Archive for August, 2020

AOC Speaks

August 11, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am excited to see that AOC is going to speak at the Democratic Convention.  And, no, I do not think it’s going to turn off “soft Republicans.”

First of all there is no such thing as a soft Republican, thanks to Trump. Soft Republicans are now members of Never Trumpers.

Look, the Trumpians are going to call us socialist and poopie heads no matter what we do or say so we might as well fire up our base.

I am not worried about Trump having the most votes because he doesn’t. I am worried that our people just won’t vote. And I think AOC is a person headed for greatness. Under all the pressure she is under, she has not let her mouth get ahead of her brain. She has remained calm and sure of herself. I like her and I would vote for her. I’m going to clap when she speaks.


Take Your Pick

August 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump tweeted —


So he’s going to do it from the White House, which is probably illegal unless he lets Joe Biden do it from there, too.  Or, he’s gonna try to stand in Abraham Lincoln’s shoes by speaking at the Gettysburg National Military Park overseen by the National Park Service.  So, the taxpayers get stuck with the bill either way.

I dunno, setting up chairs with balloons, streamers, and confetti on the middle of a historic battlefield where people have died just doesn’t seem appropriate, therefore I suspect it would, after all, be an opportune way to end the Trump presidency.

What a jerk.

You know, I’m just pondering here, but shouldn’t Biden give his speech at Mar-A-Lago with the dates that Trump played golf scrolling across the bottom?

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up. 

School Board Members Again

August 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Damn, Oklahoma, you sit up there all nice and quiet and then — kabam!

A set of parents wrote a nice, really nice, letter to the Board of Education suggesting that in-person school be postponed for nine weeks.

A board member replied

Hello Adam;

Thanks for your opinion.

I’m not convinced anyone, certainly not the experts, most defiantly not me know much about covid. We shut down schools because it is what we had to do in order to defeat the deadly Chinese virus, just 21 days if we shut everything down, more than 2 months later states started to reopen. Then the 2nd wave and cases with numbers never seen before, well actually the group (20 to 50 year olds) that were not aloud in hospitals and clinics because they were not at risk were not being tested well now they are. Tests were not available then Kodak gets resurrected with a $500 million contract to provide chemicals to make tests now we are testing at a rate of nearly a million a day, nation wide. Reporting is faulty as many states are/were counting a positive covid test the same as a positive antibody test, which are the opposite. One sais you have it one sais you have antibodies which help your body fight it off.  The press want you to be in tune with the number of cases as bad news sells and those numbers are going up but death rate is going down.

I certainly appreciate the trust you place in myself and the board but there is no right decision, certainly not for everyone…


I’m not certain what language that is but I seriously doubt this guy could even correct his mistakes.  But, ya know, it’s Oklahoma, so you get the same choices we get in Texas when guessing what’s going on – drunk, lost, pig ignorant, or methed up.

Thanks to Keith for the heads up.

Head, Meet Wall

August 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Lord, Georgia, y’all.

Theresa Lyons, a member of the Pauling County Board of Education, found herself at a Board meeting discussing school in the time of Covid.


No, seriously.

Seriously, you can see it for yourself.

Honey, you can just see her doing the spic ‘n span motion with her hands and announcing, “problem solved!”

Holy cow. So we expose more children to the sick child but, by gawd, we beat those pencilheads with their fancy pants stethoscopes and thermometers over at the County Department of Health.

Thanks to Alan in Austin for the heads up.


Holy Crap: “It’s A March” Edition

August 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Franklin Graham has clearly taken sides in the Covid battle.

He’s holding a “prayer march” on September 26 in Washington, DeeCee., starring … ta da!  Franklin Graham!  He’s hoping a million people will show up and do a two hour walk while praying on the mall.

Ya know, with the people meeting in Sturgis and this deal here, maybe herd immunity ain’t such a bad idea.

Graham tweets —

I’m announcing today that on Sept. 26, I’m going to be in our nation’s capital to pray—& I hope thousands of families, pastors, & churches will join me! Our nation is in trouble, & we need God’s help.

Because Lord knows hat Donald Trump ain’t helping the situation any at all.

I wonder if Graham has an explanation of why America got to be such a godless craphole of a country under Donald Trump’s leadership?

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

Swim For Your Lives! Floodgates Opening!

August 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, lookie here.

Jessica Denson is a former Hispanic outreach director for the Trump campaign.  She filed a sexual discrimination lawsuit against them.  To strike fear in the soul of any woman who claims that the Trump campaign did anything wrong, they have sued her for violation of her NDA with anything Trump. The suit is for $1.5 million.

Under her agreement, Denson was not allowed to disparage Trump during her time with the campaign “and at all times thereafter,” and she cannot disclose whatever “Mr. Trump insists remain private or confidential,” as defined by him.

All times thereafter?

I can understand why Trump has these NDAs.  The only person he has ever come close to establishing a long term relationship with is Roger Stone.  Everybody he meets eventually becomes his enemy.  Face it, he can’t even trust his kids not to turn on him and that’s why he’s never given up control of his businesses.

Denson is fighting back and has already cost close to a million dollars for Trump’s lawyers to keep Trump’s hand over Denson’s mouth.

Denson’s attorney, David Bowles, said that he and his legal colleagues hope to win the case before Election Day, enabling hundreds of people who may have signed similar agreements to have the contracts voided and emboldening them to speak out about Trump.

“You can’t stop people from criticizing political candidates,” Bowles said. “It is the heart of the Constitution and free speech.”

No shoot, Sherlock.

Let’s see — who would I like to see start yakking first?

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.