President Bannon’s Chief of Curtain Rods
Glenn Thrush and Maggie Haberman in the NYT yesterday tell us exactly how much leash Steve Bannon is allowing brain-damaged Resident Dat Guy.
He watches as much TV as he can, wanders the halls in his bathrobe, and mocks the one voice (unnamed) among his aides who thinks things are going bigly badly. He makes sure to critique Spicer’s press briefings and is “obsessed with the décor.”
He will linger on the opulence of the newly hung golden drapes, which he told a recent visitor were once used by Franklin D. Roosevelt but in fact were patterned for Bill Clinton. For a man who sometimes has trouble concentrating on policy memos, [Dat Guy] was delighted to page through a book that offered him 17 window covering options.
So basically, while Bannon slips him things to sign, Dat Guy is acting WH Communications Director, and Decorator-in-Chief. Based on the job he’s doing, while allegedly refusing his pay and accepting $1.00 a year salary (and has THAT been confirmed?) Dat Guy is still being grotesquely and grossly overpaid.