Archive for January, 2023

Docs R Us

January 26, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

So TFG may have a corner on the secret and classified documents hoarding market, but both Biden (as a VP) and TFG’s Mike Pence have now discovered inadvertantly retained classified documents in their posessions.

But contrary to TFG’s control of them because he thinks having these docs is “cool”, the two former VP’s seem to be caught in an embarrassed surprise.

Cue the National Archives, who quite expectedly this week issued an APB to all former presidents and vice presidents to check their closets and under their beds for any stray nuclear codes they might have packed along with their memorabilia of office.

The Nixon Library has responded that any and all classified documents that they might have had in the past have all been inadvertantly erased by Rose Mary Woods.

The Only Solution Left

January 24, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Fun With Guns

I write about gun violence on occasion knowing full well that it’s an exercise in futility.  Why?  Easy; our elected representatives, our law enforcement organizations, and now the courts have been overtaken by weirdos and ideologues who have morphed the powers of local, state, and federal government from “law and order” to an alternate reality believing that overturning over 200 years of legal precedent and history and putting guns into the hands of everyone is somehow sane public policy.  We’re 24 days into the new year and have already had 40 mass shootings in the US, killing 74 and wounding 170.  In that same period of time, over 2,800 people have died from guns and over 2,100 have been wounded.  Gun violence has overtaken car accidents and drug overdoses as the leading cause of death in children in America.

There has been an unrelenting effort by the gun lobby to rewrite the Second Amendment from its original intent into a gun-humper’s dream.  The amendment that provided for a citizen army to protect the newly formed government in the late 1700s has been turned onto its head with junk law and fake “studies” to turn the amendment into a Guns for Everyone ideology.  In unwinding 200 years of case law, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito have relied on bullshit and junk law to justify their politically motivated rulings which included gutting Washington, DC and New York gun safety laws.  They’ve relied on a doctrine of  “originalism” which, translated from Bullshit to English, is an excuse to turn everything on its head forcing 21st century technology into an 18th century framework of law.  The Heller case was the death blow to sanity by declaring that an amendment that provided for a citizen army lead by state and local authorities was actually enumerated a person right for any idiot to carry a firearm anywhere he/she damn well pleased.  Using this insanity, even more insane state politicians use the same junk law codified by the SCOTUS to unwind centuries of gun safety laws all over the country.  As Michael Waldman, Director of the Justice Brennan Center at NYU Law, said after the Court struck down the NY gun safety law,

“The ruling Thursday says that all these judges got it wrong. Instead, the majority said, courts must assess gun rules especially focusing solely on ‘history and tradition.’ Don’t look at public safety; search for analogies to past laws from a very different time.”

Waldman has written extensively about the history of the effort to rewrite the Second Amendment.  The gun lobby did it in plain sight, pumping out bullshit and fake studies while at the same time paying Republicans to kill federal funding into gun violence for almost 40 years.  Add that to decades of gutting the ATF and attacking any authority trying to curb gun violence, and the takeover of America by gun nuts is complete.  SCOTUS has already communicated that the gun safety law debate is over and insanity won.  The Congress won’t protect us, the President can’t effectively act alone so he can’t help; red state governments have completely unraveled what gun safety law we had left, and ideologues sue local and state governments who dare try to protect their citizens.  This war is lost.

Until the Court was bought by the multi-billion dollar Federalist Society, we had a chance.  But that was lost with the triple assist from TFG.  The SCOTUS is now a zombie court that has asserted that it has no authority to protect Americans from massive gun violence, radical gerrymandering and unlimited money that has completely corrupted our elections and destroyed democracy from within.  This war is lost so we have two choices – give up and go arm ourselves and join in the chaos and carnage; OR fight back.  Grass roots is all that’s left and the job is massive.

The only solution to this dystopian alternate reality is to get rid of the Second Amendment.  I know that sounds crazy, but we’re already up to our eyeballs in crazy, so we have nothing to lose.  In 2018, Justice John Paul Stevens proposed just this in an op-ed in the NY Times.  He was right then, and remains right today.  Let’s stop niggling over definitions of assault weapons and semi-auto firearms.  The solution is to start – and win –  a new war that takes back the safety of our citizens away from the gun nuts and zealots.  I know that by no means is this going to be easy, but it’s the only solution left.

Oh Dear

January 24, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lookie what was on CNN just now:

You get a classified document, you get a classified document, you get a classified document, everybody gets a classified document!You get a classified document, you get a classified document, you get a classified document, everybody gets a classified document!



You get a classified document, you get a classified document, you get a classified document, everybody gets a classified document!

Have they been to Jimmy Crater’s house yet? Maybe we’ll get lucky and find Hunter Biden’s laptop and Hillary Clinton’s server there.

And you know if Bill Clinton has any, he’s already smoked them.


A Festival of Sadness

January 23, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

On the heels of my New Year’s resolution we come upon a few stories that have circulated over the past month. My response to these stories used to be anger. I would rant and rave about this and that to my friends. I suppose I may do some of that, but the reality is that I am just more sad than anything. There is a feeling of hopelessness that is just overwhelming.

The first story involves the all too familiar. There was yet another mass shooting this weekend involving an AR-15. So, why the sadness? Obviously any senseless and arbitrary loss of life is sad. If you aren’t sad then you are probably angry. If you are neither of those things then your humanity is slowly slipping away.

Of course, that’s not why I am sad. I’m sad because we will go through the cycle of thoughts and prayers, ringing of garments over easy access to guns, the ensuing arguments over what AR stands for in the AR-15 and whether that even matters in the question of whether anyone should own one. We will argue about whether it’s guns or mental health and of course those that argue mental health will offer absolutely zero ideas of what to do about it. Someone else will say we shouldn’t politicize this tragedy and that the time to address these things is some undeterminable time in the future. We will wait several weeks and then there will be another one almost like it.

The second story that brings sadness is the continued arguments over COVID treatment and vaccines. At this point, it is not an argument I want to participate in. Are these vaccines dangerous? Ineffective? Are the over the counter or prescribed treatments effective? These are all important questions and they are questions I don’t have answers for. I’m not a medical doctor.

It is the fact that these things are being debated in political circles at all that is the depressing thing. We have medical experts. There is a learning curve for them just like there is for us in our chosen profession. As they learn more, treatment improves. It is the same cycle for any other disease we have discovered. Politicizing science is just so damned depressing.

Finally, we get to the George Santos/Matt Gaetz/The Former Guy portion of the proceedings. I suppose we can throw in the Bidens just for fun. At this point, this shouldn’t be difficult. If you committed a crime you should go to jail. That includes the Bidens. As we know, there is no proof of a crime on their part, but that’s usually when these things break down. In these other cases we know full well. In some cases there are four or five different jurisdictions standing around and wondering if someone else will relieve them of their burden. They just hope that some court, some prosecuting attorney, or the grim reaper himself will just fix it.

Add these all up and you can hopefully see why the anger and outrage has shifted to depression. Things just seem to be getting worse. Things just seem to be hopeless. The only solution/advice I have is that paying attention only feeds the hopelessness. Maybe it is time to unplug for awhile.

Money, Money, Money

January 20, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Soooooo …  I’m fixin’ to tell you a story that the Republican political contributions conduit, WinRed, screwed over an old woman living on a fixed income and when the family complained, the Federal Elections Commission says, “Hey that’s okay, Buddy, because if God didn’t want ’em sheared, he shouldn’t have made them sheep.”

It starts here.

We are Kimberly Schilling and Peggy Karstens, daughters of Kathryn K. McMartin our almost 80 year old mother. She has been the victim of predatory and criminal including Elder abuse swindle of in total $5,492.99. We demand immediate Full refund/reimbursement off all charges and for any further charges to cease and desist.

Grandma made one small contribution to some Republican and WinRed, which is the Republican version of the Democrat’s ActBlue, decided to keep charging her credit card with other contributions she did not make.

When she made the discovery, she got in touch with WinRed, which appears to be no small feat, and they refunded $1,200.  Nope. She wanted all the money back that they stole. The nerve of her. She took her case to the Federal Election Commission. WinRed responded with this suggested finding:

Based on its experience and expertise, the Commission has established an Enforcement Priority System using formal, pre-determined scoring criteria to allocate agency resources and assess whether particular matters warrant further administrative enforcement proceedings. These criteria include (1) the gravity of the alleged violation, taking into account both the type of activit and the amount in violation; (2) the apparent impact the alleged violation may have had on the electoral process; (3) the complexity of the legal issues raised in the matter; and (4) recent trends in potential violations and other developments in the law. This matter is rated as low priority for  Commission action after application of these pre-established criteria. Given that low rating, and the low dollar amount involved, we recommend that the Commission dismiss the Complaint consistent with the Commission’s prosecutorial discretion …

And the Federal Election Commission agreed 5 – 0, with one commissioner abstaining. It’s not worth the FEC’s time to investigate because there was too little money involved and Granny just isn’t important enough.

Oh Baby, it’s gonna break your heart to hear that it’s okay for politicians to steal from people just so long it’s unimportant people and it’s money they needed to pay the electric bill.  This is not the first time WinRed pulled this trick. WinRed sheared this guy

Now, look, I know it’s hard to feel sorry for people who give money to Republicans. But, let’s be fair about this. They are already the most vulnerable people on God’s green earth and when they freely announce they are easily scammed, it just seems mean to take their dignity along with their money.

But that’s just me talking.


1. Gig The Libs

January 18, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

That’s it. That is the entire Republican platform summarized in one single plank. “Gig The Libs”.

Using this knowledge, I can cite or predict anything that Republicans will do (on days ending in “Y”) that can be a fulfillment of their entire platform.

By way of illustration, let’s take a look at what the Republican folks in Wyoming are doing these days.

The link takes you to the State of Wyoming Legislature website where you can view their latest masterpiece: Senate Joint Resolution 0004.

SJ0004 calls for a total and complete ban on electric vehicles in Wyoming by the year 2035.

Why, you ask? Well, not counting the many repetitions in their eleven “Wherases” there are 4 issues that are identified by the author. But which is it?

Could it be the first/second “Whereas” where the petroleum industry is found to have provided not only good jobs but revenue for the state?

Could it be the “fourth Whereas” where it is claimed that Wyoming has “vast stretches of highway” but very few electric charging stations (outside of a person’s own place of residence, I imagine)?

Could it be the “fifth Whereas” that critical minerals are just too precious to be used for such a mundane purpose as providing electric power for mere transportation?

Or could it be the “tenth Whereas” where electric vehicles are responsible for various unidentified but obviously “deleterious impacts on Wyoming’s communities”?

Or could it be “None Of The Above”, and this resolution is in observance of the 1st (and only) Republican plank on their platform?

As it turns out, here on the Left Coast,  California has just mandated a ban on the sale of all internal combustion engines in, wait for it…2035.

Now how, besides the coincidental years, do we know this is the intent and the entire reason for this legislation? You have to read the resolution right down to the bottom, Section 3 (go back and look, I’ll wait).


In the list of governors to receive a copy of the resolution, besides the Wyoming governor, only California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, is on the cc list.

Oh the humanity.