Things I Just Don’t Understand

January 05, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s One —


Okay, so who created the scientists and the chemicals and the education and the fingers and the knowledge?

And when you get through answering that, tell me who created Covid?

You can’t have your communion wafer and eat it, too.

You know, check the stats on how herd immunity is working vs. the vaccine. And then let God speak for her herself.


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0 Comments to “Things I Just Don’t Understand”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    I just picture the GOP drawing straws to see who gets to say the stupid thing today. Johnson’s just lucky he doesn’t have to come up with something for January 6th!

  2. thatotherjean says:

    Yeeaah, Ron. And God (if there should be a god) gave us brains to figure out things, including how to prevent/cure diseases. Vaccines are the result of the brains God gave us. Or evolution gave us. Either way, they’re here to use (except maybe yours, which seems to be gathering dust on a shelf somewhere).

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Oh yeah. Ask the generation who first received polio vaccinations how they feel, Ron. As one who had both measles and chicken pox in the extreme, you can believe our boys are vaccinated. And, yes, when covid vaccinations become available to the under 5 age group, they will be vaccinated for that, too. The risks of lifelong health issues from covid vs. maybe a few mild symptoms from the shot that will pass in a day? Lordy, RoHo seems to be the dumbest Senator evuh, then the other QOP clowns speak. Poor Louie will once again have to up his game to contend for the dumbest person in Congress ‘award.’

  4. Has anyone mentioned to this idiot that to get “natural immunity” you first have to get and survive the disease?

  5. Unless Ron Johnson is a Christian Scientist, I would guess his HIPAA hides a fair amount of medical care that involves people other than God.

    “Pay no attention to the doctors, nurses, pharmacists behind the curtain!”

  6. I must ask- is it hard work to say things that dumb, or can anyone enter the contest? On the dumb scale, is the highest possible score the winner, or the lowest negative score?
    I do think it would sound more authentic if spoken in the cornpone accent of the Louisiana Kennedy, the redneck Oxford scholar fake.

  7. slipstream says:

    Never met the dufus, but I am willing to bet twenty bucks that:

    God didn’t give him wings, but he flies on airplanes.

  8. AlanInAustin ... says:

    “Why do we assume that our natural immune system isn’t the marvel that it actually is? Why do we think that we can create something better than God in terms of combating disease?”
    — Senate Republican and COVIDiot Ron Johnson

    One wonders why he wears clothes given the natural marvel that skin is. Ditto for shoes, hair dye, and optical aids.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    If god exists, magats wouldn’t. They’d all have been smited with their own jawbones for being un-godly like and then lying about it.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Who needs a god when you have Dana Perino’s superfluous wisdumb….

  11. Katherine says:

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  12. Russian Ron was pushed into politics by his family so his incompetence wouldn’t harm the family business.

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    A recent related xkcd cartoon:

    And the mouse-over brings up the text “This plan may sound appealing to people who know a little about the immune system, but the drawbacks are clear to people who know a lot about the immune system and also to people who don’t know anything about it.”

  14. Sandridge says:

    Peon @4, Long ago at the beginning of this COVID19 pandemic, the same whackjobs were making the same ‘herd immunity’ ravings; even before the vaccines were available.

    I did some rudimentary calculations [and wrote them out] and figured that achieving a minimal ‘herd immunity’ in the US [alone], at a mortality rate of around 2%, would require the deaths of about SEVEN MILLION PEOPLE *, fellow ‘Mericans. Then you’d have to consider at least that number or more as having long term aftereffects, some ultimately dying.

    Now extrapolate those numbers out to the entire world, of course you’ll need to bump the death rate up to perhaps 5% or more.
    So, 7 billion earthlings, 5% mortality rate, equals around 350 million dead! To start.

    Now factor in additional breakthrough losses, and potentially more lethal, –unending–, variants and see where it goes.

    These anti-vaxxers and the rest are certifiably lunatics.

    * Keep in mind that the US’ combat deaths in ALL wars and military actions is less than ONE million.

  15. Considering that (God) is an imaginary being ………….

  16. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Ron Johnson isn’t talking to us. He’s talking to the people who think Kyle Rittenhouse is An Hero. They vote for him.
