Archive for June, 2022

Best Guess

June 27, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, who is the surprise witness tomorrow and what recently uncovered information does he or she have?

Thelma thinks it’s Ginny Thomas.  I don’t.  I’m wondering if it has something to do with John Eastman.  It’s gotta be somebody they are afraid will change their mind if they wait two weeks for the next hearing.

My source – Gossip & Hearsay, LLP  – is Herschel Walker and he’s going to reveal the 2 additional states no one knows about.

What’s your guess?


Mind the Gap

June 27, 2022 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

We went on a family vacation to San Francisco. It used to be that you could go away and leave your troubles behind. With connectivity, all of our troubles seem to follow us everywhere. In the span of a week we saw two landmark Supreme Court cases hit the news.

Everything old is new again. It would be wrong for me to suggest the court is reaching new ground here. In a way it is, but for the most part we have been here before. Brown vs. Board of Education created new law back in 1954. It also likely went against what the majority of the population felt at the time. We had no public opinion polling back then, so that is merely a guess, but I feel like it is a good guess.

The court is there to interpret the constitution and not to bend to the whims of a fickle majority. I think we can agree with that much. However, it is fair to question whether following legal precedent matters and conservatives have long maintained a disdain for activist judges. The court (by vote of 6-3 both times) just actively created new law on both counts. They created two radically different interpretations of the constitution on both counts.

There is also no denying what they are after. Clarence Thomas mentioned gay marriage in his majority opinion and we know our very own John Cornyn mentioned Brown vs. Board of Education. It doesn’t take much of a stretch to include interracial marriages as well. We are literally going back a century on human rights.

In an odd way, the backdrop of San Francisco is kind of telling here. You have never seen a town more into Pride Month than San Francisco. You couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting a pride flag. Stores had pride messages painted on their windows. Different companies offered pride products. It was the most inclusive, welcoming environment I had ever seen. How does all of this happen in the same country?

It happens because a minority of citizens have managed to control government and the courts. The GOP has effectively won a majority in a presidential election once since 1988. Many of their politicians have suggested that we live in a center-right country right now. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that based on national voting records or public opinion polling. None.

What there is evidence of is plenty of gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics that have kept progressivism at bay. This is where things get dicey. It is fair for people to look at Democrats in general and liberals and progressives specifically and claim they have failed. They didn’t codify abortion into law. They have been ineffective at stopping gerrymandering and have allowed the courts to be dominated by conservatives. There is no denying that.

The question is what happens now. We can go down two roads. One road would be for enough voters to punish Democrats either by staying home or voting for third party candidates. That way, you’d insure a Republican victory. The second road is to recognize the threat and where it is coming from. There you would overwhelm the GOP with a blue wave and then slowly rebuild what they have broken.

There are some that think the first road is tempting. After all, maybe if things get really bad then systemic change will be easier to obtain. That thinking has two problems. First, you are hurting millions along the way and secondly you are assuming there will be a democracy left to get back. Clearly, the GOP doesn’t care what the majority wants. They never have. Your only real bet is to block them from tearing this thing down any further.

It’s Crenshaw Again

June 27, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Republicans wear Dan Crenshaw around their necks like an Olympic Medal.  They are so proud of him. His memoir and social critique, “Fortitude: American Resilience in the Era of Outrage,” soared to the top of the bestseller lists when it was published last year. The book, which he didn’t write but probably did read, was sexy and brutal enough that they all promptly spit shined their dancin’ shoes and did The Dan. They were celebrating that Dan could add Best Selling Author to his Former Navy Seal bragathon.

Come to find out, Crenshaw and his publisher, Hachette Book Group, got a little help from the Texas Republican’s friends.

The National Republican Congressional Committee, which works to elect GOP candidates to Congress, spent nearly $400,000 on bulk purchases of the book. The organization acquired 25,500 copies through two online booksellers, enough to fuel “Fortitude’s” ascent up the bestseller lists. The NRCC said it gave away copies as incentives to donors, raising $1.5 million in the process.

Crenshaw just disclosed that he received between $100,000 and $1,000,000 in royalties from sales of Fortitude in 2021.

And then last month the NRCC spent another $49,000 on books for “donor mementos” last month.


He gets by with a little help from his friends.

And here’s something cool. If Crenshaw’s book is tl/dr there’s a Reader’s Digest version. Crenshaw Cliff Notes for Republicans.  It’s 31 pages long, with lots of white space.


Oh No, It’s a Trend

June 26, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, coupled with the John Cornyn letter below, we know who they are going after next.  Get a load of Illinois Republican Congresswitch Mary Miller serving up a big ole mug of Trump plans.


Now she’s trying to say that what she meant to say was “right to life.”  Nope.  That just slid off her tongue way too easily.  If she didn’t mean to say it in public, you know she’s said it in private many times before.  She got the memo, y’all.


Dear Senator John Cornyn

June 26, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dear Senator Cornyn,

I regret to inform you that some racist degenerate hacked your Twitter account and made you look like a damn fool.  You need to change your password and your thinking mechanism.

Love and fried okra,
Juanita Jean



June 24, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I do not even know what to say.  A cult leader and a rotting corpse of a senate leader allowed the Supreme Court to overturn law that gave women autonomy over their own bodies.

Women will die because of this.  Children will be born just for Republicans to starve them.

You will be overwhelmed with requests for money today to fight this.  Please, please be careful. Do not donate to scam PACs or Action Committees with less action than fundraising.  Hold on to your dollars until we know where money is truly needed.

And, they are not finished.

Justice Thomas calls on SCOUS to overrule Griswold (right to contraception); Lawrence (invalidating anti-sodomy laws); Obergefell (marriage equality)


Texas Attorney General, Trump buttkisser, and indicted felon Ken Paxton is so excited!