El Paso
The city of El Paso, Texas, has been hit twice with horrific Covid attacks. They had to bring in freezer trucks to store bodies and the city coffers are rattling with pocket change, not folding money.
For two years, Donald Trump and his traveling ego inflating road show has owed the city of El Paso half a million dollars in city expenses for a campaign rally.
“We all are seeing firsthand the struggles that everyday El Paso families have, in addition to the challenges that we have in our own budget,” City Rep. Peter Svarzbein said during Tuesday’s council meeting. “So this amount of money is not inconsequential and also the message that we send that nobody is above the law is also an important one for our community to understand as well.”
So they hired a lawyer to try to collect it for them. Ya know, after seeing Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani perform, they figured that had a decent shot at winning in court. I like their odds.
The lawyer is being hired on contingency and will try other methods to collect before filing a lawsuit. You know, like hollering, I guess.
Good luck, El Paso.