Dangerous People

February 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

California Republican Congressvarmint Tom McClintock was greeted on Saturday morning by protestors who scared the beejebbers outta him.

McClintock said that during the meeting, he was advised by staff that the situation outside was “deteriorating” and that it was the Roseville Police Department’s decision to provide a police escort out of the building.

In an interview, McClintock said he believes there was an “anarchist element” among organizers of the protest whose purpose was to “disrupt” the meeting.

You wanna know what else is deteriorating, you damfool?  Our access to health care, our standing in the world, our children’s chances at an education, and your likelihood at getting reelected.

Okay, here’s the vicious protestors – get ready to gasp:


Holy damn cow! How scared he must have been! It looks like a damn AARP meeting.  Even inside the room, they had to have a special area to park all the walkers.

Wimp.  The congressman is a wimp. His staff is even sillier.

So, now let’s talk about “anarchist element.” Does the congressman know what an anarchist is?  Anarchist are people who do not believe in government.  The people at the protest are there because they do believe in government. Somebody please explain to him that he’s the anarchist and if he’s scared by what he sees in the mirror, then he needs to break the damn thing because he’s in for 7 years of bad luck anyway.

So if you want to scare your congressvarmint, rent a walker and make a sign.  That’s some scary stuff.


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0 Comments to “Dangerous People”

  1. Yup. I’m old. I can remember Dan Rostenkowski when he was in Congress (before he went to jail) and a bunch of senior citizens who pounded on his car with their canes and walkers during the Catastrophic Care Act broohaa. He and his ilk were scared to death! The CCA was dropped like a hot potato. The folks at McClintock’s meeting may very well be the grandchildren of the crowd who took on old Dan! Well, heck! Bless them all and their AARP membership cards!

  2. As a young man with aged grandparents, I noticed the BS meter of these 80ish year olds was invariably accurate. I hope to see mid-80s and have as accurate a BS meter.

    Seeing such a large group of people he could neither baffle with his brilliance nor bury with his BS probably sent McClintock to the hills, as it would and should any other elected official with the same goals and intentions.

    I suppose this varmint supports the so-called President.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Word has it the ACA replacement won’t be ready before next year- prolly because I seriously doubt it actually exists.

    This is interesting- http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/2/6/14229276/public-health-contentious-polarizing-opioids-aca-obesity

    Wingnuts inherently don’t trust the government to fix stuff, unless you couch the idea of health care into something they approve of -like military enlistments.

  4. Brian Meehan says:

    They weren’t too concerned about Dems being terrorized by those Tea party frauds a few years ago.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    The irony that the same fool who runs from the Gray Panthers with walkers would unleash Wayne’s NRA terrorists into supermarkets and shopping malls humping their penis extensions.

  6. If the line of people outside is growing, and getting longer, McClintock’s staff might want to get out their thesaurus before they describe it as “deteriorating,” since that’s not word with a similar meaning.

    How about one of these:

  7. 2018 is coming! Get off your butts and VOTE!!! The rePUKEians out of office!!!& encourage your discouraged friends to vote as well! Protests are fine but voting counts!

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    epo: “…inherently don’t trust the government to fix stuff…” is laughable since now they are the government! They’ve been bitching about the ACA for almost 8 years and now that it’s “repeal/replace’ time they’ve got nothing? My beloved Alan Grayson was without a doubt correct: Republicans hate government because they’re so bad at it.


  9. e platypus onion says:

    JAKVirginia- you iz correct, Sir. They can’t govern. They can’t Mac govern.

    Mitchie McCTurtle has an op-ed today saying wingnuts did nothing to obstruct Merrick Garland so all this talk of obstructionism by Dems is unfair to GoSuck. More gaslighting at its finest.

  10. “We would just like to have access to our representative. We can no longer accept that he refuses to hold town hall meetings or meet with constituents who may disagree with his voting record,” Carolynne Funk, a member of Rep. Roskam’s district, told the Chicago Tribune. “The stakes are now too high to tolerate being shut out of the democratic process any longer.”

    In a video captured by Citizen Action Illinois, Rep. Roskam is seen walking out of the back door of the venue while being escorted by a police officer, shortly after a constituent attempted to rush through the front door. Hundreds of protesters are seen surrounding Roskam, shouting “shame on you” as he refuses to look in their direction.


    Yep, two separate incidents. Guardian says both crowds were more upset by impending loss of ACA insurance than anything else.

    “I understand you do not like Donald Trump,” McClintock said. “I sympathize with you. There have been elections where our side has lost … just a word of friendly advice: remember that there were many people in America who disagreed with and feared Barack Obama just as vigorously as you disagree with and fear Donald Trump.”


    Slight difference— Obama didn’t actually take anybody’s guns away.

    As for “anarchist elements,” i saw an old photo of a bigot rally in the 1950s and several bigots held signs that said “Race Mixing is Communism.” Which means we don’t really know what either one means but we don’t like ’em so they must be the same thing.

  11. Those congresscritters need to feel what’s real. They will soon be in their home districts and should be confronted with the consequences of their greedy, irresponsible actions. Let them have it!

  12. Lunargent says:

    If this takes the dark turn that I’m very apprehensive about, I can see the Congressional hearings now:

    “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the AARP?”

  13. Marge Wood says:

    I got a walker and a couple of canes and I make pretty good signs.
