My Congressman
Every year, Texas Monthly has a Bum Steer contest to see which events in Texas are the worse. As you can guess, it’s highly competitive.
My new congressman (Tom DeLay’s old seat) made the list during his first term.
Troy is … well, think Jim Jordan about a foot shorter and minus the IQ points and speaking ability. Honey, he can strut sitting down.
And, of course, the villain in this horrific violation of his right to leave his office doors unlocked for the whole damn world to nest in there, is Nancy Pelosi. I seriously doubt she could pick him out of a crowd or care enough to learn to spell his name.
By the way, he was named by Kevin McCarthy to be on the January 6th committee. McCarthy then withdrew all the GOP names. Nehls was livid, protesting that the had some “very, very serious deep questions to ask.” I suspect he was told to shuddup and sit down. However, before sliding into oblivion, he said in June of 2022 …
Meanwhile, Nehls also told the Post that the five Republicans originally slated to be on the panel are running a “shadow committee” that will center on “the real true story about what took place” on January 6, with a report to come before the August recess.
And never was another word heard about the shadow committee.