Archive for January, 2022

Weekend Reading

January 07, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, you know how Alex Jones begs for money on his radio show?  Maybe you don’t because you, like me, don’t listen. But, there are people who get paid to listen and then talk about it.

Huffington Post, of all places, found some information that caused me to gasp. Me. I mean, you gotta jump over some alligator pits surrounded by fire to make me gasp because I thought I had pretty much seen it all.

Nope. I had not.

Despite his pleas for money, Infowars’ store ― where Jones sells an amalgamation of dietary supplements and survival gear ― made $165 million in sales from September 2015 to the end of 2018, according to court filings related to a lawsuit Jones recently lost over his lies about the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre.

That means this guy, who made his name off Sandy Hook, brought in $165 million off the horrific death of children and teachers.

God only knows how much he’s made once he got popular.  I would imagine he’s bringing in that much yearly now.

And you can see from 2015 – 2018  for yourself right here.

It appears there’s a lot of money to be made as a mucky creepy sumbitch.


Information Silos

January 06, 2022 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

These days usually creep up on all of us and that is no less true for days where we disagree on the meaning. Last year, a bunch of MAGAs decided to invade the capitol in hopes of derailing the certification of the 2020 election. These are the facts and yet a number of people still want to dispute them. Millions of people are trapped in what we might call an information silo.

If you have lived in Texas for any length of time you have seen a silo. My mother’s hometown had those outside the city limits. Of course, we could scarcely call her hometown a city. There were only about 5000 residents. In this case, the silos were responsible for holding and sifting through rice. Unless you really know what you’re doing, you should never go inside a silo. The impending result could be disastrous.

It’s in this backdrop that we address the news that the House January 6th committee wants to hear from Sean Hannity. The Fox “News” night time host apparently was involved in text messaging with Mark Meadows prior to, during, and after the events of January 6th. We already know he’s involved. The question is how much more involved was he than what we already know through the text messaging.

Since 2007, 80 people have died in silos around the country. Usually they are teenage boys that should know better but don’t. The process is downright frightening. When you are inside you can suddenly be engulfed with whatever the silo is sifting through. It’s quick and deadly. You can’t just be pulled out. It usually requires heavy machinery and in some cases they can’t get to you in time.

The term “information silo” is particularly apt in this case. Sources like Fox News and talk radio have been broadcasting for over 30 years. If you get inundated with enough bile, it is impossible to simply extricate yourself or someone you know from that life. We can trace these information silos back to the eradication of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987.

Hannity has become the newest symbol for this, but he might not even be the most guilty party. However, the notion of a media member participating in an insurrection is downright frightening. Yet, the relationship between Fox and their hosts is fascinating to say the least. Hannity is represented, but he isn’t represented by any attorneys working for Fox. He is being represented by one of Donald Trump’s former attorneys. It brings to mind that whole notion about two masters and what not.

So, Fox both promotes Hannity (along with Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham) and then distances themselves from him at the same time. They do the same with the others as well (particularly Carlson). It’s almost as if they know how dangerous the silo has become. When the monster becomes self-aware we have broken through the fourth wall. When you consider just the amount of malarkey that Fox spews it is easy to see how 25 percent of the public can think the events of last January 6th were just another day in paradise. Watch enough Fox News and you can find yourself trapped in an alternative reality. It really is just like a silo.

January 6. Call it for What it is.

January 05, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2022 Election, 2024 Election, Fascism, The Big Lie, Trump

Tomorrow is the 1st anniversary of the attack on the US Capitol by Trump supporters, but just commemorating that violent event is not enough and doesn’t address the real problem today in America.  The problem is much deeper than a couple thousand dumbasses brainwashed by a carnival barker and career liar.  Our system of government is now under constant threat.  That threat comes from what was once a national party that has morphed into a fascist regime which is striving for permanent power in defiance of the will of Americans.  THAT is the problem.

This has been coming for decades, fueled by increasingly radical media that is unconstrained by any regulation, especially the Fairness Doctrine that Reagan destroyed at the behest of Rupert Murdoch who was also provided fast track US citizenship and allowed to monopolize US media by a compliant FCC, also under Reagan.  That started the drain of fair journalism, and the rest is history.  Murdoch’s empire has rotted American democracy from the inside, moving from ranting about taxes at their historic lows to Bill O’Reilly’s idiotic “War on Christmas” trope to lying about everything not Right Wing Nut Job.  Murdoch offered up Fox as the official press office for TFG during his infestation of the Oval office, and still amplifies his lies ’round the clock.  The entire goal was to piss off one demographic, and that has succeeded.

We now live in a society where civil discourse and fact based policy decisions no longer exist.  Politics is now more than blood sport – it has become a death cult, from the radical gun culture that has successfully injected armed thugs into the political arena to losing candidates who will NEVER concede defeat, no matter how obvious that candidate’s loss is.  I recall 2008 when Al Franken beat incumbent Norm Coleman by 312 votes.  The votes were counted and counted and counted, and Franken’s win was close, but certain.  Coleman never conceded, fighting in court for 8 months until a 3 judge panel declared Franken the winner.  Since then, virtually no Republican has conceded defeat.  Every election is a battle to the death, and concession speeches from GOP candidates are almost non existent.  Trump has now normalized that behavior by lying and lying and lying and lying.  The Big Lie has now been embedded into the DNA of Republicans, and all over the country they are taking election administration out of the hands of non-partisans and putting it into the hands of radical partisans, even legislating overruling free and fair elections if they don’t like the results.

The real tragedy is that now both sides of the political spectrum have no confidence in the system.  Over 80% of Republicans have lost confidence because they believe The Big Lie and that the system is full of fraud.  Over 80% of Democrats have lost confidence because over 80% of Republicans believe The Big Lie and are trying to rig the system in their own favor.

All of this adds up to every election now being contested to the death especially if the Republican candidate loses.  Armed goofballs will show up at polls, counting locations, city halls, county seats, state capitols, and, yes, even the US Capitol if the election goes against their candidate.  Though TFG is the heartbeat of this massive delusion, it has now grown beyond his own cult of personality.  Oh, sure, every right winger will run to Mara Lago to kiss the ring, but The Big Lie is so engrained that it has taken on a life of its own.  People who were reasonable folks 10 years ago are now ranting maniacs spouting bullshit and even QAnon conspiracy theories.  All reason and critical thinking has all but vanished.

My greatest fear is that this won’t end well, and not until violence and fascism touches most Americans will people wake up and demand accountability from elected leaders.  Add the metastasized cancer that is TFG to the political mix, and the patient could easily die. That is the risk that we really face.

Things I Just Don’t Understand

January 05, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s One —


Okay, so who created the scientists and the chemicals and the education and the fingers and the knowledge?

And when you get through answering that, tell me who created Covid?

You can’t have your communion wafer and eat it, too.

You know, check the stats on how herd immunity is working vs. the vaccine. And then let God speak for her herself.


Donald Who?

January 05, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, he ain’t dead but he is flopping around on the floor.

It seems that Trump’s friends talked him out of a press conference tomorrow.

Awwwww, too bad so sad he can’t draw a crowd anymore.

I think there’s more involved. I think his minions know he’s nuts.  New text messages uncovered:  This was written on January 10th by Sean Hannity.

“Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days,” Hannity wrote to then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). “He can’t mention the election again. He can’t mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I’m not sure what is left to do or say, and I don’t like not knowing if it’s truly understood. Ideas?”

Land the plane?  On January 19? Maybe, just maybe, he meant the inauguration and getting Trump  out of town because not having “a good call” with a crazy man who you’re not sure understands you can’t be a nice place to be.

And, Darlin’, when you’re asking Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan for help with a psychotic, you just bought a ticket to a goat rodeo.


He’s Running His Mouth To Cancun This Time.

January 04, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thelma said that Ted Cruz is testing the Jesus in her.  I get it, I really do.

Ted has his own podcast now.  I can’t listen to it under strict orders from a pretty good cardiologist, but I am told that his latest babble is that ..

Sen. Ted Cruz said that a Republican-led House after the 2022 elections likely will consider impeaching President Biden on “multiple grounds.”

In the latest episode of his podcast “Verdict with Ted Cruz,” the Texas Republican said he was extremely confident that his party will win Congressional majorities and that this would open the door for retaliation against the Democrats for impeaching then-President Donald Trump.

His theory is that Republicans don’t need a reason to impeach Biden because Democrats didn’t have a reason to impeach Trump. They are going to do it just for retaliation.

Remember how they spent eight years suing Obama?  And none of it worked?

Look, I know we’ve got Joe Manchin, but they’ve got two ultra rightwing drama queens fixin’ to bitch slap each other.  Dan Crenshaw and Majorie Taylor Greene are baring their teeth, Honey.  I mean, when even your subgroups are infighting, you’ve got some repair work to do.

Meanwhile, Ted’s out there leading a one man parade. It’s gonna take some pom-poms and glitter for him to get noticed and that’s what this impeachment stuff is.