Archive for November, 2020

El Paso

November 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The city of El Paso, Texas, has been hit twice with horrific Covid attacks. They had to bring in freezer trucks to store bodies and the city coffers are rattling with pocket change, not folding money.

For two years, Donald Trump and his traveling ego inflating road show has owed the city of El Paso half a million dollars in city expenses for a campaign rally.

“We all are seeing firsthand the struggles that everyday El Paso families have, in addition to the challenges that we have in our own budget,” City Rep. Peter Svarzbein said during Tuesday’s council meeting. “So this amount of money is not inconsequential and also the message that we send that nobody is above the law is also an important one for our community to understand as well.”

So they hired a lawyer to try to collect it for them.  Ya know, after seeing Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani perform, they figured that had a decent shot at winning in court. I like their odds.

The lawyer is being hired on contingency and will try other methods to collect before filing a lawsuit. You know, like hollering, I guess.

Good luck, El Paso.


It’s All About The Cruelty.

November 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Deb T in Missouri is a bit pissed off:

Children are going hungry (17 million children – 1 in every 4 kids – may not know where they will get their next meal), food-banks are stretched to the breaking point, record amounts of evictions are on the horizon (19 – 23 million renters are at risk of eviction), unemployment checks are running out, millions of Americans have lost their healthcare in the middle of a global pandemic and Cruella de Ville’s better half just took back $455 Billion that was earmarked to help –  out of spite.

Steven Mnuchin on Thursday asked the Federal Reserve to shut down five emergency COVID-19 relief facilities and return $455 billion of unused funds, a move opposed by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell.
These actions need to follow Mnuchin and his wife the odious Louise Linton, What is it they say in Hollywood? “You’ll never work in this town again.”
And then there’s this ….

And What Would 2020 Be Without …

November 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This.  It’s in Utah and that wasn’t even a contested state.  It’s on public land. It didn’t happen on its own.  It’s 2020, dude, and there’s a damn monolith in the desert.


Okay, I’ve Had Enough

November 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He’s retweeting Randy Quaid.  A former fugitive and known wacky person.  Trump just retweeted this:


And then he follows it up with, “Are you listening Republicans?”

Okay, here’s where I get off.  I just quit following him on Twitter.  I get off now.  I’m not even mildly interested in watching Trump’s decline into hell. Just send me a postcard when he gets there.

You’d think there would be some joy in watching him go down, but I’m afraid that Rudy was the high point.  He’s pulling people out of the gutter to support him now. Next he’ll be roaming into biker bars getting Trump Forever tattoos.

I guess there will be no pardoning on the turkey this year.  He’ll just wait few weeks and let Pence do that.


Happy Thanksgiving

November 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A message from Nick Carroway.

It’s a cross we all have to bear. I get to spend Thanksgiving with the in-laws. Ms. Carroway has thrown down the ultimatum that if politics comes up she might very well become a widow. As you might have gathered, the in-laws are Trump supporters.

In nearly 20 years of marriage I have never brought up politics with them. This hasn’t stopped them from doing the same. I’ve learned new things about Trump I never knew. For instance, he’s a brilliant businessman. I’ll bet you didn’t know that one. He’s also an economic genius. That’s a new one too.

I bite my tongue to keep the peace. I know Ms. Carroway has gotten into it with them. I just bite my tongue. I don’t know if that makes me wise, foolish, or weak. So, at any rate I will be on hiatus for awhile. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.


We Should Have Seen This Coming

November 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Several smart people with better memories than I have recalled this —



Carrots are orange, too.  I wondering if Carrots was protesting the vote in Pennsylvania and Georgia.

Thanks to Epp for the heads up.