Big Bad John

July 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator John Cornyn is trying real damn hard to curry favor with Donald Trump because … hell, your guess is as good as mine.  Trump is running 5 points behind Biden in Texas.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn said during a TV interview Thursday that it’s unclear whether children can get and transmit COVID-19. That same day, Texas reported more than 550 COVID infections in children 9 and younger.

And now, Cornyn is backing off, saying he knew for a damn certain fact that children can get the virus but his earlier statement was about transmitting the virus.

So, let’s do an experiment. Let’s bring all Texas schoolchildren back to school and find out. That seems like the simplest way to find out, doesn’t it?

Texas Democrats will pick Cornyn’s opponent tomorrow in a special election runoff.  It’s between State Senator Royce West and former Air Force pilot M J Hegar.


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0 Comments to “Big Bad John”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    Have you noticed Cornyn’s run negative ads against Royce West and none against MJ Heger? John must think MJ will be easier to defeat than Royce.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Go Texas! You can do this. Replace Cornyn and almost all is forgiven for not tossing Teddie Crooze when you had the chance.

    Orange Foolius is at -5 and falling in Texas. With a little more ‘help’ from Bitsy DeVile on those school openings that should reach -15 soon. Why it isn’t already -25 is a mystery to sane folks. That Commander Clorox* is not well below 40% nationwide speaks to a Republicon split: half covidiots and half covoblivious.

  3. So Cornyn should go see the infected kids and put his mouth over the kids nose and such hard!! Lets see if he survives! And have all the deniers to something similar!

  4. Jill Ann says:

    Grandma Ada @1, I’ve been wondering about those ads too. I was interpreting them differently, in that maybe we libruls would be MORE likely to vote for West if Cornyn advertised against him. The implication being that he’d rather run against West. However, today I saw a Cornyn ad against Hegar, so now I have no earthly clue what he’s doing.

  5. Rosemary from Indiana says:

    Cornyn, without a mask, should be willing to welcome large tours of unmasked schoolchildren into his office every day. Let’s see if he contracts the virus.

  6. I’ve been following the daily COVID numbers for Alaska (climbing quickly), and every day there are kids in the 0-10 and the 11-19 groups. They are climbing as fast as any other age bracket.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Cornyn is in good company for stupid Trumpster of the week along with Bitty Devos, Dan Patrick, Peter Navarro, Mike Pence (of course DUHTrumpf is always #1). Now that they’re making it all Dr Fauci’s fault ( and China and Biden and Obama), the coronavirus task force will be free to do and say whatever makes no sense to anyone with a brain.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Jill Ann @4 this should fix that:

    “… I have no earthly clue what he’s doing.”

    John Cornyn has no earthly clue what he’s doing.

  9. Could you let us knows who wins tomorrow?
    I’d like to donate.
    And for anyone intrested…..
    Tedra Cobb is running against Elise Stefanik R- NY 21
    She could use some help too!

  10. panthercityhorn says:

    @Steve from Beaverton:
    That looks like a five horse dead heat to decide the race for the winner. Too bad it’s not five horses who died in the heat this past week from covid-19.

  11. Old Fart says:

    I am getting so tired of the “They thought covid was a hoax, and now they’re dead” stories. And it’s just going to get monotonous^ as long as public health policy is politicized.

    But will the survivors remember before it go so bad in November…

    ^ How screwed up is it that I look at 3X the obituaries in the Boston Sunday Globe (compared to last year), and accept the new normal.

  12. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I don’t know about Cornyn, but around here in NC the Tillis folks ran ads supporting one dem candidate as ‘the only real progressive’ in a race against a guy (smart, good name recognition, veteran) who might be able to beat Tillis in November.

    I ignore all ads in a primary since one can’t tell who’s paying for them.

  13. Sandridge says:

    First, SARS-CoV-2 [the viral vector] and COVID-19 [the manifested disease] are possibly uniquely apart from most other human pathogens in many respects.
    Even well-meaning people* are unaware of the complexities, the malicious people are distorting every aspect of it.

    COVID-19 has many factors that make it far more dangerous than most think. There is no Republican who can be believed on anything about C19. Their saturation disinformation is duping many innocent people who desperately want to see a relatively easy way out of this pandemic.
    Watching these lying Rethug SOBs on the tv is driving me ‘fill in the blanks’.
    The disingenuous ‘policy’ of thousands of jurisdictions small and large formulating SC2/COVID-19 rules and regulations against an enemy as dangerous and complex as C19 IS BATSHIT INSANE!
    ONE uniform comprehensive National Policy is the answer to even beginning to control this lethal pandemic!

    Just a few facts:
    1 C19 is more contagious and lethal than ‘the flu’.
    2 C19 doesn’t just ‘make you sick’ for a while, it very often leaves lasting symptoms and extensive organ damage, in all patient groups.
    3 C19 alters blood functions, both clotting and immunology [see 2 above].
    4 C19 immunity post-infection may be short lasting, only a few months. This has serious ramifications for any potential vaccines.
    5 An effective and safe vaccine is likely six months to a year or more away.
    6 C19 is involved in various serious co-morbidities, like ‘C/A Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome’, related and worse stroke outcomes, etc. See link below.
    7 Various easy, reasonably effective means of slowing the transmission of C19 are well known and simple– masking, physical separation, basic repetitive hygiene, etc. Yet still mocked and ignored by Covidiots [if only Darwinian selection could act swiftly upon ALL of them, like that 30yo TX ‘Covid/hoax party’ attendee]


    “Physician’s First Watch
    David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH, Editor-in-Chief
    In This Issue: July 12, 2020

    COVID-19: Viral Spread by Kids / Persistent Symptoms / Adult Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome / More Severe Stroke”

    * Even my poor ex keeps grasping at straws with this, responding hopefully to many of the Rethug lies about C19; and she hates trump and the Repigs. She’s daily potentially exposed to C19 and is worried to the max.

  14. Not mentioned IIRC so far: younger people survive covid, but seem to carry defects that make them exempt from military duty permanently. Aren’t the rwnjs all for military service?

    Also just listened to Thom Hartmann on Siriusxm, all the collateral damage adds up in my opinion to way more $$$ than if rhe government supplied free N95 masks, to protect the wearer directly, not just indirectly as with respirator masks of lesser effectiveness.

  15. The Surly Professor says:

    Rosemary from Indiana @ 5: My first reaction is Yes! But then it comes down to the second reaction: those kids will end up infecting each other, their teachers, their entire schools, spreading it to Grandma and everyone in their home.

    And even if Cornyn gets infected, he has world class health care, priority for testing and treatment, all paid for by us taxpayers. While the teachers, children, etc. are going to be either SOL, or at best saddled with a lifetime of medical debt and side effects.

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Expert on the coronavirus pandemic- new WH task force member Chucky Foolery Woolery replaces Dr Fauci. We’re in such good hands- just don’t breath and you’ll be fine.

  17. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Has Cornyn said anything about the baby who died in Corpus Christi?
