Archive for September, 2020

You Might Consider

September 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When you come across an application for a PAC named ‘Women for a More Christian America’ you probably expect more bleached blonde screaming women with enormous crosses and red dresses.

That’s not what’s happening here.  Go on, click it, it won’t bite.



Maybe, just maybe, Trump has overstepped?

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

Somebody Lost Count

September 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I woke up this morning to this:



Only two?  What manner of miracle happened last night while I slept? Was Trump right and the virus finally disappeared poof! like magic along with the strangling national debt and the worse economy since the depression?  Did police officers say, “Ya know, we have got to quit killing black people”?  Did the fire on the entire west coast flicker out and Servpro appeared like it never even happened? Are we requiring a metal health test to work at the White House?  Was QAnon found with Alice’s red slippers?

Oh CNN, if you can only find two disasters today, you’ve quit trying.


Heads Up

September 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you drop something today, it will go in a downward direction.

I don’t think science knows.


And There’s a Rainbow! Look! Right Over There! ON EDIT

September 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

ON EDIT: It now appears that Jack Burkman staged this so that we could have a conspiracy about a conspiracy of the conspirator.

For the very few of you who don’t know, Jack Burkman is Mr. Conspiracy.  He’s the one who started the Seth Rich conspiracy.

He was real tight with QAnon until it was proven he faked photos of Adam Schiff in homosexual acts.  Then QAnon turned on him and said he was part of the Deep State.

He’s also the guy who said Elizabeth Warren was having sex with a 24 year old Marine.  I was kinda hoping that one was true.  It wasn’t.

Anyway, it’ll be cool to see what is in all those boxes.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.


Trumpian Disaster Porn

September 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some dandy writing by a guy named Tim Miller —

President Trump attempted to hold an unmasked, indoor superspreader event in Henderson, Nevada on Sunday night, running afoul of Nevada regulations and his own administration’s guidelines. (Due to meager turn out, I have taken the liberty to downgrade it to a Category 3 minispreader.) This was Trump’s first indoor rally since the Tulsa disaster that cost Brad Parscale his job and after which Herman Cain lost his life.

Miller calls the Trumpshow “disaster porn.” Trump gave this rally to a small crowd while none of the cable news or CSpan covered it.

Think of it this way.  The entire west coast is a’blaze, there’s a hurricane a’comin’ on the Gulf coast when they haven’t clean up from the one two weeks ago yet, we are getting close to 200,000 people dead of a virus and all Trump can think to talk about is Hunter Biden or that Barack Obama gave an American Bill of Sale to China and is now secretly living in some kiddy porn secret basement outside of Lincoln, Nebraska, dining on the rare delicacy of Republican brains.

Disaster porn.  Here we are.



September 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lookie here.



You can see the full sized one by clicking here.

It’s a real place with a webpage and everything.

At least donations are not tax-deductible and they are not associated with any bishops.  But, that the fine print on the website, not in their materials.