Archive for January, 2021

Space Adventures

January 25, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Written by Nick Carraway —


“The first several days of the Biden administration has seen a number of Trump era policies go down in flames. The furious pace of executive orders has obviously been necessary and a number of things will have to go on the back burner for now. One of those is space exploration.

Ms. Carraway works in the space industry. I took a few college courses in science, so my explanation of what she does would be crude at best. She also doesn’t like blabbing her business in public as NASA is officially a defense department initiative. Suffice it to say, she is one of the many people that supports the astronauts on the Space station..

That brings us to the whole idea of Space Force. The notion seemed hilarious at first and the Steve Carrell Netfiix series certainly doesn’t help. Weaponizing space is just stupid. Yet, when you create a bureaucracy it is incredibly difficult to uncreate it. So, if you keep it around then what does it do exactly?

The other great question is what NASA and the space exploration industry will put their energy behind. We have heard about landing on the moon again, landing on an asteroid, and landing on Mars. This is one area where our last several presidents have failed. There has been no cohesive vision for space. I firmly believe if you give them a common goal and the means to obtain they can accomplish anything. If you give them no direction they will accomplish nothing.”


I Want To Prepare You, Just In Case

January 25, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m trying my best not to talk about you know who. His name makes my stomach churn. But, sometimes you can’t help it, especially if you have friends who might be caught off-guard and hear this while driving down the road, threading a sewing machine, or in the middle of jump starting a nuclear submarine.

So far, the former president has floated the creation of a third-party movement that would enable him to support MAGA-friendly candidates in the 2022 midterms and beyond. He is also interested in becoming “the nation’s leader on ballot and voting integrity,” his senior adviser Jason Miller said on a podcast last Thursday.

Yeah, I warned you. The nation’s leader on ballot and voting integrity. Honey, you can’t even square dance and think about that at the same time, much less make a sandwich.

However, this does bring up an interesting topic.

Dominion Voting Systems filed a defamation lawsuit this morning against Rudy Giuliani.

Dominion accuses Giuliani of promulgating the “Big Lie” that Dominion had tampered with votes to fix the election for Biden, in order to “financially enrich himself, to maintain and enhance his public profile, and to ingratiate himself to Donald Trump for money and benefits he expected to receive as a result of that association.”

This is a great idea, and it’s not because lawyering puts food on my table and pays the rent. You can’t stop Rudy’s free speech but you can make him responsible for it. If he has proof of Dominion’s comlicity and can show that malice wasn’t involved and that he was just doing this for good government, he has nothing to fear. Dominion, on the other hand, must be damn certain that their machines are trustworthy or they wouldn’t be filing all these lawsuits.  They, too, are liable if they are just filing them to be pesky.

You’d think that if what’s-his-name and Rudy believed that Dominion screwed them out of an election, they’d be suing Dominion, not just yakking about it. But, hummmm …. they sued Rudy for $1.3 Billion. Yeah, with a B.

I can just see the Trump Voting System – please come vote on these genuine 1 Karat gold Trump voting machines, where you vote counts twice as much if you vote Trump.


Roberts Ran Out the Clock on Emoluments

January 25, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Emoluments Clause, Trump

SCOTUS just tossed two lawsuits against Trump for using his presidential office to enrich himself.  He had lost in the lower courts, so appealed to the SCOTUS.  The cases essentially asserted (correctly) that companies and foreign governments who wanted something from the US government would patronize the Trump Hotel or one of his resorts to get favorable treatment.  Trump was well known for doing favors for people who filled his pockets with money.  Having lost in lower courts, Trump appealed to the SCOTUS last summer.  Roberts ran out the clock and tossed the lawsuits today.  The reason?  Trump is no longer president, so the case is moot.  That’s like saying, “Yes, Mr. Smith did, in fact, murder Mr. Jones over a business dispute.  But since Mr. Smith is now retired, and the business is closed, the case no longer applies.”  Sorry Ms. Jones.

Trump Wreckage

January 25, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There was an interesting article today about how those aides who stuck with Trump to the end are facing a very bleak future, most of them not even able to find jobs.

Not so Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Former Trump White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is expected to launch her campaign for Arkansas governor on Monday, according to three people familiar with her plans.

Sanders has long been planning to run for governor, and Donald Trump signaled his support for her anticipated bid upon her 2019 departure from the White House.

She brings grim to new heights and that is just what Arkansas needs.

She left the White House before it got itchy crazy, but naming her America’s Best Liar will only help her get elected in Arkansas.

My Arkansas Dippity-Do supplier tells me that the only person who could beat her is Bill Clinton, but only if he leaves Hillary in New York and gets off that weird vegetarian diet.


With Trump Gone, We’re Back to Normal: Fake Dem Scandals

January 23, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Biden

You remember all those scandals under Obama, right?  You know the ones – Obama’s tan suit scandal, Michelle’s bare armed dress scandal, Obama’s “Religion and Guns” scandal.  Those “scandals” occupied weeks and hundreds of hours of air time in RW media, breathlessly reporting on how so many Bible thumping “Christians” we aghast at how the Obamas could be so tone deaf and insensitive to them and white supremacists.  During the Rein of Trump, all those outrages were explained away when Trump (an actual criminal) did everything from extorting a foreign government to leading an insurrection to take down the federal government.  Now that he’s off to Mar a Lago, the outrage switch has been turned back on.  Here are this week’s “scandals” caused by the Biden presidency:

  1. The “Chinese handler” scandal:  Rumors began circulating on Twitter and RW media on inauguration day when talk started about an Asian man who was everywhere Biden went, telling him what to do at every step.  He was immediately dubbed the “Chinese handler” with all kinds of talk about how Biden was being controlled by “Communist China”.  Turns out that this Asian man was not Chinese at all, but of Korean descent, and the head of the Secret Service presidential detail on Inauguration day.  His name is David Cho, and, funny enough, he received the Department of Homeland Security’s exceptional service gold medal. The award was given to him “for tireless and direct participation in high-level negotiations” during the second summit between former President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Vietnam.  What a scandal.
  2. The Rolex watch scandal: The NYTimes pointed out that, rather than a Timex or other cheap watch, Biden dared to break presidential tradition and wear a Rolex.  Gasp.  #bidenrolex and #bidenwrist starting appearing on Twitter and other social media, shocked that Biden would wear such an elite watch.  Never mind that Eisenhower, Kennedy, LBJ, Reagan, and latter day Obama also wore Rolex watches.
  3. The Biden wears an earpiece scandal returns:  On Inauguration day the stupidest rumor mongering returned on Twitter, claiming that, because he’s in rapid mental decline, he must wear an earpiece where a handler instructs him how to behave.  There was some video floating around social media where Biden is walking through a door at the Capitol with Dr. Jill when, spotting Marines at the door says off-handedly to her, “Those are good looking Marines”.  That was immediately picked up by the Q-types who interpreted that he said, “Salute the Marines”.  When he didn’t salute, they immediately concluded that he just repeated the instructions in his earpiece but didn’t actually do it, obviously because of his mental decline.  Stupid, right?  Again, Twitter and other social media blew up to the point that the Washington Post Fact Checker debunked it and gave it 4 Pinocchios.

This is only the beginning.  As the Q types have now figured out that Trump actually did play them for chumps, rather than disowning RW bullshit, they have just shifted back to old, pre-Trump bullshit.  If it’s anti-Dem, they just assume it must be right.  And here we go again, round and round to nowhere.

Eat Up with Stupid

January 23, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Insurrection, Trump

I burst out laughing at this one, and thought you might enjoy it, too.  Bryan Betancur, a self professed white supremacist and member of the Proud Boys, was arrested by the FBI for his role in the attack on the US Capitol on January 6th.   That’s not news, since a lot of white supremacists have been arrested for their role in the attack where 5 people died and scores injured.  The news is how Betancur was tracked down…he was wearing an ankle monitor stemming from a conviction for burglary.  That’s right folks, this genius participated in insurrection against the federal government while on probation for a felony conviction.  Sheesh.

It gets even better – he’s from Silver Spring Maryland and lied to his probation officer that he was going to DC to…wait for it…pass out Gideon Bibles.  He’s been tracked to the Trump rally at the Ellipse just south of the White House to the Capitol with the rest of the criminals.  He’s now in FBI custody for not only his role in the attack, but also for violating his probation by lying to his probation officer and his continued participation in several white supremacist organizations.

White supremacists, like gun-nuts, are generally not known for their intelligence, but this guy takes the cake.  If stupidity was a violin, this guy would be the Stradivarius of stupidity.