Living Proof That The Good Die Young

September 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Max Horton is 91 years old, lives in Florida, and apparently has been grumpy since about 1953.

635781967588328160-hortonAn Avon Park senior is charged with attempted murder after allegedly threatening to kill and shooting at some landscapers who apparently sprayed grass clippings on his car, authorities said.

An argument between the pair turned violent when Horton allegedly pulled out a handgun, ordered Hendrix to get on his knees and told him he was going to kill him.

He then fired a shot at Hendrix, but missed. Fortunately, another landscaper jumped Horton, wrestled the gun from him, and held him down until the police arrived. From the looks of things, Horton put up a fight and lost.

But they couldn’t take him to the hospital because …

Horton was initially taken to Highlands Regional Medical Center for treatment following the dispute, according to the Sheriff’s Office. He could not be taken to Florida Hospital because he allegedly made threats to hospital staff previously in September 2013, reportedly saying he had a gun in his vehicle and that they would be sorry if he went to get it.

And he still had a gun.

Way to go, Florida.


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0 Comments to “Living Proof That The Good Die Young”

  1. SMH; reasonable words for a reply evade me at the moment.

  2. Of course he still has a gun.

  3. Sad. Very likely progressive dementia.

  4. That Other Jean says:

    Wait–he’s 91 years old, and still has a driver’s license AND a gun? I’m staying out of Florida for a decade or so.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Florida … so he probably still has a driver’s license, too. Gotta love those four-way intersections in Florida, where 90% of the drivers are peering over their steering wheel. It’s like Russian Roulette with six loaded cylinders. If Grumpy Horton is any example, they are more lethal with their cars than a gun.

  6. Sam in San Antonio says:

    GOP = Grumpy Old white People

  7. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Bet his neighbors just looovvve him. Not.

  8. Bow down to the almighty gun.. thou shalt have no gods before it.. in ‘murica.. cause freedumb.

  9. And here I thought most states had riles and regs about age related stuff like drivers licenses and certainly hand gun ownership. What the hell is Florida’s excuse?

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    Here’s a great candidate for the Insane Asyluuuuuuuuuuuuuu…….oh right, we don’t have these anymore.

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    that was snarky. It’s a pity he doesn’t have any family around that could start setting up some help for him.

  12. OK, think I’ve got it. Max is a living(?) result of being an angry old white guy.

  13. Next news story: Police receive a 911 call about Max Horton but reply:

    “Sorry sir, we no longer respond to Max Horton threats as he has a gun in his vehicle and we’d be sorry if he went to get it. Why don’t you try and stand your ground. Good luck.”

  14. TruelyTexan says:

    Age biased laws can’t pass in Florida. Except for during spring break their median age is upwards of 85, and you know how old people like to vote. If those did pass 98% of their population would be off the roads and unarmed. How horrible would that be?

  15. Good Gawd!

  16. Marcia in CO says:

    Too bad the landscapers didn’t finish the job and put poor Max out of his mean and nasty attitude driven life.

    I like Rick’s answer … I wonder if anyone would care if ole Max got “offed” by accident! I suspect it wouldn’t be an accident and there would be no witnesses!

    Ahhh … too bad, so sad, poor Max is dead! Oh well, let’s have a picnic!!

  17. Wow,

    Imagine being banned from a HOSPITAL. And he could probably even pay!

  18. The one nice thing about global warming is that Florida is falling into the sea. Fortunately, Orlando is 80+ feet above sea level, so they will have Disney World AND beachfront property.

  19. Poor guy. I suspect Florida may take away his driver’s license. Of course, they’ll let him keep his gun.

  20. Can’t they go lock him up in a psych ward somewhere?

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Tad bit old to be playing Dirty Harry Callahan or even George “Stand Your Ground” Zipperless Cluster #### Zimperman.

  22. JAKvirginia says:

    Okay to Florida bash. I was born there and have lived there so I can speak. But let’s be a little kinder, huh?

    PKM: The olds aren’t the bad drivers. Statistically in FL they’re better than the youngers. They tend to stay home after dark and, OMG, they know the traffic laws! A little slow, yes, but EVERYBODY in FL seems to be racing somewhere. Believe me, I know.

    JJ: “…could not be taken to Florida Hospital…”. Did that place twice. Worst. Medical. Care. Ever! I wanted to blow it up after the second time. [Question from doctor (true story): Have you ever had AIDS? I wanted to reply: Yeah, but I took two aspirin and I’m fine now.] So I’ll give the guy a pass on that.

    Being old and cranky? Well, you got me there. THAT is a problem no state can solve. But for every pissy, old codger that’s down there you will find 2 or 3 or more sweet people. Lived next to one and around the corner from quite a few.

    I live in VA now. Just came from MickeyD’s where some ancient guy went up to the counter girl and raged that the trash can was full (it was not) and it was a MESS! He was rude and cranky. I’m 63 and if that’s the future for me I’d rather not hang around.

    We all have our crosses to bear. Sigh.

  23. Linda Phipps says:

    I have relatives who are planning to move from Minnesota for a part time life in Florida. I forgot to remind him that the old people there only take right turns, which racks up the mileage.

    No pun intended. But I like it.

  24. I have lived where renewing a drivers license requires an eye test and maybe even a letter from a doctor, including maybe an eye doctor. If Horton even bothers to go and renew his license, this might be the time for the state to give the eye test from Hell and take his license away. Next step is to get somebody to hide his damn keys and then remove a critical piece of the engine, preferably one he can’t see without putting the damn thing up on a lift. I know somebody who went through this entire drill and he lived much longer than he would have and actually got some enjoyment out of his last days. It was his family who hid the keys and stuff. Frankly, I call that loving’ him up.

  25. I live in Texas, so I can’t criticize Florida. I can still criticize North Korea, but that’s about it. I’m no expert about dementia, but I know it’s not all about memory loss. This kind of behavior is also a symptom.

  26. Over 90, drives a car and totes a gun. Betcha he spends all day watching FOX too. I’m with Henry on the dementia thing. We couldn’t get my father’s doctor to write a letter about his poor eyesight and reflexes. We ended up getting the state police to go to his door and take the keys, after he suffered a stroke while driving.

  27. Ormond Otvos says:

    It’s call emotional lability, and it happens to most older people. I’m 75 now, I notice it in myself.

    Haven’t shot anybody or dented my car, though. AND I moved away from Florida to California in self-defense. I need my mind, and the intellectual vacuum there was causing me to deflate.

  28. His mother would be aghast.

    So he bullies at his advanced age a couple of much younger, hourly paid, probably immigrant, youths. At an age when he should be exhibiting a lifetime of experience, patience, and teaching.

    Go to the end of the line Max, you haven’t learned anything.

  29. I live in Florida [please don’t judge me.]
    So I checked to see where this Avon Park is – wanted to be sure it is far, far away from Saint Petersburg [it is.] It’s in the central part of the state and SP is on the west coast.

    But here’s the strange part. The nickname of the city? Can you guess? Go on, give it a try – – – – –

    Give up? It’s “The City of Charm.”

    No, really. You can’t make this stuff up.
