Take Two
I’ve always had a pessimistic view of the world. Hence my handle, Half Empty. It’s also the name of a political blog that I wrote while I was based in Texas a few years back. A few of Juanita Jean’s readers might even remember it. Anyway, she decided to increase her stable of contributors at the beauty salon, and I thought I’d help out. Heck, I can at least sweep the place out from time to time.
Living out here on the Left Coast, gives me an opportunity to share blue state news to warm the cockles of lefty hearts. Ironic, isn’t it? I was always one to expect the worst. And the news out here isn’t all that good either, but it beats the H-E-double hockey sticks out of what is news in a still red state in the deep red South.
So as The Former Guy said to a completely different audience, stand back and stand by. See you in a few.