Archive for July, 2020

Neo Scaramucci

July 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It turns out that Anthony Scaramucci still holds the world record for the shortest tenure of a Trump major chief of anything, but not by much.  He lasted 10 days as Chief of Communications.

Mark Meadows, Trump’s current chief of staff, is already talking about leaving and it’s only been four months.

But, not what you’d call a good four months.

“Look at what has happened on Meadows’ watch: the walk to Lafayette Square, the complete mishandling of the Covid-19 crisis, the defense of the Confederate flag and the botched handling of the intelligence on the Russian bounties on U.S. soldiers.

Yep, that’s pretty much a shopping list of failure.

For everybody watching, the problem appears to be the same problem every other chief of staff has had – Jared Kushner. Jared does not appear to be good at anything except screwing things up, which is also Donald Trump’s speciality.


Big Bad John

July 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator John Cornyn is trying real damn hard to curry favor with Donald Trump because … hell, your guess is as good as mine.  Trump is running 5 points behind Biden in Texas.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn said during a TV interview Thursday that it’s unclear whether children can get and transmit COVID-19. That same day, Texas reported more than 550 COVID infections in children 9 and younger.

And now, Cornyn is backing off, saying he knew for a damn certain fact that children can get the virus but his earlier statement was about transmitting the virus.

So, let’s do an experiment. Let’s bring all Texas schoolchildren back to school and find out. That seems like the simplest way to find out, doesn’t it?

Texas Democrats will pick Cornyn’s opponent tomorrow in a special election runoff.  It’s between State Senator Royce West and former Air Force pilot M J Hegar.


Criminal in Chief Commutes Felony Sentence of Closest Associate

July 10, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Russian Hacking, Russians, Trump

Roger Stone, Trump’s self described chief dirty trickster, has just had his sentence commuted by The President of the United States Don Donaldo Trumps, freeing him from paying the price for colluding with Russians, slandering political opponents and violating virtually every modicum of common decency and then lying to the DOJ about it. Let’s be clear here: Roger Stone colluded with Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange to disclose thousands of emails stolen from DNC and staff emails to damage Hillary Clinton in 2016.  He also participated in operations to slander Clinton and others.  THEN, he lied to the DOJ about his activities.  In an act of abject corruption (once again) Trump commuted Stone’s sentence to protect him from justice.

This corruption must not stand.  Come January 20, 2021, the jails must be opened for those who have violated the public trust and made millions on the backs of honest Americans.

Complete Failure

July 10, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Abbott, Coronavirus, Corruption, Trump

Donald Trump is a dumbass.  We all know that.  He’s also narcissistic, cruel, self obsessed, and utterly devoid of human emotion.  We’ve come to expect the worst in him through pure personal experience.  Now let’s look at Greg Abbott; he graduated from UT and Vanderbilt Law.  He served on the Texas Supreme Court and as Attorney General of Texas.  Greg Abbott is smart.  His problem is that he’s also a partisan hack.  He sued a tree trimming company after a tree fell on him after a storm, paralyzing him from the waist down resulting in an insurance settlement that pays him for life, though he can freely practice law.  After he got his, of course, he spent years trying to undo the very system that supported him when injured.  That makes him a hack, and a hypocrite.  But he’s worse than that.  As governor since 2015, he’s continued Rick Perry’s dismantling of Texas reputation for good education and a fair government.  He’s participated in the culture wars and even sicced the Texas State Guard on the US Army after goofy conspiracy theorists raised hell about how the military exercises are going to “take away their guns”.  It was stupid, and he knew better, but still pandered to screwballs.  He’s now continued that pandering all the way through Trump’s disastrous presidency, and now Texans are actually dying because of that pandering.

Against all common sense and medical experts, Abbott ordered the reopening of businesses and government agencies even though no criteria for reopening had been met.  Trump called for immediate reopening to save his reelection bid, and Abbott happily complied.  He even overruled safety precautions put in place in cities all over the state.  The result?  COVID-19 cases have overwhelmed the hospital systems; medical staff is either exhausted or sick themselves.  People are dying waiting for a hospital bed, or at home, terrified to come to a hospital. Yesterday, Texas hit a new record of over 11,000 new cases and 131 deaths, overwhelming the previous death record by over 100%.  Total deaths since the beginning of this disaster now total over 3,000.

This catastrophe is all on Abbott, period the end.  When he overruled adults like Sylvester Turner and Lina Hidalgo, he took the entire responsibility on himself.  The real tragedy?  Unlike Trump, Abbott is not a dumbass; he knows better.  He’s just a corrupt and cynical politician, and this year should spell the end of his political career and a place in polite society (if that even exists anymore).

Speaka Da English?

July 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump just explained to Sean Hannity about this tax returns.

“I’m under tax audit, I have been for a long period of time,” the president told Hannity. “Once I ran for politics that deal was like we didn’t make it. So I’m under a continuing audit, and anyone that did that or showed that before you have it finalized, but they treat, they treat me horribly, the IRS. It is a disgrace what has happened. We had a deal done, I guess it was signed even. Once I ran or once I won, somewhere back a long time ago everything was like let’s start all over again.”

Remember when he made a perfect score on the cognitive test and the doctors had never seen that before, insinuating that he has more cognitive than anyone else on the planet?



COVID-19? Whose Problem?

July 09, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus