Space Adventures
Written by Nick Carraway —
“The first several days of the Biden administration has seen a number of Trump era policies go down in flames. The furious pace of executive orders has obviously been necessary and a number of things will have to go on the back burner for now. One of those is space exploration.
Ms. Carraway works in the space industry. I took a few college courses in science, so my explanation of what she does would be crude at best. She also doesn’t like blabbing her business in public as NASA is officially a defense department initiative. Suffice it to say, she is one of the many people that supports the astronauts on the Space station..
That brings us to the whole idea of Space Force. The notion seemed hilarious at first and the Steve Carrell Netfiix series certainly doesn’t help. Weaponizing space is just stupid. Yet, when you create a bureaucracy it is incredibly difficult to uncreate it. So, if you keep it around then what does it do exactly?
The other great question is what NASA and the space exploration industry will put their energy behind. We have heard about landing on the moon again, landing on an asteroid, and landing on Mars. This is one area where our last several presidents have failed. There has been no cohesive vision for space. I firmly believe if you give them a common goal and the means to obtain they can accomplish anything. If you give them no direction they will accomplish nothing.”