Archive for March, 2020

The Media Should Pull the Plug on WH Briefings

March 26, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Lie, Trump

All week the Washington Post opinion writers have been talking about the lying, distortions, and pure misinformation pouring into Americans’ ears from Trump’s daily briefings diatribes.  As we’ve all known from the beginning of his run for the presidency, Trump’s trademark is his bombastic lying, but now such lying is actually killing people.  From “it will disappear,” to “it’s completely under control,” to touting drugs that haven’t been approved or tested to now pushing to “restart the economy”, he’s gone from laughably moronic to downright dangerous.

It’s time for the media to pull the plug on Trump’s WH rallies.  Bloomberg News has done that, showing the briefing WITH THE SOUND TURNED OFF recapping only factual information along with other market news. The other networks should start doing similar.  Since Trump can’t do his idiotic rallies right now, the ONLY tools he has is Twitter and network television, so he dominates the briefings spouting bullshit and propaganda and muzzling healthcare experts.  It’s got to stop and stop now.  Governors (and Joe Biden) have stepped into the vacuum left by Trump’s idiocy and the networks should certainly carry those briefings.

At one of our most precarious times, voter stupidity has put a moronic megalomaniac in the most powerful job in the world.  Other countries have leaders grappling with COVID-19; we have a clown thinking he’s running a television gameshow.

Stay the Hell Home

March 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is one of those stories that is by subscription only, but I managed to steal you the good parts.  It says to stay home.

It explains a possible reason why New York has 10 times the number of cases that New York does.

San Francisco Chronicle: “New York’s coronavirus outbreak has violently erupted over the past few days, and the state is now driving the national epidemic — while on the West Coast, public health experts are wondering if an early and aggressive response saved California from a similar fate.”

“California reported some of the earliest coronavirus cases in the United States in late January. And in the first week of March, California and New York were neck and neck on cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. But over the past week, New York case counts have doubled every few days, and the state now has 10 times the cases California does: 25,000 to 2,500.”

So the lesson here is:  Let’s pack those pews on Easter Sunday, y’all!




March 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s not perfect but there’s no slush fund.



Two of our favorite little local restaurants closed down today.  I’m sad. One had the best hamburgers on the planet.  The other was Mexican food.


Yo! Mika! Punch That Guy In The Face.

March 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, I don’t like Joe Scarborough and I always will.

There’s something real creepy about him. I can’t tell you why I don’t like him because it’s unknown to me.  However, today gave me a little clue.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough thinks Senate Democrats should go ahead and bail out President Donald Trump’s hotels and other properties so he’ll focus on public health instead of his own bottom line.

The “Morning Joe” host called on lawmakers to waive their objection to sending coronavirus relief to properties owned by Trump and his family, saying he’s been worried about the president’s priorities.

See the little kid in the corner throwing a fit at the birthday party because he can’t have all the ice cream?  Give him all the damn ice cream because otherwise he’s going to ruin the party for everyone.

1. I resent the hell out of being extorted by my president. Did he go Stalin on us now?  Tell ya what – give him your money, Joe.

2. How fair is this to the mom and pop who bought a La Quinta franchise?  They don’t have the Russians to bail them out.

3. The last damn thing in the world I want is Donald Trump focusing on pubic health. Seriously.

What we need now is not saving Trump’s hotels. We do, however, need better morning show hosts and the 25th amendment.

Say it, Joe.


Because All Lives Matter

March 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please meet Katherine Wall.  She is in a run-off for the Republican nomination for Texas CD22, my district.



Not only is she a quart low on estrogen, her neurons don’t synapse practically at all.

The order from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has suspended all abortions in the state except in cases of life-threatening pregnancy complications. Texas is one of multiple Republican-led states to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to order a halt to abortions, under the guise of freeing up medical resources.

Here’s the scary part, CD22 is an open seat.  There’s no incumbent.  So, 15 Republicans filed for the seat, including a Bush, and this person rose to the top along with out current sheriff who is a proud graduate of Liberty University and has a boy-crush on Trump.

The district went narrowly Republican in the last election and since nobody knows what’s going to happen this afternoon, much less in November, I’ll keep you up to date about my future congressvarmint.


And He Believes In The Easter Bunny

March 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So now Trump says we’ll be back at work by Easter.

President Trump said he wants the nation “opened up and just raring to go by Easter,” a date just over two weeks away that few health experts believe will be sufficient in containing the spread of coronavirus.

Speaking during a Fox News town hall, Trump reiterated he was eager to see the nation return to normal, even as doctors warn the nation will see a massive spike in cases if Americans return to crowded workplaces or events.

He sys things like that because he has a fever.  And he’s nuts.

I know you can’t holler fire in a crowded theater, but if you go on teevee and say that eating a frog will cure you of arthritis and some fool eats a frog and dies, is that free speech?

Easter?  Really?  You know, that’s almost as ridiculous as him assuring us that he’d watch over how the $50 gazillion is spent and expect us to trust him.

Nope.  Watching over. No Easter working.