Archive for October, 2020

Seriously. No, Seriously.

October 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump has finally, finally come up with his list of top priorities a week before election day.

I know you’ll be relieved and impressed to know about the moon thing.


Hey, I’m all for this moon thing if he’s the dude we’re gonna put on the moon permanently. Ole rotting Mitch can go with him.

Thanks to Epp for the heads up.

Mitch McConnell’s Hands

October 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Everybody all over the internet is wondering what the hell happened to Mitch McConnell’s hands.



Honey, that’s what happens to your hands when you sit on them for 47 years.



Tonight’s Debate

October 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yes, I will be watching.  I bet you will, too.  Please feel free to make any comment you want and I’ll check here every now and then to approve those that need approving.

Fun story – this afternoon my RING doorbell kept going off every five minutes.  I’d look on my phone and nobody was there. After about 30 minutes of this, I went to see if I had a ghost.  Nope, no ghost, but my librarian boy left us a little gift on our flagpole and it was setting off the doorbell.  It’s windy here today.


Lookin’ Good, Girl!

October 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, it appears that Roona Romney McDaniel was well enough to go to the salon again!

Click here to see the big one.



I am so happy for her and how she spend money that could be used to help Republican candidates.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

Help Me

October 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I got this in an email today from the United States Postal Service.  Go take a look.  It says you can see your mail before it arrives.  I assume they mean the outside of the envelope.

Okay, so what keeps Boris in Moscow from seeing my mail?  Or Crazy Fred down the street so he’ll know exactly when my Ladies Home Journal arrives?  I mean, couldn’t I just get an account at anybody’s address and spy on them?

Has anybody else got this figured out?

To be honest, my thinking mechanism is running on fumes lately.  I need a new president.


Money, Money, Money

October 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, a couple of things are bothering me.

First, this is something I need to tell you about.  Jones Day law firm has been paid millions of dollars by the Trump campaign to keep Trump out of jail. Millions. You’d think they’d love Trump. That’s a lot of money. But ….  

Lawyers at Jones Day, which has earned millions as outside counsel to U.S. President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign, have donated nearly $90,000 to the campaign committee of Trump’s Democratic rival Joe Biden. Contributions to the Trump campaign by Jones Day lawyers totaled just $50, records show.

Okay, so I’ll admit that most lawyers (at least the good ones) are Democrats because they’ve read the Constitution. But, these are lawyers who have Trump to thank for putting food on the table.  But, they are also the ones who know all Trump’s secrets but are bound by attorney/client privilege not to talk about it.  But, they know.

The other thing I find very telling is Lindsey Graham is clutching his pearls over Act Blue.  He wants Act Blue investigated because he simply does not believe that people give so many small donations like that. Democrats do that, Lindsey.  

I’ve been watching fundraising for many years and what I’m fixing to tell you is the truth.  Republicans don’t donate. They don’t. They know their candidates get rich people money or corporate money so their $25 contribution might seem pathetic. So, they don’t donate.  I’m not jacking with you. Your Republican neighbor with the Trump yard sign more likely than not has never donated a damn dime to a candidate.

We Democrats think our $25 is big stuff when it’s combined with your $25 and Mary’s $25.  Let me tell you a true story about my friend Judy.  At the beginning of the election season, Judy sets aside $500. That’s what she can afford to spend. But instead of giving it to one candidate, she doles it out $25 at a time, maybe even $10. When some Republican says something that pisses her off, Judy sends their opponent $25.  “It’s like getting to punch them in the mouth,” she says.

That keeps Judy sane through the election season. She decided to work early voting because she already went through her $500 a month ago. Now, she’s got more money and more faces to punch.

Plus, look how those small contributions coming from all over the country have Lindsey headed for the faintin’ couch. You gotta feel good about that.

So, if you haven’t donated to Jamie Harrison yet, right now would be a real good time. And when the click the button, holler, “Hi, Lindsey!”