taken literally. …” after which the subject is changed to unemployment.

  7. By reading the comments left on her FB page … folks are none too happy with Ms. Hayworth and her lack of action and reaction to the retard suggesting tossing the acid … she’ll definitely be losing votes if she does not fire that guy and, suggested by some, resign herself! Hmmmm … everything even smacking of political has gone over the cliff … and we only have 5 more months of dealing with the lunatic fringe!

  8. On his own website, Mr Townsend calls himself “An adept wordsmith”.

  9. He calls himself a wordsmith? And he came up with this line?

    “abide the mandates they want to impose”

    Does he know what any of those words mean?

  10. I’m too spitting-nails angry and appalled to say much. I’m gonna do some research on this one.

  11. If he wants to throw acid at women, I suggest he be taken to Afghanistan, where that sort of thing is popular, and left there. He may also enjoy it as a country run by extremely religious people.

  12. gidget commando says:

    What I want to know is: If the authorities take threats against members of Congress seriously (and they should, following what happened to former Rep. Gabby Giffords), then why isn’t this yahoo being questioned vigorously by the FBI right now?

  13. This idiot got fired or was asked to resign today
