I think I’ve made it pretty clear how I feel about John Bolton. I think we should tie him to a fire ant hill and pour honey on top.
However, I do not think his testimony during the impeachment hearing would have done one whiff of good. First, even I don’t believe him. I want to believe him, but I cannot justify doing so because I don’t trust him. I think of this: maybe, just maybe, Bolton did not testify because he would have been under oath. Books are books and oaths are oaths.
We had people with far better reputations and motivation than Bolton and they got dismissed as liars during the hearings, or sometimes just ignored.
I have come to think it’s folly to believe that Republicans in the Senate would have listened to fifty people testify under oath that Trump is a danger to society and is going to get us all killed (face it, he’s trying his damnest) and Senate Republicans would have changed their minds.
Honey, the spines of Senate Republicans are not worth the paper they are printed on.