Archive for September, 2020

Let’s Count

September 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Hill has this Breaking New headline right now.



Oh wow, it sounds like Republicans are finally growing a pair and are willing to put it on the line to keep democracy.

Hold on. Not so fast.

The criticisms, in a series of tweets that didn’t mention Trump by name, came from Sen.Marco Rubio (Fla.), a former presidential rival of Trump four years ago, and Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah), the GOP’s presidential nominee in 2012.

There’s two, but neither of them want to be nailed down as supporting something the psychopath in the White House opposes, so that’s really like 1.4 when you add them together.

There’s more …

In the House there was Liz Cheney (if her daddy couldn’t be monarch, nobody can) and Steve Stiver from Ohio.  So, that’s two more.

And then there’s Lindsey Graham with the oddest answer of all.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a Trump loyalist who is chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said on Fox News: “If Republicans lose we will accept the result. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Joe Biden, I will accept that result.”

Holy damn cow. You mean after stacking the Supreme Court he’ll support whoever they pick?  Why the hell are we even voting?

So let’s see how many Republican lawmakers would stand up to Trump against breaking America.  I did my math and I got 3.4.  And then there’s Lindsey Graham who would throw gasoline on it.

I don’t feel better.


Circus Money

September 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

From Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen:

In 2016, the Russians used the stolen personal information of real Americans and used it to create fake Facebook accounts to support Trump and purchase $100,000 of Facebook ads.

This year they could use credit card numbers stolen from real Americans to make contributions directly to the Trump campaign.

Sound far-fetched?  Stolen credit card information has already been used to make contributions to the Trump campaign.

And, of course, stealing Americans’ credit card information is an industry in Russia.


And here’s the best part for the Trump campaign.  If the Trump campaign receives contributions which, on their face appear to be illegal, they do not have to return them for 60 days.  11 C.F.R. § 103.3(b)(3).

So any illegal contributions the Trump campaign receives between now and the election won’t have to be returned until after the election is over.



September 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Take a seat, Eric.

A New York state judge ruled Wednesday that Eric Trump must sit to be deposed by the state attorney general’s office by October 7, denying his request to delay an interview as part of an investigation into the Trump Organization until after the presidential election, according to the attorney general’s office.

Oh yeah.

So, I’m wondering if he’s being coached right now.


Very Cool Things

September 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The best – just the best.  Thank you, LA Lakers.



And some sadness because Gayle Sayers passed away today after a long illness.  Anyone who doesn’t start sobbing at the mention of “I loved Brian Picalo,” just didn’t live in the right time.


It’s a Texas Goat Rodeo!

September 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, this is more fun than recess in heaven.  There’s a Republican fight in Texas.

Governor Greg Abbott is no liberal by any standards.  He is not, however, totally insane and a follower of QAnon.  Okay, let me back off the totally insane part because sometimes he is. But he is not suicidal.

You can’t say that much for other Republicans in Texas and that’s what makes this so damn much fun.

Back in July, Gov. Abbott extended early voting in the November election by one week. Early voting will begin October 13th instead of Oct. 19.

Well, here it is late September and The Quorum Report – behind paywall – is reporting this morning under breaking news that Texas Republican Party State Chairman Allen West (yes, that Allen West), “Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, conservative activist Dr. Steve Hotze, Sen. Charles Perry, Sen. Donna Campbell, and others have signed onto a lawsuit against GOP Gov. Greg Abbott focused on his decision to extend early voting in Texas.”

No shoot, Sherlock, they are going to the Texas Supreme Court, who took “Equal Justice Under the Law” off the court building and replaced it with “Attilas the Huns” once they seated nine far right conservatives on the bench.

They waited until campaign materials were printed, people to work the polls were hired, locations were reserved, and things would get real crazy if you change things that are written in print and hanging on peoples’ refrigerators doors.  And then, and only then, did they want to shorten early voting time.

And then, to add a third ring to this circus, they went to the Texas Supreme Court, which I may have mentioned is total Republican. Four of the nine of them are up for reelection and face a strong challenge by four Democratic women with sparkling credentials and a boatload of money. So, no matter which way the four of them rule, they are going to piss off this group of Republicans or that group of Republicans.  If nothing else, Democrats will know their names when they go vote and what they do for a living, which is something judges like to hide now that Texas doesn’t have straight ticket voting.

Oh Lordy, this is going to be fun. You know, in fights like these, I always say it’s sad that one side has to be the winner.  But no, Texas Republicans have been kind enough to give us a case when both Republican sides lose no matter what happens.


The Debate

September 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just a heads up from Politico – Chris Wallace will moderate the first presidential debate next Tuesday night.

According to a person familiar with the planning, the 90-minute debate will be divided into six 15-minute discussion areas. They include: Trump’s and Biden’s records, the Supreme Court, the coronavirus pandemic, race and violence in cities, election integrity, and the economy.

Hummmm … nothing on the environment or Trump’s health care plan?  I guess there’s so many deadly problems in Trump’s America that you can’t possibly cover it all.