Archive for December, 2020

Clean Out Time

December 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When Trump was first elected, I predicted, “he’s gonna get us all killed.”

He’s been unsuccessful at that so far, but bygawd, you gotta give him credit for trying. And it’s not just Covid.  Oh no, there’s more.

The Justice Department created a new rule that would allow methods – including firing squads and electrocution – “comes as the administration rushes to execute five more prisoners before President Trump’s term ends.”

“Last week, the Justice Department announced that it plans to execute three more inmates on federal death row. If the administration does so, along with two other executions already scheduled, it will have put 13 prisoners to death since July, marking one of the deadliest periods in the history of federal capital punishment since at least 1927.”

Now, I’m just speculating here, but maybe, no probably, Trump wants to make sure there are federal accommodations available for him and his family … and his administration.

Thanks to Star for the heads up.

In Like Flynn

December 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last summer in June, Bill Barr asked Judge Emmet G. Sullivan to dismiss the case against Michael Flynn.  It was so outrageous that 2,300 current and former members of the Justice Department expressed anger and disapprove of Barr’s request. So, instead, Judge Sullivan hired a special prosecutor for the case.

That brings us to today.

The Justice Department, ironically named in this damn mess – has filed a motion yesterday in Judge Sullivan’s court to dismiss the case against Flynn because he got  pardon.

It was the first time the public has seen the entire pardon.

In a three-page filing accompanying the pardon, the Justice Department emphasized to Judge Sullivan that the language covered “any possible future perjury or contempt charge in connection with General Flynn’s sworn statements and any other possible future charge” that the judge or Mr. Gleeson “has suggested might somehow keep this criminal case alive over the government’s objection.”

Michael Flynn committed an unspeakable act against the United States of America.  And then he lied about it to the FBI.

At the very least the prosecutors files, the same ones seen by Judge Sullivan, should be opened to the pubic for  us to decided exactly what Flynn did. I fear that it’s worse than we know.

And yes, this does mean that if called to testify against any member of Trump’s administration or Trump himself, Flynn cannot plead the Fifth.  However, given his record on telling the truth, I doubt his testimony will carry much weight.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.