For the past four years, we have had a First Lady who has displayed her body in a salacious manner meant to sexually arouse people. Republicans were fine with that. They said she was “classy.” Now they are distressed that our new First Lady has too much education.
The Wall Street Journal wrote that Dr. Biden should not use her academic title. They even called it silly.
“Madame First Lady — Mrs. Biden — Jill — kiddo: a bit of advice on what might seem like a small but I think is not an unimportant matter,” writer Joseph Epstein began. “Any chance you might drop the ‘Dr.’ before your name? ‘Dr. Jill Biden’ sounds and feels a touch fraudulent, not to mention comical.”
Comical? Kiddo?
The Washington Post answered this morning and the Wall Street Journal will walk with a limp for few months. The Post pointed out the hypocrisy in this and the lame attempt to diminish a rare accomplishment.
I noticed the same thing in my own world. My county elected our first two female district court judges in 2018. Judges are generally taken seriously. Among the bar, even in social situations among friends, “Judge gets to become a prefix before even first names. So, you hear Judge Charlie or Judge Bob when addressing them with other people in the room. Not so the woman. The minute they walk out the courtroom door, they become simply Juli and Toni.
I think I’m gonna work on that.
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