Archive for September, 2022

Appeals Court Shoots the Finger to TFG

September 21, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Traitor, Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals just dropped a 29 page ruling on TFG, siding with the DOJ that classified materials are classified, that TFG had provided zero evidence he’d declassified anything when he infested the Oval Office, and that he had no purpose to possess US government documents.  Key quote:

“[Mr. Trump] has not even attempted to show that he has a need to know the information contained in the classified documents.  Nor has he established that the current administration has waived that requirement for these documents. And even if he had, that, in and of itself, would not explain why plaintiff has an individual interest in the classified documents.”

The ruling went further to say that the Special Master, Judge Dearie, had no need to review any classified documents and ordered the removal of those documents from those he was to review.  This ruling cleared the way for the FBI to continue its criminal investigation into TFG’s hoarding of highly sensitive documents and his obstruction to stop the DOJ from recovering them.

Oh, and two of the three judges on the panel were TFG appointees.

Bad day for TFG, good day for democracy. Boom.

Alex Jones Breaking News

September 20, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Read the full conversation.  This is happening just as Mark predicted.

You know, after the performance of TFG’s lawyers today (more on that later), it’s beginning to look like bad lawyers are going to save democracy.  The damn fools can’t get good lawyers.

TFG Lashes Out At de Santis?

September 19, 2022 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Attention-getting headline aside, what did Ron De Santis do to piss off TFG? He sure pissed off me and a few tens of millions of Americans over his cheap political stunt that (I agree with Juanita Jean) is a dead-ringer for human trafficking. His depravity is all there for the world to see, and for MAGAn GOPers to get the giggles over.

But that’s not what pisses off TFG. What pisses off TFG is that de Santis is stealing his schtick. After all, according to TFG, de Santis stole his idea to pack 50 Venezuelans off to Martha’s Vineyard. That was HIS idea!

Only TFG is allowed to commit felony, it seems.

And not only that, de Santis is being given applause, praise and (most importantly) the credit for this felonious act by the GQP. Only TFG can commit felonies in full view.

Next thing you know, de Santis will claim credit for TFG’s recipe for a well-done steak smothered in ketchup.

The nerve.

Won’t Wait Till Next Friday Toon And More

September 19, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Okay, so this was in the news:

Vice President Kamala Harris accused Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) of “dereliction of duty” over their recent transports of migrants to Democratic-led cities.

“I think it is the height of irresponsibility … frankly, a dereliction of duty, when you are an elected leader, to play those kinds of games with human life and human beings,” Harris said in an interview with Vice News. “If you think there is a problem, be part of the solution.”

I had to read that a couple of times. Dereliction of duty? That’s what she thinks it is?

Now, I’m not going to make any friends saying this, but what the damn hell?

This, Madam Vice President, is human trafficking.

This is a full frontal assault on human decency, the Virgin Mary, the Boy Scout Code, the Ideals of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the Binglewood Homeowners Association, and every damn thing your mother taught you.

Duty is about eighteen rungs above these guys on the ladder of self actualization.

This is like saying that because these immigrants were not fed on their 16 hour journey, Abbott and DeSantis broke southern hospitality customs.

This is human trafficking. Say it.

Damn, I am tired of being being wimpy.


Here’s How to Stop Abbott and DeSantis

September 16, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2022 Election, Abbott, Immigration, Trump, Trumpists

Abbott and DeSantis are cynically doing election year stunts to keep their base whipped up to drive them to the polls in November.  Abbott bussing families to DC and New York, and DeSantis flying them to Martha’s Vineyard violate more than a few state and federal laws against human trafficking, crossing state lines with undocumented immigrants, misappropriation of taxpayer funds, and  others.  Clearly, both governor’s believe they are above the law (like TFG) and are thumbing their noses at immigration and law enforcement agencies.

I say, fine.  Don’t go after the governors’ lawbreaking (yet), but cut off access to the services they’re using to illegally dump immigrants around the country.  Let’s use the same tactics that anti-choice politicians use…get some our own pawns to use.  Go after those who are enabling this unprecedented cruelty, the drivers and owners of the buses and the pilots and owners of the aircraft being used.  They KNOW they’re transporting undocumented immigrants (or should know), so federal authorities should go after them and indict them for trafficking.  Pilots convicted of crimes lose their licenses.  Drivers may not lose their license but will certainly lose their jobs.  Both will certainly face jail time.  If we do that, no bus company or air charter company will touch this business.  Problem solved, at least until the governors get prosecuted.

The only way to fight fire is with fire.  The hallmark of TFGist Republicans is cruelty and dickishness.  The only way to stop them is to cut off their resources and make them pay personally.

Going Lower Than Low

September 15, 2022 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized

This morning’s news is disgusting on so many levels. Using people as political pawns. Flying them to a tiny island far from urban centers where more facilities and help are available. Using FL taxpayers’ dollars to pull the stunt. And you know a flight to Martha’s Vineyard isn’t cheap! Your constituents in FL must be so proud, Gov. DeSantis. Aren’t you something! BTW you obviously haven’t been to Massachusetts, where there are plenty of hard-working immigrants. Kudos to MV for doing their best to help these poor souls. I hate starting my morning angry. I haven’t even finished my first cup of coffee out here on the left coast. It will be a cold day in h-e-double hockey sticks before I ever set foot in FL again.