Archive for December, 2022

My Congressman

December 14, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Every year, Texas Monthly has a Bum Steer contest to see which events in Texas are the worse. As you can guess, it’s highly competitive.

My new congressman (Tom DeLay’s old seat) made the list during his first term.



Troy is … well, think Jim Jordan about a foot shorter and minus the IQ points and speaking ability.  Honey, he can strut sitting down.

And, of course, the villain in this horrific violation of his right to leave his office doors unlocked for the whole damn world to nest in there, is Nancy Pelosi. I seriously doubt she could pick him out of a crowd or care enough to learn to spell his name.

By the way, he was named by Kevin McCarthy to be on the January 6th committee.  McCarthy then withdrew all the GOP names. Nehls was livid, protesting that the had some “very, very serious deep questions to ask.” I suspect he was told to shuddup and sit down. However, before sliding into oblivion, he said in June of 2022 …

Meanwhile, Nehls also told the Post that the five Republicans originally slated to be on the panel are running a “shadow committee” that will center on “the real true story about what took place” on January 6, with a report to come before the August recess.

And never was another word heard about the shadow committee.


Latest Passengers on the Crazy Train to 2024

December 12, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election

Cruz, De Santis, Pompeo, Pence, and, of course TFG have all taken their seats on the Crazy Train to 2024.  Two notable new passengers?  Losing candidate for AZ governor, Kari Lake, and party switcher, AZ senator Kyrsten Sinema.  Sinema, you ask?  I don’t think she’s running for president any time soon, but she earned her seat on the Crazy Train by dumping the Dems the day after Raphael Warnock cemented in a solid majority in the Senate by defeating former football star and closeted werewolf, Hershel Walker.

Why did Sinema switch?  That’s pretty easy –  she lied to the Democratic party when she ran in 2018 as a Dem, and then stabbed them in the back, serving as a tool for the Republicans on any number of issues, including filibuster reform which killed a new voting rights bill, improving healthcare, and infrastructure.  She’s the Judas Goat of the Democratic party, doing the bidding of her donors rather than actually helping her constituents.  Her problem, of course, is that her chances of being nominated for re-election are about the same as a Dairy Queen sundae not melting in the Texas August sun.  Early polls for the 2024 primary have her trailing badly behind progressive, Ruben Gallego, and her only chance for re-election in 2024 is avoiding a primary by running as an independent, which is a long shot at best.

Kari Lake’s seat on the Crazy Train, though, is a little more subtle.  Lake, a former Obama supporter, jumped on TFG’s Big Lie campaign in 2020 to run for AZ governor.  She’s been one of the loudest voices about nonexistent voter fraud and earned TFG’s endorsement, which virtually guaranteed her loss.  She indeed did lose against AZ SOS Katie Hobbs by almost 20,000 votes, and she’s now suing, challenging the election result.  Her chances of winning that law suit are about the same as that same DQ sundae, but that really doesn’t matter.  Having lost the AZ race for governor, she’s now running to be TFG’s running mate in 2024.  That’s why she’s in the front car of the Crazy Train and why she’ll lie about her election loss from now until the cows come home to maintain TFG’s support.  I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised if that wasn’t already a done deal.  She’ll end up like all the others, though, reputation destroyed and facing a lifetime of disgrace.  See: Hershel Walker.

The Crazy Train is picking up steam.  With any luck, it will go over the cliff at full steam.

Got Any Ideas?

December 11, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I was, like you, amused to hear that Donald Trump had no idea he was having lunch with at least one Nazi and at least one white nationalist at Mar-A-Lago. Trump said the luncheon was “short and uneventful.”

The luncheon was two hours and at least one of the attendees asked Trump to be his vice presidential running mate, which kinda seems eventful.

But, my sympathies go to TFG.  I mean, seriously, how are you supposed to know when you’re dining with a Nazi or an anti-semitic white nationalist?  I mean, there was no Hitler mustache on anybody so … how ya supposed to know?

So, I’m making a guide for people to use to spot Nazis and such.

For example …

They consider AR15’s just a fashion accessory and therefore a Constitutionally guaranteed style right.

Tiki torches are a dead give away.

They order their meat raw. 

They order one meal and then yell, “Come and Take It!” Last man standing gets to eat. 

Their name rhymes with Wanye Kest.

They demand to see the original meat packaging to insure it’s neither kosher or halal. It has to be road kill or brought down by a semi automatic rifle fire until you have to pick bullets out of what remains.

…. you get the idea.

Ya got suggestions?


Okay, So See, This Is What Bothers Me

December 11, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A customer sent me this screenshot.

So, my question for you to ponder is this:

Do Republicans know how hypocritical, conniving, and mendacious they are but just don’t give a big bear’s butt?

Or, do they have memory problems?  Or, do they think we do? Or, holy crap, I give up.



December 06, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I lost my bet but, damn, just watching Joe Manchin shrink about 3 inches was worth it all.

And Mitch McConnell can kiss my big blue butt.

Just pondering right now. Can we do better than Chuck Schumer?


And There He Stood, Holding Air In His Hands

December 06, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I am so damn proud of these people. McConnell and McCarthy have not earned respect.



McConnell and McCarthy refused to meet with these people until they were backed into a corner and then behaved poorly at the meeting.  Remember these are the two guys who stood by their party even when their party said January 6th was “legitimate political discourse.”