There’s Evil and Then There’s Sizzling Evil
You know, people who exploit charity for person gain have a real special place in hell.
I’ve got one for you.
It’s a PAC named American Coalition for Crisis Relief. It’s a scam.
It runs two separate Super PAC scams – one that supposedly raises money for breast cancer and one that supposedly raises money for veterans.
It doesn’t actually do either of those things.
In the second quarter of 2020 it raised $680,000 – mostly from retired people – and spent $622,000 on “administrative” expenses – 92% of all the money raised.
The PAC DID NOT SPEND A DIME on contributions to candidates or independent expenditures supporting or opposing candidates.
The PAC’s address is in Florida, but the scammers – the folks running this scam for personal profit – are in Dallas.
So there is no such thing as Crisis Relief Consultants. That address belongs to an independent insurance broker called Insurament LLC.
That also looks like a scam – their primary “business” is to charge a fee to “train” people to be insurance adjusters.
Check out the world headquarters of Insurament LLC.
So much easier to rip off old folks with a Super PAC claiming to help veterans or women with breast cancer than running insurance frauds.
Just ask Yodchai Roseborough:
It’s a slow day over at the Dairy Queen so thanks Alfredo for all the investigative journalism,