Archive for July, 2020

There’s Evil and Then There’s Sizzling Evil

July 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, people who exploit charity for person gain have a real special place in hell.

I’ve got one for you.

It’s a PAC named American Coalition for Crisis Relief.  It’s a scam.

It runs two separate Super PAC scams – one that supposedly raises money for breast cancer and one that supposedly raises money for veterans.

It doesn’t actually do either of those things.

In the second quarter of 2020 it raised $680,000 – mostly from retired people – and spent $622,000 on “administrative” expenses – 92% of all the money raised.

The PAC DID NOT SPEND A DIME on contributions to candidates or independent expenditures supporting or opposing candidates.

The PAC’s address is in Florida, but the scammers – the folks running this scam for personal profit  – are in Dallas.



So there is no such thing as Crisis Relief Consultants.  That address belongs to an independent insurance broker called Insurament LLC.

That also looks like  a scam – their primary “business” is to charge a fee to “train” people to be insurance adjusters.

Check out the world headquarters of Insurament LLC.



So much easier to rip off old folks with a Super PAC  claiming to help veterans or women with breast cancer than running insurance frauds.

Just ask Yodchai Roseborough:



It’s a slow day over at the Dairy Queen so thanks Alfredo for all the investigative journalism,

Marco, Marco

July 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Marco Rubio wanted to express his sorrow over the death of John Lewis, mentioning how they had worked together.



That’s Elijah Cummings.

Way to go, Skippy.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.


Friday Fun

July 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Reuters photographer Jonathan Ernst got this shot today of press secretary. Kayleigh McEnany’s briefing materials which include topic headings for:
– goya
– statues
– wins
– obama
– meuller (it’s mueller)
– golf
– lgbt (no q)
– absurd
– privil(ege?)
– lies

To see full size click here.



Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

It’s A Whole New Mess Now UPDATED!

July 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, below the cartoons I have been updating the giant bustercluck that is the Republican State Convention in Texas. They cannot seem to do what high school kids do every damn day.

It was supposed to start yesterday, then they had to move it to today at noon.  I had a fresh batch of popcorn popped by 9:30 and was ready to watch all afternoon.  Damn.  Now they moved it until tomorrow because they are still untechnical, I dunno, maybe it’s distechnical.

So now they are promising it’ll be tomorrow. Until 5 minutes ago when this breaking news hits the Quorum Report.



So, last week they went to state court and the Texas Supreme Court (which is 100% Republican) and got a big giant nope at both places. So, now they are going to try federal court two days after the convention is supposed to have started.

Now, let me tell you why this even matters.

State conventions are where each Texas state senate district elects electors to vote on the presidency. After the November election these electors meet in Austin and cast their votes for the presidential candidate of their party.  The winner gets the state’s electoral votes.  There is no other method provided by the election code for electors to be elected.

Soooooo … if they don’t have a convention to elect electors and Donald Trump wins, there’s no electors for him so he gets 0 electoral votes from Texas.  Joe Biden wouldn’t get them, but neither would Trump.

So, if Trump were to win, Texas would end up with zero electoral votes because these Republican bozos could not get a computer to work.

This is so typical of the Trump years that it is raging fierce justice.

UPDATE:  4:30 Houston Time



So, apparently, you have a constitutional right to spread a killer virus.

I stand with Mayor Turner.



July 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Remember how I told you that Republicans can’t plan worth crap?

I was right.  Their convention started today.



God forbid they should hire a technical expert.  They just did it all on intuition.

If they can’t manage a Zoom convention for less than 2,000 delegates, what makes you think they can have a plan to open schools or get Covid under control?

UPDATE!  Scratch opening it a day late – it’s gonna be two days now.

After struggling to kick off the virtual gathering Thursday, the party’s executive committee has voted to wait until Saturday to resume business, hoping it can use the time between to smooth things out.

They’ve had two years to plan this sucker, and at least three months to know it was going to have to be a virtual convention.  They chose to spend those three months fighting their “freedom” not to wear masks.

Honey, they caused this problem and now they even save themselves.

Do not let them lead this country.

To make matters even worse for themselves, now Allen West, remember that guy?, is running for Texas Republican Party Chairman against the incumbent and will probably win.  I could not be happier.  Flip Texas blue!

Pretty Good Explanation of Our Economy

July 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.


And here’s when two 10 year olds destroyed Andrew Neil on British tv.

Thanks to Vickie for the heads up.