Pretty Good Explanation of Our Economy

July 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.


And here’s when two 10 year olds destroyed Andrew Neil on British tv.

Thanks to Vickie for the heads up. 


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0 Comments to “Pretty Good Explanation of Our Economy”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    If we’re all to survive, all jokes aside, women and children are the future. Cutest thing we’ve observed since March was a group of pre-teens on bicycles properly wearing bandanas to cover their noses and mouths while social distancing. Kudos to their parents for raising them to have fun responsibly.

    Jane is not home at the moment, so I beg forbearance from all the ladies of the WMDBS to throw me a rope if I fall off the ‘Mansplainin’ Bridge. But there seems to be a connection between all the MAGAt covidiot women and in the dark recesses of my mind to Republicon/conservative women who whined about feminists and particularly the #MeToo movement “leaving them behind.” Something about “hey what about us, even if we’ve stabbed you in the back for decades, married and financed your oppressors, but dammit, we’re the victims here.”

    Ladies, am I close?

  2. thatotherjean says:

    Quite close. Leaving aside the Libertarian types, you’re spot on.

  3. Texas Expat in CA says:

    I nominate that little girl on the right in the Andrew Neil take-down for Most Likely to Become Prime Minister When She Grows Up. Stunning!

  4. If we can’t be liberated, nobody gets liberated.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    thatotherjean @2 and AK Lynne @3, thank you. But please elucidate. I’ve “got this” so to speak when it comes to real women aka as not Republicon or conservative. But seriously, please help a guy out – there’s a third planet of women out there called Libertarian? Not sure I’ve ever met one, or maybe I ran so fast I forgot. Who or what is a “Libertarian women”? And Lynne: “If we can’t be liberated, nobody gets liberated.” – is that an ironic twist on the overall conservative “I got mine…”?

    Here’s we’re I’m stuck or missing the point, maybe, I think. Are conservative women doing these latest crazy things as a cry for help? Or, are they (obviously) substantially smarter than their men and really adept at playing the victim card? Guess my real question is if they can be helped, what can we do? Or, should I be forewarned that if they were to throw me a rope, I’d best be prepared to duck the very large anchor attached?

  6. Katherine says:

    I once read that the newest Democrat was a divorced Republican woman.

  7. Katherine – – BINGO!!!

  8. Old Fart says:

    The thing I found odd about Andrew Neil was his use of the term “Nanny State” to children (who may or may not have had the benefit of experiencing a nanny). In the minds of children, having someone who caters to their needs (including education), and keeps them from making hazardous mistakes isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Only to “special” adults would the desire to do foolish things be a necessity…

  9. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Phyllis Schlafly worked against the ERA so hard because she didn’t want to lose the ‘privilege’ that women ‘enjoy’ because of our special status as the weaker sex. [snark]

    Of course, that privilege is only enjoyed by white women married to wealthy men, and then only as long as they stay in line. If you want to be valued for your work, or need a paycheck, or wish to be safe while walking alone…or if you’re simply brown…there is no such privilege.

    In reality, Schlafly and her ilk just wanted to keep what was considered ‘women’s work’ low-paid and women’s options for careers limited so they could continue to afford maids. It’s a sense of entitlement that is difficult to understand if you don’t have it (thus PKM’s dilemma), and invisible if you DO have it.

  10. response to “no one in here”

    “To bad your mama never had any children.”

    Used this before. Its a total stumper. People just don’t know wht to do with it.
