Archive for March, 2023

Ted Cruz: Best Selling Author At This Own House

March 16, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hey, Ted Cruz is now touting hisownself as a “best selling author.”  And he is – at his own address.



I don’t know this to be true, but I’ve heard that if you buy a hot dog at a ballgame, you get a free Ted Cruz book you can use as a napkin. However, complains were filed that those thin paper napkins were far superior to Ted’s grammar.


Squirreling Around

March 16, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Since all of us at the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. have been lazy this week, there’s something I’ve been meaning to share with you for a couple of months now but just never got around to it.

Remember back during Covid when low interest loans were given by the federal government to small businesses so they could make payroll?  Well, it appears that most of those loans have been forgiven.

Now here’s my problem, I think it’s a good thing to keep people employed. But when I see the names of local rich, rich, rich anti-government guys in my own small town get $2 million free and clear from the government they hate while whining about paying any taxes whatsodamnever, it kinda steams me.  They want all the profits but none of the risks.

And I am also bothered about forgiven loans to churches and religious schools – especially the far right wing ones who were telling people not to wear masks.  What’s the matter, dudes? God didn’t answer your prayers?

So anyway, the next time I hear my very politically active neighbor Joe Guerecky (who owns a large machine shop) try to own-the-libs by griping about taxes, I have already made a copy of his forgiven loans to show him where the hell my tax money goes – over a million dollars of it went in his pocket. You may want some receipts from your hometown and notify these people that you haven’t gotten your thank you note from them yet.

So, here ya go.


I Have a Plan

March 13, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, we didn’t do diddle squat after the last bank bail out, and now we’re all surprised that there’s another.  Yes another, who incidentally gave enormous bonuses to their top executives a couple of hours before padlocking the front door.

I have a solution. No bail out.

Here’s how we handle it. We have all of their executives show up at the bank for a “party.” Once they arrive we strip them down to their boxers and hand them a big box with all their money in the world, except for $250,000 which we allow them to keep, and then open the door to account holders.

It would be a mess, but we’d never see a bank fail again.

Oh yeah, we also give a microphone to Elizabeth Warren so she can remote broadcast color commentary of the big event.

A friend sent me a tweet that makes me chuckle.

Hope your Monday has some good news.


Governor DeSnowflake

March 11, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

I am easily one to laugh at photos of people who make selfies with Republican politicians while wearing an “I’m With Stupid” t-shirt. Or wearing a t-shirt with a screw drilled through a baseball and an arrow pointing to the one fooled.

I am easily entertained, and they’re so easily duped.

So it should come as no surprise that when the Florida governor got a taste of Iowan photographic humor I just had to lift the pic from the Tampa Bay Times.

Oh, Ron DePeepee

March 09, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lookie here what a FOIA request turned up about Ron DeSantis after he claimed to be a naval pilot.

Uh, maybe not so much.

Bless his heart, Capt. DeSantis was the Asst. Urinalysis Coordinator. The assistant. I mean, he wasn’t even the head urinalysis coordinator.

I have my doubts he was any good at it since most of his coordination experience seems to come from the other end.

And, no, I don’t have anything better to do with my time. It’s pollen season here and I’m trapped inside with a loud HEPA filter. Damn, baseball season better start soon.


The woke civil war

March 08, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

t’s happened again. I guarantee that it happens on a nearly annual basis. An enterprising legislator will put forth a bill to separate Texas from the union. This time it’s Bryan Slaton to the rescue.


We are at the looking glass and the reflection staring back at us is our own idiocy. The civil war of the 21st century isn’t over slavery, race relations, the haves and have nots, or even any kind of coherent policy. It’s wokeness. This is where GOP frontrunner Ron DeSantis has planted his flag. This is the battle ground of a new generation.

What does wokeness mean? They really can’t tell you. They really don’t want to tell you. It’s better if they just leave it up to your worst imagination. You can see the signs around town, “The Church Awake and not Woke.” Sure. Obviously, a true believer cannot be woke. Except if we apply the meaning of woke we realize how mind numbingly stupid this sounds.

The modern dictionary defines wokeness as “the quality of being alert and concerned about social injustice and discrimination.” Yup. We don’t want to be a part of any country that has anything to do with that. We don’t want Christianity to be mixed up with any of that mumbo jumbo. That’s just crazy talk.

Davy Crockett famously said that everyone else could go to hell and he would go to Texas. Who knew that they might end up being one in the same. Who knew that those of us that might even casually worry about the welfare of their fellow people would be held hostage by a mob of idiots. After all, it’s a lot easier to say you are anti-woke then to say you are against equality and human decency.