Released The Funds But Not The Fantasy
Emily over at the GSA released the funds but not the attitude. Trump says he’s still fighting. And he will win. But first, he has to move out.
Emily over at the GSA released the funds but not the attitude. Trump says he’s still fighting. And he will win. But first, he has to move out.
A week ago, the GOP and Trump were both tweeting out that lawyer and official scrambled brains Sidney Powell was part of their “team” of legal powerhouses. They quoted her, they pushed her out front at press conferences, and they adored her.
Ka-Bam! Off with her head. Yesterday —
“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.” – Rudy Giuliani, Attorney for President Trump, and Jenna Ellis, Trump Campaign Senior Legal Advisor and Attorney for President Trump.
Christmas season is approaching and I was wondering what it would cost to get a personalized document like that as gifts to the lawyers I know. I need a piece of paper saying the lawyers I know are personally clear of representing Donald Trump to hang on their wall. Hell, I know some crazy lawyers who would love to have that on their bragging wall at the office.
So you got fired from the team led by this guy.
Proud moment, Sidney Powell, proud moment.
Thanks to Kary for the heads up.
Added Treat – Elizabeth Moon made a quick award in case you need one for any lawyer you know. NotTrumpLawyerAward
It appears we have a large contingency of white men in suits heading straight to hell with some ‘splainin’ to do.
Journalist Carl Bernstein on Sunday night called out Republicans in the Senate who he said have privately ripped Donald Trump while publicly remaining silent as the president attempts to undermine the results of the election via lawsuits based on false claims.
The 21 senators he named include: Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), Sen. Rick Scott (Fla.), and Senate Majority Whip John Thune (S.D., Rob Portman (Ohio), Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Ben Sasse (Neb.), Roy Blunt (Mo.), Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Mitt Romney (Utah), Mike Braun (Ind), Todd Young (Ind.), Tim Scott (S.D.), Marco Rubio (Fla.), Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Richard Burr (N.C.), Pat Toomey (Pa.), Martha McSally (Ariz.), Jerry Moran (Kansas), Pat Roberts (Kansas), and Richard Shelby (Ala.).
Oh hell, who are we kidding? It’s every damn one of them. Every damn one of them.
There’s a real special place in hell for these weak, fragile, little guys. What lies must they tell themselves to sleep at night?
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.
”Trump’s legal team has become a national embarrassment,” says national embarrassment Chris Christi.
You can say one thing about Donald Trump. He commits his crimes in plain sight of the American people. He fires officials who dare disagree with him; he fires officials who tell the truth; he engages in quid pro quo using the full force of the federal government for is own personal gain. He engages in nepotism, daring anyone to challenge him; he lies when it’s easier to tell the truth. He’s now decapitated the Pentagon, putting his loyalists in place most certainly there to either destroy evidence or stonewall investigations of Trump’s malfeasance. AND, at this hour he has Michigan legislative Republicans in the WH to twist their arms to subvert the Michigan election and throw their electoral votes to him. So let’s be clear here – Trump and his merry band of criminals knows there’s no voter fraud in the election. They have failed in all the swings states where they have alleged fraud. Now that those efforts have failed, Trump is now just trying to steal the election by convincing (bribing) Republican state legislatures to disenfranchise their own constituents and throw the electoral count to him. In a word, Trump is instigating a coup against the new President, Joe Biden, who has been duly elected in both the majority of voters and electoral votes. He’s doing that because he’s staring at a long stretch of hard time once he loses the shield of the presidency.
Trump has bent, broken, ignored, and subverted so many laws, regulations, traditions, and customs that nothing is normal. He understands nothing but brute force, doesn’t give a shit about the Constitution, and doesn’t care if you live or die. This is all about Donald Trump and only about Donald Trump. If you don’t like what you’re seeing, here’s John Cornyn’s and Ted Cruz’s phone number. It’s long past time they should have gotten off their fat asses to do their Goddam jobs, but I’m certainly not holding my breath.
John Cornyn – 202-224-2934
Ted Cruz – 202-224-5922