Archive for August, 2020

Oh No, Not The Oleander

August 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Put away your hypodermic filled with bleach – there’s a new cure for Coronavirus.  And the MyPillow guy is gonna make money off it.

I love Oleanders, but I could never have any of them in my yard because they are poisonous. My daddy was freaked about them.  Our Aunt Nelda had a big yard and instead of a fence, she had enormous oleanders.  In summer, it looked like a pink paint factory exploded in her backyard.  We’d go over for barbeques and my Daddy would spend the entire day standing between me and an oleander. My Aunt Nelda had barbeque and homemade ice cream – why the hell would I eat a plant?  Geezzz, I was a full grown teenager and every time we were at Aunt Nelda’s my Daddy would still remind me several times during the day that oleanders were poisonous.  Took all the joy outta smelling the damn things because it might just jump in your mouth if you got close enough.

After all that, Trump’s people are saying that oleanders will cure Coronavirus.  They are telling me to eat something poisonous, I guess.

The experimental botanical extract, oleandrin, was promoted to Trump during an Oval Office meeting in July. It’s embraced by Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and MyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell, a big Trump backer, who recently took a financial stake in the company that develops the product.

But hell, come to think of it, this might be a simple way to get rid of herd stupidity.


Stoopid Trump Quote Of The Week

August 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this one wins and it’s only Monday.

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union”: “I’ll give you that guarantee right now. The president of the United States is not going to interfere with anybody casting their vote in a legitimate way, whether it’s the post office or anything else.”

Of course not. Trump is not going to interfere. He’s going to get Louis DeJoy and Mark Meadows to do it for him.  Meadows forgot that Trump’s self-censor mechanism got out of whack and he proudly announced that his purpose in jacking with the post office was solely to keep people from voting.

Nancy Pelosi is calling the House back from vacation to stop the unbridled and shocking attacks on the United States Postal Service.  She is asking Mitch to do the same thing.  Mitch won’t because he’s already given up on keeping the senate.



No Matter Where You Are

August 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is a super duper handy guide to voting laws in your state.  Can you track your mail ballot?  When is the registration deadline?  Can you vote by mail because you’re afraid of getting Covid?  The answer are all here.

What you’re gonna discover is that you can’t hardly vote in the South.

And here’s the dilemma.  It’s so hard to vote in my state that I have to make a check list for myself before I leave home.  Yet somehow people who follow QAnon and are so delusional that they believe that Bill and Hillary Clinton have already been executed and that Trump is going to show it on Pay Per View after he’s reelected, seem to have all this stuff figured out.  And those with an 8th grade education who think it would be cool to kill a libtard by giving them Covid just march right in, cough in my face, and vote for every damn fool on the ballot.


We Get Mail

August 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We get mail –

This is a spreadsheet a teacher in Kansas has started up, tracking school COVID cases.

It’d be really great if we had some national organization, say on the federal level, that could do this tracking. Maybe if Jared figures out some way to make money on it, we’d have that.


Dear Randall –

If we put one kid in each confiscated mailbox and gave each kid a secret Jared decoder ring that made bank transfers to those same good folks who brought you Stephen Miller, maybe Jared would go along?

I’m thinking …

Love and Fried Okra,


Trump Leads Family Vigil for Dying Brother. By Playing Golf

August 16, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Robert Trump, Donald’s younger brother, died last night after have health problems.  Cause of death has not been announced (at least yet).  Apparently Trump had visited him in New York on Friday.  Taking the helm for the family, Trump led a family vigil at the hospital with his children and wife to comfort the rest of the family… I’m just kidding.  Trump played golf with retired football player Jay Freely (whoever that is).  That’s right, Trump was so overcome by grief about his dying brother that he played golf.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Texas Realtors Conference Keynote will be about “Unity”. You Won’t Believe Who They Picked

August 15, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Holy Crap

The Texas Association of Realtors is having their annual conference at the beginning of September.  Surprisingly, they’re using some common sense by making the conference virtual; good for them.  But their common sense, apparently, stops there.  They’ve invited a national political figure for their keynote speech on the subject of “Unity and Leadership”.  Take a wild guess who the speaker will be…give up?  You should because on a list of 1,000 people to discuss unity, you’d never think of this guy.  Said speaker is Trey Gowdy.  Yes, THAT Trey Gowdy, he of goofy hairstyles and baggy suits, is going to speak to Texas realtors about his groundbreaking work on unity and leadership.

Recall that Trey Gowdy led the House investigation of the tragic killings of US ambassador to Libya and 3 other Americans during a terrorist attack on the American Consulate at Benghazi.  Gowdy led that mudslinging, falsehood hurling witch hunt for two and a half years, including an 11 hour marathon grilling of Hillary Clinton, publishing an 800 page report that basically said the attack was tragic and no fault of anyone in the US government except for maybe the Republicans in Congress who had slashed the security budget for the State department during the Obama administration.

Gowdy probably ranks in the top ten of divisive, cynical Republicans from the Obama era who took a leading role in the Benghazi investigations.  He was also a proponent of the culture wars brought on by the Teabagger wave that he rode into office in 2010 after defeating mainstream Republican Bob Inglis in the South Carolina primary that year.  He also rode the Trump wave in 2016, even being floated as AG early on, but ended up on the trash heap of disappeared Republicans after he criticized Trump for falsely accusing Obama of “spying” on his campaign.  That ended his career in Congress and he now is apparently trying to stay relevant by trying out the minor speaking circuit.

That brings us back to the Texas Realtors’ #ShapingTexas conference.  As I heard earlier today, “Asking Gowdy to speak about unity is like inviting Putin to speak about American democracy”.  This is what happens when right wing politics are mainstream as it is in Texas.  Organizers will probably be shocked that most people would be offended hearing from Gowdy about “unity”.