Archive for September, 2020

Oh Crap

September 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s the deal.  We are expecting a “huge” surge in Coronavirus in October and through the end of the year.

And then there’s this deal:

Dr. Robert Redfield, who leads the CDC, suggested in a conversation with a colleague Friday that Dr. Scott Atlas is arming Trump with misleading data about a range of issues, including questioning the efficacy of masks, whether young people are susceptible to the virus and the potential benefits of herd immunity.

“Everything he says is false,” Redfield said during a phone call made in public on a commercial airline and overheard by NBC News.

It turns out that Dr. Scott Atlas is a neuroradiologist with no background in infectious diseases or public health.  I wouldn’t get brain surgery from a podiatrist and I’m not saying anything bad about podiatrists.  Look, when you’ve got Dr. Fauci, why take advice from some guy who shoots x-rays and ultrasound at your head.

If we need that guy at some point, I am certain that Dr. Atlas, who sounds like a comic book character in the first place, would be great to run around zapping people in the head.  He can start with Trump.


I’m Starting My Second Read

September 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pour yourself an adult beverage, find a comfortable place to sit, grab some paper and a pencil to take notes and head on over to the New York Times.

This is what your subscription fee buys for America —

The Times obtained Donald Trump’s tax information extending over more than two decades, revealing struggling properties, vast write-offs, an audit battle and hundreds of millions in debt coming due.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

And then it gets worse.

It’s a long read. It’s well researched and clearly written.  The key take away is that Trump is basically broke.  He is responsible for loans of $421 million coming due within 4 years. If he is reelected, his creditors will foreclose on a sitting president.


Thank You, Senator Klobuchar. Screw Ted Cruz.

September 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Thanks to Ada for the heads up.

Trump Now Stealing Money from the Treasury to Buy Seniors’ Votes

September 27, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Corruption, Trump

Trump has announced that all Medicare recipients with be receiving $200 cash cards to “buy their prescriptions”.  It’s yet another brazen example of Trump’s mafia tactics, this time trying to buy votes from seniors.  AND, it’s yet another subversion of the rule of law and use of taxpayer money to personally  benefit himself.  How’s he doing it?  He’s using a provision in the Social Security Act that allows agencies and even the private sector to test programs to improve Medicare.  That provision is NOT intended to just give away money to buy votes.  This provision allows for demonstrations of new programs, but requires extensive review and approval; as well such demonstrations are supposed to be revenue neutral.  In bypassing the law, the administration is waving away questions saying that his executive order on prescription drugs (which doesn’t actually do anything) magically makes this $6.6 billion vote buying scheme “revenue neutral”.

The lawless Trump corruption train continues barreling towards the abyss as this latest brazen attempt to rig the election in his favor with him shouting from stages all over the country that it’s actually Democrats doing the rigging.

I’m so tired.

Because It’s 2020. That’s Why.

September 26, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I wake up this morning, take a shower and brush my teeth, fix my coffee and then see this



Brain. Eating. Amoeba.  That’s sooooo 2020.

It’s all around me but I am blessed to sit on a little island among brain eating amoeba in a city, only because it’s been here forever, that has its own water supply.

This morning Epp wrote me that she’s not a religious person but if Bidens wins she’s going to light a candle in a church, any church.  I’ll join in that soul of sacrifice to the gods. If Biden wins, I will put a light-up plastic nativity scene in my front yard for Christmas.



September 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, here’s the deal.  It’s kinda like a bushel basket of wire coat hangers after a trip through the spin cycle on an industrial washing machine, but somehow all the money ends up in Trump’s back pocket.

President Donald Trump has charged his own campaign hundreds of thousands of dollars in rent for offices in Trump Tower for more than five years. But the campaign doesn’t always send its rent to Trump Tower. In fact, most of the checks have gone to a post office box in Hicksville, New York, a suburban community on Long Island. It’s not clear why, or who is receiving those checks.

Campaign money ends up there and it’s been shown to pay Trump’s own personal bodyguard, maybe the half a million he pays himself rent for an office he has in Trump Tower, and Lord only knows what else.

Interviews with state income tax and commercial property tax experts familiar with the workings of New York city and state yielded bafflement: Comments included, “Totally bizarre,” “No idea,” “I’ve never seen something like that” and “Holy s***, that’s absolutely weird.”

Which are the usual words to describe Trump.

People who love numbers games will enjoy the full read at Salon. The bottom line is that you cannot trust Trump with money and the probable reason that his campaign is flat broke is that he spent it all on himself.