Archive for August, 2023

The Rats

August 17, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I gotta say, with the beautiful perfect indictments handed down in Georgia last week, making old timers vividly remember General Sherman coming through Georgia, the best part may be the recent photos of the indicted people facing mandatory prison time if they are convicted.  Honey, most of them look like they just opened the Ark of the Covenant.   

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life, like eating tamales anywhere north of Dallas, hit an elevator button five or six times thinking that would piss off a slow elevator, signed a contract by neon light, and shared my deepest darkest secrets with an Arabian prince who contacted me by email to leave me his estate when he said he was going to die the next week. 

But  even I know that when you’re a Trump elections official in Georgia, you don’t send a written damn invitation to Trump’s buttdumb attorneys to help you facilitate a breach of the voting systems you oversee. I would say, “How dumb can you be?” but these guys would see that as a challenge.

Here’s my center of attention: I wanna know more about the unindicted co-conspirators rats in Georgia.  The Daily Beast has some ideas.

It just so happens that their guess for #1 is the same as mine.  Tom Fitton, the Darth Vader of Judicial Watch. I guess ole Tom had to flip because prison jumpsuits don’t come in size 12 year old boy.  Tom thinks his tight shirts are a turn on to the church ladies and maybe he’s right because men in chains would certainly appeal to them.

Go on over to Google to run an image search for Tom.  Or don’t.  He’s a mess.

While it would be fun watching him in the weight room of a Georgia prison, his ability to flip on Trump and Giuliani might be worth missing that particular visual punishment.




Smartest Thing I’ve Heard So Far

August 15, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I just love this ——


Go Big or Go Home

August 15, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

As our former president negotiates his way through a fourth set of indictments it seems pertinent to talk about why it hasn’t had much of an effect on his base. In point of fact, he is still the odds on favorite to win the Republican nomination. The concept might seem foreign to most of us, but I have a working theory. Simply put, most of us think small. I could get into advanced psychology here, but suffice it to say this gets into moral and ethical development. Essentially, most observers see moral development in three stages. The early childhood stage has people simply meeting their needs and ignoring moral norms. In early childhood we wouldn’t even know those norms anyway. Most things exist as an extension of self. So, concepts like the self-determination of other people or family pets are foreign concepts.

When we enter adolescence we start moving to the second or third stage depending on how much we develop as people. We recognize the rules and norms of society and we follow them because we are afraid of what will happen if we don’t. That’s the second stage. A good chunk of the population never gets past this point and as long as we get to this point then society functions smoothly. The third stage involved us developing our own moral and ethical code that can exist simultaneously with the norms of society. These norms are usually beyond that of society and move us to a higher moral plain. It is more the question of what we do when the world isn’t watching.

It is this paradigm that has many Americans trapped in his moment. It is the belief that someone that might be guilty of the same kind of nepotism that we see in our walks of life is somehow morally equivalent to someone that has brazenly broken the law at every turn. Ultimately, the same is true for all of these indictments. It all seems too much. No one could be that horrible. So, it immediately seems like a double standard. We want to indict the other guy because we “know” he must be doing the small stuff. If your mind will not allow you to do the big stuff then it will have difficulty recognizing the big stuff that other people are doing.

Essentially we are watching a Discovery True Crime documentary before our very eyes. One of my favorites involves the “monsters” in our own home. We didn’t think they could do it, but there were signs. Signs. In each and every episode the living victims talk about how they saw some horrible things, but couldn’t believe that the monster would do THAT. The audience is frantically shouting, “get out now. Leave. Hurry and don’t look back.” Yet, it never seems to happen. Those willing to do the big are monsters. We elected a monster in 2016. He will keep doing these things. He has been indicted in four different jurisdictions. He was found civilly liable for sexual assault in a fifth jurisdiction. He is overtly threatening judges, lawyers, and witnesses. He is calling on his supporters to fight in his name. He isn’t hinting at it anymore. Go big or go home. When someone tells you who they really are you have to believe them.

So Here We Are UPDATED

August 14, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is 8:00 pm Texas time on Monday night and I’m waiting to hear what the 10 indictments against Donald Trump in Georgia say.

I am being told that it could take as much as three hours for the indictments to become public information.

So, we wait, which we’ve had a lot of practice at.


UPDATE at 10:00 Texas time – 41 counts 18 people+ Trump indicted. Meadows, Giuliani, Powell, Ellis, wow! It’s the Georgia Bar Association Full Employment Act.


A study in Economics

August 11, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

I have to admit, when I try to follow right wing logic my head hurts. The notorious MTG recently came on and tried to give all of us a lesson in global economics. I’m not following. Then again, I don’t have a degree in Economics. My degree was in Political Science with a minor in History. I did take some Economics classes, I took the certification exam in all of the Social Studies and made a 100 on the Economics portion of the test. I’ve taught high school Economics for a few years in my career. I like to think that I’m smarter than the average bear, but what in the heck do I know?

So, let me get this straight, we are supporting the war in Ukraine and that somehow is raising the price of grain world wide. Let’s take this slowly and think through this like we were in elementary school. Russia attacked Ukraine. Ukraine is a sovereign nation, so they resisted this attack. They fought back. Are we good so far? Does anyone want to contest this before we move on? In the process of attacking Ukraine they managed to destroy a lot of the supply of grain in Ukraine. This is something countries do when they fight dirty. It makes it more likely that the attacked country will surrender if they are running low on supplies. Am I good so far?

So, essentially what MTG is arguing is that we shouldn’t support Ukraine. We should allow Russia to win. Maybe she could explain how this would help us with the cost of grain. She needs to game this out. She needs to explain this to us like we are five years old. I’m not that educated. I just have a masters degree, so I’m just spitballing here, but I assume she wants to support Russia. She knows most people don’t want to support Russia. She would be right on that account. So, if she came out and said that she wants to support Russia she would be roasted by everyone in the media. So, instead we are going to tell people that if we support Russia then cereal will be cheaper. Maybe that’s true. Maybe those supply chains would be rebuilt faster if Ukraine just surrendered. I’m guessing that’s not the case, but I reiterate that I’m not an expert on global economics.

What I do know is constitutional law. I know Congress controls the purse. I know they are the ones that decide how much money to give to Ukraine to help them against Russia. I’m struggling to see the connection between this and impeaching Joe Biden. Even if you were to say that Biden was solely responsible for the policy, you cannot impeach because you disagree on policy. You are free to make an argument against funding Ukraine. Again, I think most Americans support Ukraine in this conflict. So, instead we are going to say Biden should be impeached for um, well, er, ah, yeah, well you see, geez I’ll get back to you on that.

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Rock Star Supreme

August 10, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Clarence Thomas lives like a damn rock star, and all he had to do to get it is sell out his damn country. Easy peasy.

Just now exposed, it appears that Thomas has become a jet setter because of his owners.

At least 38 destination vacations, including a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas; 26 private jet flights, plus an additional eight by helicopter; a dozen VIP passes to professional and college sporting events, typically perched in the skybox; two stays at luxury resorts in Florida and Jamaica; and one standing invitation to an uber-exclusive golf club overlooking the Atlantic coast.

Here’s the part you’re going love. In discussing this with legal ethics experts, one of them says, “In my career I don’t remember ever seeing this degree of largesse given to anybody,” said Jeremy Fogel, a former federal judge who served for years on the judicial committee that reviews judges’ financial disclosures. “I think it’s unprecedented.”

Largesse?  That’s the operative word here? Holy damn crap.

I wanna be honest with you, the ProPublica is long, long, long but it’s not wordy. It’s packed with descriptions of these gifts and fascinating stories of a world I didn’t know existed among billionaires.  You probably need to read it to understand just how sleazy this guy truly is.