Archive for April, 2023

Stop The Ali Alexander

April 18, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, okay, so it’s kinda expected that the extreme right is filled to the brim with pedophiles. Mainly because – thank God – they keep getting caught at it, but it also explains the reason behind their obsession with pedophiles.

Ali Alexander, one of the head honchos of Stop the Steal, got caught. The good thing is that it appears he’s bringing a brood of other famous name Trump-supporters with him because they knew about it and did nothing.

Alexander with Roger Stone

It turns out that the far rightwing racist Trump-loving club are all at each other’s throats over this over who is at fault.  From where it stands right now, it appears that all of them are. You know the saying that the best defense is a good offense? Well, they are all on the attack.

Even Majorie Taylor Green is calling for an FBI investigation. You gotta wonder how many FBI agents she thinks we have?


Because He’s Not Just An Idiot, He’s a Mean Goofy Idiot.

April 17, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ron DeSantis makes my knees creek. If he was one tenth as good looking and smart as he thinks he is, he’d still be a 3. Even at closing time.

Get a load of this – a man who cannot win a fight against a mouse or a fairy princess thinks he can intimidate people to death.


Give it up, Dude. All this over LGBTQ people?

Look, Honey, DeSantis had his wedding at Disneyland and that’s about the gayest thing you can do.


Looking Up

April 17, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal.  Especially in the midwest, conservative heaven, right-wingers got punched in the nose at school board races.

Democrats and teachers’ unions boasted candidates they backed in Midwestern suburbs trounced their opponents in the once-sleepy races. The winning record, they said, was particularly noticeable in elections where conservative candidates emphasized agendas packed with race, gender identity and parental involvement in classrooms.

The bad news about that is it will take at decade to recover from the damage they did to public education, but we’re starting. The albatross around their necks was, of course, the culture wars.

You know, every time there is social change in America – giving women the right to both vote and be in charge of their healthcare, freedom from slavery, civil rights, the death of poll tax, – you name it – there are bloody claw marks from the rightwing left behind.


Majorie Taylor Greene

April 16, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I get it. Majorie Taylor Greene needs lots of protection, but mainly from herself.

You’d think her arsenal of guns of war would be all she needs to feel safe but you’d think wrong.

No sireee, she is a woman of security needs and apparently safe landscaping is one of them.

Lookie right here:

And to save you the headache of a Google search, here’s who she hired.  Best I can figure they are going to install vicious plants at her house, maybe like venus flytraps of something.

Go have a look at the first link. Most of her spending is for Digital Consulting. You’d think she’d was flirting with Elon Musk.


Fled Cruz

April 15, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, since we all know that the two places Ted Cruz hates to be are Houston (where he lives) and Washington DeeCee (where he works), it’s always fun to watch him travel and pay for it out of his campaign funds.

Here’s one for you to admire:

Click on it to get the big one.

This was almost exactly a year after the Houston big freeze, where 246 people died from being cold because the power grid failed. Cruz’s answer to the freeze was to sneak off to Cancun and then lie to the press when he got caught.

So, to commemorate the fact that Houston can tolerate 105 degrees just fine, but we have to put on a coat to look at pictures of Alaska, Ted pre-planned his get away.  I checked the weather and the week before, Houston had a solid week of rain and 40 degrees.  So, he’s Fled Cruz once again.

I know how much some of you enjoy perusing his campaign expenditures, so let us know if you find anything else funny.  Here ya go for weekend fun!


Losing Llano Libraries

April 12, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Poor Llano County. Some federal judge has just ordered the county to return twelve (yes, count ’em, 12) children’s books to their public library shelves. It seems that the books offended the sensibilities of some adults who object to the racial and LGBT+ issues that are raised in them.

So rather than complying with the judge’s order, Llano County Commissioners are considering an old and accepted recourse: the equivalent of filling in the swimming pool.

Rather than bend to the Feds, the Llano County Commission is studying on nose-thumbing (and nose-cutting/face-spiteing) by closing all of their county libraries.

It’s a really great solution, see. No one can blame them for depriving their children of learning about racism and gender issues if no one in the county can learn about anything at all.

It has worked before. Racists have closed and filled-in public pools rather than desegregate them. And it’s legit.

Or so said SCOTUS Justice Hugo Black back in 1971 when the Jackson, Mississippi city council closed all of its public pools, save for the one that they leased to the “YMWCA” (Young Men’s White Christian Assn.). Justice Black said “There was no evidence of state action affect­ing Negroes differently from white.”

True that. If you’re a racist like Justice Black was.

So instead of violating a child’s right to read these 12 books, Llano County may elect to deny the educational enrichment of the entire county instead.

Bless their hearts