Archive for August, 2020

This Week in Trumpland

August 14, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alternative Facts, Fascism, Lie, Trump

The latest:

The birthers are back, and this time with a vengeance.  Trump repeated the lie that Kamala Harris was not born in the US from the podium in the White House briefing room.

Trump’s goon, Louis DeJoy, continues his dismantling of the Post Office, happy to inconvenience 300 million Americans and all businesses for his boss’s benefit.  After the uproar, today he put out a letter acknowledging “unintended consequences” for his actions.  Translation: “Exactly what Trump wanted.”  DeJoy’s letter is laughable since, just yesterday…

Trump admitted he was withholding funds from the Post Office to make it harder for Americans to vote.  The one feature of Trump’s presidency is that he really doesn’t do anything to hide his criminality and corruption.  He just does it and admits it on national television.  Trumpists believe, “He’s just saying it like it is.”

At the same time, he and Melania applied for vote by mail ballots in Florida.  Yeah. They really did that.

Presidency by Chaos continues as the invertebrates in the Senate started their 6 week Labor Day vacation after doing diddly squat for suffering Americans.  We’re truly living in a post democracy country.


Cool Trick

August 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Lookie Here.  Zombie Tweet.



The dude has been across the river for two weeks, he gets one tweet and what does he do?  He makes it racist.

I’m gonna get suspicious if he votes.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

The COVID Death No One is Talking About

August 13, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Congress, Coronavirus, Trump

Over the last 3 years and 7 months, Trump’s incompetence and abject corruption has laid bare many weaknesses in our democratic republic which used to be known as the leader of the free world.  5 million Americans have been sickened by it and over 160,000 have died because of it.  The one death we don’t talk about, though?  The myth that Libertarianism as a system of government works.  Libertarianism doesn’t work, has never worked, and never will work.  The problem is that a huge number of Americans and the majority of Republicans have bought into the myth, and that buy-in is literally causing one COVID death every 80 seconds.

Libertarianism now dominates the rhetoric of all Republicans, and many idiots like Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott spout bullshit in a continuous stream.  The ideology puts all responsibility on individuals, mistakenly asserting that the “free market” drives all aspects of society, therefore society will be most efficient in that free market.  That’s nonsense, of course, but that’s what they believe.  The problem is, though, that people who believe in this ideology have no actual understanding of markets and how they work.  Free markets require 5 factors to exist: The first two factors are parity between buyers and sellers where negotiations are on level ground.  There also needs to be active competition within the market.  The last two factors are readily available alternatives to buyers and low barriers to entry of new entrants.

These are the only conditions where a market can thrive and call itself “free”.  So, let’s look at a market, say, healthcare.  In the US, healthcare is employment based.  Your company determines your health care plan not you.  If you don’t have employment based healthcare, it’s worse; insurance companies have so much power that they dictate what you get and what you pay.  There’s no price negotiation as they wheel you in to the emergency room.  How about utilities?  Again, not a free market.  States like Texas claim to have an open market in electricity, but the choices are limited and larger power companies dominate AND own all the infrastructure to provide electricity.  Negotiation nibbles around the edges of a gigantic protected market.  I could go on and on, but you get my point.

So, any objective person who understands markets knows that Libertarianism is the snake oil of politics, and will NEVER work.  Ever.  And that truth is playing out daily in our lives as the US economy continues to stumble from one virus outbreak to the next, hospitals overrun and businesses destroyed because Libertarians stupidly believe that Trump is playing out their fantasies that global health risks will just solve themselves.  It’s the law of the jungle kind of thing, where only the strong survive.

Most other developed countries have figured out this problem.  Most of Europe is open and back to some level of normalcy.  Those countries, with functioning central governments, locked down early and longer (they listen to their scientists), beat back the pandemic, and are now open with some restrictions and rapid response to outbreaks.  Those countries also kept paying the payrolls of companies who were shutdown, preventing the grief and crisis created by our own non-functioning government of passing out short term pittance and sporadically ordering businesses closed with ZERO support.  It’s no wonder there is unrest among the unemployed and bankrupted businesses, but even those people tend believe the manure pumped out by Trump News Channel that it’s all somehow a hoax or the fault of the party out of power.

The actual fault for this continuing disaster lay in two places: Trump for sure, for his corruption, and incompetence; but worse, the Libertarians in the Congress and state governments who have abandoned their jobs and left individuals and companies to fend for themselves.  History will not be kind to the handling of this pandemic.


Alex Jones Seems To Be Doing Well In Austin

August 12, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, it’s nice to see him getting out and about enjoying the weather and all.



I Have Begun Believing Five or Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

August 12, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Chili’s in Louisiana.

A group of eleven women come in for lunch and pitch a wall eyed snot nosed hissy fit because the 17 year old hostess won’t seat more than six of them at a single table because that there’s the rules at Chili’s during the virus.  They get mad. One of them picks up a wet floor sign and hits the hostess with it, causing her to have to go get two stitches above her eye.  They leave before the police get there.

The Police in Florida

Billy Woods, the sheriff in Marion County, up and decided that it would be best for all involved that no employee of the sheriff’s department or any visitors to that office would be allowed to wear a facemask.  Because … he says he can find a professional to say masks are harmful for every professional you can find who says they are helpful.  Okay, that’s not a reason – because he’s an idiot.  His order was issued the same day that Florida set a one-day record for the most Coronavirus deaths and his own county had 13 deaths that day.

Georgia’s 14th Congressional District

Last night Marjorie Taylor Greene won the GOP primary for a very red district in Georgia.  Marjorie is a strong believer in QAnon and promises to bring class to congress as she spoke last night promising to get rid on Nancy Pelosi. “She’s a hypocrite. She’s anti-American. And we’re going to kick that b**** out of Congress.”  Majorie will be honored with a tin foil hat swearing in ceremony.

Thanks to Vickie for the heads up.

Too Bad So Sad

August 12, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump has decided that there will be no more rallies.


“You can’t have empty seats,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Sports Radio. “You know, if I had five empty seats — for instance, they said, ‘Would I do a rally, sir?’ The reason I won’t do them [is] because, ‘You can have one seat and then seven around that seat, sir, have to be empty.’ ”

I guess he forgot to mention that he can’t draw a crowd even if he was giving away free beer and an autographed picture of Jesus.

He claims the next best thing: clogged highways.

“I just got back from Texas, Ohio and Florida. We’ve got all law enforcement awards, everything. We got the endorsement from all of them,” Trump told Hewitt. “But I just got back, and they’re the largest crowds on the highway I’ve ever seen.”

I think those were people waiting in food lines or for virus testing.

Trump’s voracious appetite for constant approval at rallies is gonna cause him to start eating the walls at the White House and he’s gonna start foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog and little spittle things are gonna drip on this tie while he gnarls on sheet rock.  Holy cow it’s gonna be great.

I know.  I’ve lost my mind.