Archive for February, 2020

Well, Here It Is, Almost 9:00 am Texas Time, and Barr Is Still The Attorney General

February 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

But at least he’s no longer the chief law enforcement officer of the whole damn country.  Trump stripped him of that title.

On the downside: Trump is tweeting this morning about the Logan Act (seemingly oblivious to Rudy Giuliani’s existence) and the Deep State.


Go On, Talk Amongst Yourselves

February 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’ve just heard on the electric teevee that William Barr is “considering” resigning over Trump’s interference in the Justice Department.

So, Barr’s tail hairs are feeling the singe of hell’s fires.  From what folks are guessing this information was leaked … by Barr himself.

I guess today‘s pardon festival is so clearly restocking the swamp with slime that even Barr is getting comfortable.

I’ll see you guys late morning.

PS – an hours later, MSNBC announced that the Justice Department just tweeted that Barr “has no plans” to resign.

Not Surprising

February 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Head Up:  Roger Stone will get his sentence from the judge on Thursday but she will postpone the actual punishment pending his decision on a new trial.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson is not on Trump’s Christmas card list.  Trump has whined about her several times on Twitter.  According to him, she is so unfair. So. Unfair. Boohoo.

And … the hits just keep on coming.



I guess he’s testing his pardoning skills for the big ones.


Ahhhh, The Visual

February 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Kellyanne Conway, the little wind-up yakkey doll of crazy butt language, had one that made me stop and think yesterday.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said Sunday that while President Donald Trump “works hand in glove” with Attorney General William Barr, Trump never asked Barr to intervene in Roger Stone’s criminal case.

Hand in glove?  I mean, I could see hand in hand is probably what she was going for.  But, hand in glove has some strange visuals for me. Think puppet.  There ya go – hand in glove.

I dunno.  Maybe she told the truth without knowing it. When Barr said he couldn’t “do his job” if Trump kept twittering, the only thing that could possibly mean in the real world is that Trump has to quit announcing that he has his hand up Barr’s butt, and that it fits like a glove.

Today is the first day of early voting in Texas. I will vote today. I have come to believe that we live in dangerous but not unsurmoutable times.  We have some vitally important statewide judicial races that can change the corporate owned face of Texas. Please, please, do not vote blind in those races because we also have some real stinkers running.

I still do not know who is going to get my vote for president.   I’m leaning toward Elizabeth Warren.  About 85% of my friends are mad at me about it which tells me that she’ll get around 15%.  I wish Franklin Roosevelt was running. He’s not. And I’m pissed off about it.


That’s Right

February 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Today is the first day to early vote in Texas.





February 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal — I don’t think Trump likes dogs.

Trump’s proposed 2021 budget released to Congress last week includes plans to eliminate a program that deploys dog teams to detect explosives at crowded travel hubs across the country.

These are federal programs and Trump thinks that by switching them to the state and city to maintain, everything will be okay.  Sure they will, as long as the state and cities can afford to maintain them.  So if you live in Podunk, you’re not worried until you have to fly to New York or Miami.

I suspect the money will be diverted to Trump’s gold vacations or the damn wall.

Personally, I think it all started here.


Thanks to S Gray for the heads up.

And Deb T sent us this one to go with it.