Archive for August, 2020

Sweet Nothin’s at the NRA

August 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ya know, we ought to feel a little shame about gloating over the imminent demise of the NRA.  Everyone should be extending their thoughts and prayers to Wayne LaPierre because he is apparently suffering from a serious medical condition.

This news was buried in the middle of the New York Attorney General’s complaint:


  1. 320. LaPierre also used the pass-through arrangement to conceal private travel and trips that were largely personal in nature. Upon information and belief, LaPierre directed Ackerman to pay for expenses related to NASCAR events, country music events, and even medical visits, and bill those through to the NRA. For example, in 2018, LaPierre asked the president of Mercury Group [Tony Makris] to accompany him on a visit to a medical clinic. In connection with this visit, the president of Mercury Group and LaPierre flew on a private charter and stayed at the Four Seasons for several days. The cost of this hotel for both the president of Mercury Group and LaPierre was paid for by Ackerman, but ultimately borne by the NRA. The lodging alone cost the NRA $9,550. The NRA also directly paid for the private travel associated with this visit to the medical clinic.

The name of the medical clinic wasn’t included in the complaint, but one can only surmise that LaPierre and Makris went to the California Health & Longevity Institute diagnostic clinic in Westlake Village, California and stayed at the nearby Four Season.

Seems like the kind of place you would go with your wife or girlfriend, but then LaPierre and Makris have a long-term personal relationship.  And there’s more abut their relationship here.


Tony Makros took LaPierre “on free hunting safaris.”


I’m sure that Mr. Makris was a source of great comfort to Mr. LaPierre in his time of need even though they have since had a spat.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.



But There Was A Good Excuse

August 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so as all of you know, Jerry Falwell, Jr. showed up on Instagram looking like this:



… and the biggest thing he was worried about was the adult beverage in his hand?

Okay, well, here we are.

But, he went on the electric radio and apologized for it.

“I’ve apologized to everybody,” Falwell said in an interview on the Morningline show on WLNI 105.9FM, a local radio station in Lynchburg, Va., Falwell’s home town and that of the Liberty campus. “And I’ve promised my kids I’m going to try to be — I’m gonna try to be a good boy from here on out.”

He explained that the woman is his wife’s assistant. She is listed as an employee of Liberty University. And there’s a simple explanation of how this happened.

Falwell described the scene leading up to the photo. “She’s pregnant so she couldn’t get her — she couldn’t get her pants up,” he said. “And I was like, trying to like — my — I had on pair of jeans that I hadn’t worn in a long time so I couldn’t get mine zipped either. And so — and so — I just put my belly — I just put my belly out like hers.”

Yeah, happens to me all the time.



August 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, we have to quit saying that Republicans can’t make the bar any lower.  They see that as a personal challenge.

Elliott Abrams, who was convicted of misleading Congress about the Iran-Contra affair, has been named.a special representative to Iran.

To refresh your memory.

He pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 1991 as a part of the Iran-Contra affair and was later pardoned by then-President George H.W. Bush. Abrams, who was assistant secretary of state at the time, admitted he had unlawfully withheld information from congressional committees in 1986 when he testified about the secret Contra supply network and his role in soliciting a $10 million contribution for anti-Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua. Abrams also served in the George W. Bush administration and was an advocate of the Iraq War.

He should still be in jail.

As my friend Deb T says, “Next up,  Yogi the Bear: Secretary of Picnic Baskets.”


Is This English?

August 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump was trying to explain why ballot by mail is corrupt.



So, does this mean he’s going to steal the election?  Or that his cognitives aren’t cognitating?


Well, Ain’t This Dandy News!

August 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I, like you, was anxious to hear what the big news from the New York Attorney General was this morning.

It pleased me greatly. Bye, bye, NRA.

The civil suit alleges that the NRA instituted “a culture of self-dealing, mismanagement and negligent oversight.”

“As today’s complaints lays out, we found that the NRA […] fostered a culture of noncompliance and disregard for internal controls that led to the waste and loss of millions of assets and contributed to the NRA’s current deteriorated financial state,” James said during a press conference.

Well, my goodness, that sounds just like the Trump administration.


Your Turn

August 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Important! You will keep seeing this as the first entry for a few days so nobody will miss it.  New entries will be below this.  

UPDATE:  Okay, we’ve got it covered and added 10 more bigger counties to the list.  I want to pay for Brewster County – the largest county in Texas and where my heart lives part time – at $278. so if you want to donate a little toward that, we’ll take it. Brewster County flipped blue 2 years ago and I’m convinced we were part of that.  We will leave this up though Monday and then it’s gone until the next election two years from now.  Jump on your chance to be part of something big in Texas.

Okey Dokey, it’s that time of year.

One of the most successful Democratic programs we have in Texas is ballot by mail for seniors and you guys have always been a major part of it.

I’m asking you to donate to send a ballot by mail application to Democrats over the age of 65 in small Texas counties where the county party can’t afford or isn’t organized enough to mail applications on their own.  We cannot flip Texas without help in the rural counties.

Plus, if you go look at my beg for help, you’ll get a special treat this of seeing Glen Maxey’s housebound evolution into Farmer and Chicken Herder Glen.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.