Archive for December, 2020

Somebody Introduce Her To Louie Gohmert!

December 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Honey, this is gonna be a match made in heaven.

Newly elected congresswoman Lauren Boebart from Colorado tweeted while watching the electors vote in Colorado and then later took it down. Thankfully, someone got a screenshot.



She saw the Democratic electors voting and was shocked, shocked I tell you, that Republicans weren’t getting to vote.  It’s totalitarianism, I tell you!

Well, at least now we know she didn’t get her degree from the Electoral College.

Louie has met his match!



But, Y’all, He’s Kinda Slow

December 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Moscow Mitch finally admits that Joe Biden won this election so many time that he can be president for the next twenty years or so.

“The electoral college has spoken. So today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden,” McConnell said in remarks on the Senate floor.

So, generally Trump would have fired him on the spot, but Mitch did some bigly butt kissing.

McConnell said Trump had “shored up our footing on the world stage” and had reshaped the federal judiciary, including his three Supreme Court picks.

“It would take far more than one speech to catalogue all the major accomplishments of this administration,” McConnell said, adding that Trump and Vice President Pence “deserve our thanks and our gratitude for their tireless work.”

No, you could do it in one speech but two hours of that speech would be the things he screwed up. And another hour recounting all the whining. And you can’t discount all the self congratulatory statements and the time spent on the golf course.  And we can thank Trump for not getting us all killed because he sure gave it his damnest.

Please, we gotta win Georgia and say bye-bye to Mitch.


Dan Crenshaw

December 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Retired 4-star General and 11th Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Tony Thomas is not near as impressed with Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw as Dan is with himself. Thomas called the ad “embarrassing”

Dan, a former Navy Seal, cut an ad for the Georgia senate race.  You have to see it to believe it.  In the ad, he specifically target AOC and Kamala Harris.



Crenshaw defended the ad yesterday afternoon, proudly proclaiming the ad raised $100,000 in donations, which, I suppose, is about what it cost to make it.

Dan Crewshaw – the only man I know who can strut sitting down.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.


Best Guesses

December 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Why December 23rd?  Why is Barr waiting until December 23rd to leave or for Trump to kick him out?  It’s a Wednesday, the day before Christmas Eve.  The only thing I can think of is that it is two days after a rare planetary alignment. I just don’t think that either Trump or Barr are that into Astrology.

And a little research said it’s Festivus.  And Ken Paxton’s birthday, so maybe that’s Ken’s reward for the goofy appeal to the Supreme Court.

I’m pretty sure that Barr didn’t write that departing letter.

And what could it be that Trump wants to do that even Barr doesn’t want to be part of.  Creepy stuff.


It’s True

December 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, I spent a little time researching this over on Twitter, and best I can figure out, it’s true.



I do know that Pfizer took no Warp Speed money and that the Trump Administration (and I am being very generous with that term because it was really a Criminal Enterprise not an Administration) refused offers to buy more before it hit the market. And that, my friends, is how you bankrupt a casino.

And thanks once again, Ted, for making Texas look so damn smart.

Thanks to Ron for the heads up.

Damn Wall Street Journal Editorial

December 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For the past four years, we have had a First Lady who has displayed her body in a salacious manner meant to sexually arouse people. Republicans were fine with that. They said she was “classy.”  Now they are distressed that our new First Lady has too much education.

The Wall Street Journal wrote that Dr. Biden should not use her academic title. They even called it silly.

“Madame First Lady — Mrs. Biden — Jill — kiddo: a bit of advice on what might seem like a small but I think is not an unimportant matter,” writer Joseph Epstein began. “Any chance you might drop the ‘Dr.’ before your name? ‘Dr. Jill Biden’ sounds and feels a touch fraudulent, not to mention comical.”

Comical? Kiddo?

The Washington Post answered this morning and the Wall Street Journal will walk with a limp for  few months.  The Post pointed out the hypocrisy in this and the lame attempt to diminish a rare accomplishment.

I noticed the same thing in my own world.  My county elected our first two female district court judges in 2018.  Judges are generally taken seriously. Among the bar, even in social situations among friends, “Judge gets to become a prefix before even first names. So, you hear Judge Charlie or Judge Bob when addressing them with other people in the room.  Not so the woman.  The minute they walk out the courtroom door, they become simply Juli and Toni.

I think I’m gonna work on that.

And by the way, do not tell me you can’t subscribe to the Washington Post.  It’s $30 a year.  You can cancel after a year or call them a whine about being a retiree and they’ll keep it at $30.  For $40 a year, you can get one and give another one as a gift.


Click here to make the decision.