Well, Ain’t This Dandy News!

August 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I, like you, was anxious to hear what the big news from the New York Attorney General was this morning.

It pleased me greatly. Bye, bye, NRA.

The civil suit alleges that the NRA instituted “a culture of self-dealing, mismanagement and negligent oversight.”

“As today’s complaints lays out, we found that the NRA […] fostered a culture of noncompliance and disregard for internal controls that led to the waste and loss of millions of assets and contributed to the NRA’s current deteriorated financial state,” James said during a press conference.

Well, my goodness, that sounds just like the Trump administration.


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0 Comments to “Well, Ain’t This Dandy News!”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    >Well, my goodness, that sounds just like the Trump administration.

    I believe this says it all. Of course, the damage is already done….closing the barn door after the livestock has all gotten out.

  2. Thoughts and prayers to all NRA officers and directors. To the donors, ha, ha, ha. As I learned in my years of practice, a “non-profit organization” often has the state of its incorporation as a silent member.

  3. Harry Eagar says:

    I would be pleased to see this succeed but cannot think of anything remotely similar succeeding in the past.

  4. Deb B. in Alabama says:

    I don’t know whether say bless their hearts or thoughts and prayers. I do celebrate with ‘March For Our Lives’. Gotta love those pissed off teenagers!

  5. So the people who joined the NRA and paid big membership dues because they wanted an unlimited number of guns, and every kind of gun imaginable in order to protect themselves and their family – – got robbed? By the NRA?

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    The article includes that she wants the NRA to repay dues. I hope this suit is a roadmap for post-Trump charges!

  7. And cue the “they’re assaulting the 2nd amendment” crowd.

  8. @BillR

    Yeah this will rile up those who place the second amendment well above the others. Unfortunately too many of those riled up vote conservative when they vote.

  9. So…now we know where the next crop of Trump appointees will be harvested from.

  10. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Harry Eagar#3 – One of the Klan organizations (in Alabama, if memory serves, but I’ve slept since then) went out of business, and ownership of their building went to someone they’d firebombed years earlier. That was at least 25 or 30 years ago, and the result of a similar action for criminal (rather than financial) malfeasance.

  11. I have read reports that members are pissed and are withholding donations, putting the NRA in even further financial trouble. Heads may or may not roll but I’ll bet they will lose their non-profit charter over this, if they don’t go bankrupt first.

  12. This whole nab the NRA thing actually started from the inside when employees couldn’t take one more weird expense account form turned in to the office. The ones at the top, the high rollers, were using the dues like a private piggy bank and didn’t care who knew!!!
