Go On, Talk Amongst Yourselves

February 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’ve just heard on the electric teevee that William Barr is “considering” resigning over Trump’s interference in the Justice Department.

So, Barr’s tail hairs are feeling the singe of hell’s fires.  From what folks are guessing this information was leaked … by Barr himself.

I guess today‘s pardon festival is so clearly restocking the swamp with slime that even Barr is getting comfortable.

I’ll see you guys late morning.

PS – an hours later, MSNBC announced that the Justice Department just tweeted that Barr “has no plans” to resign.

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0 Comments to “Go On, Talk Amongst Yourselves”

  1. Prosecutors resigning, Panicky judicial conference calls , sniping defensively at the tweet addicted angry oaf’s deafness of his warnings, an unburnished legacy covered in excrement, possible legal nightmares awaiting his foolishly stupid greed for glory. I’d say his fat ass is looking at the kettle he’s to be boiled in.

  2. Bill: “I quit.:
    Donnie*: “you can’t quit.”

    Hours or days later maladministration sits down to draw straws as to who delivers the “you’re fired” to Billy Bob Barr.

    Act III, Foolius Caesar, same as Acts I and II.

    Bets on this for the Friday news dump?

  3. Doesn’t he need a Bar card to hold the position? Disbar him and put him on the curb.

  4. This tickles the shit outta me.
    But it also reminds me of where we’ve come to in a short period of time. A decade ago, this woulda been some kinda sci-fi and fantasy story. “That’s some crazy f**king shit!”
    Now it’s a Tuesday news dump

  5. I’ll bet Barr believes this is how to get Trump’s attention. “Hey, you! Quit tweeting about what I’m doing or you can kiss goodbye to any investigations of your opponent this September!”

    What’s more, I’m guessing it will work — at least for a little while. Trump knows, if he loses in November, he’ll be bound for prison very soon thereafter so he needs Barr WAY more than Barr needs him.

    Look for the tweets to drop off a cliff in the near future. Then, it’s anyone’s guess as to how long he’ll be able to keep his thumbs off his phone.

    So then will Barr put up? Or shut up? He’s in a sticky place, too, when you get right down to it. Just because he BELIEVES the president should be a king [well, a Republican one should, anyway] doesn’t make it so.

  6. This resignation thing sounds like something the GOP deep state would float just to confuse and pause the opposition. I don’t see any upside for Barr, Trump, or various of their allies if he does so. And listening to the opposition has never been one of their strong points. My bet is that he is still hard at work re-working the DOJ into a bludgeon for use at appropriate times. Appropriate times to be defined by Trump.

  7. twocrows:
    I’ve gotta disagree. donald f**king trump has nothing in his malignant narcissistic pseudo-psyche that tells it he needs anybody’s help. And whenever reality finally starts catching up with him like Stephen King’s Langoliers, he’ll evacuate his bowels and bladder in the most spectacularly disgusting display of reckoning in history.
    That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. 😉

  8. I suspect this “fake outrage” by Barr is just a cover response for the real outrage that Barr’s (former?) peers are expressing.

    If Barr really believed that Boss Tweet could be cowed by his subordinates’ discomfort, watching the dumpster fire flaring at the WH in 2017 would’ve disabused him…

  9. Mary Smith says:

    I’m with twocrows. Barr has no intention of resigning under any circumstances.He’s making noises to get Trump to shut up about the criming so they can continue the criming. It may also reassure some of the troops who are watching their DOJ be corrupted. The list of former DOJ employees pointing out the obvious, calling for Barr’s resignation and asking current employees to speak up (if you see something, say something) is growing. It won’t faze the Trump mafia, but it may make a difference to the public.

  10. Brad in Dallas says:

    Remember that Barr’s first turn on the national stage was as Bush 41’s last Attorney General, who held the office a few months, just long enough get all the Iran Contra investigations shut down with no blame placed on Bush. He apparently spent decades tarred as a political sellout, who couldn’t find work except for right wing causes. No doubt he agreed to be Trump’s AG thinking he’d do some similar dirty work for awhile and then virtuously and publicly refuse to go along, thus rehabbing his reputation. But Mango Mussolini apparently just told him no. Poor Billy.

  11. Ms Barr made the announcement to take the spotlight off Ms McConnell .

  12. When a corrupt person makes a remark like that, I always wonder what they are doing behind the scenes.
    Because something is going on.
    Like Kercik, Guiliani side kick.
    Who will be paying them to investigate in the Ukraine???

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    Katherine@3: an attorney’s license or admission to the bar is not required to become Attorney General, just approval by the Senate. And we’ve seen how scrupulous the Senate when examining this administration’s doings.

    Some time ago I read that ALL of Trump’s judicial appointees were classified as “not qualified” by the American Bar Association. But McConnel merrily bangs the gavel and they’ve got a lifetime sinecure.

  14. So now the Golden Gibbon is using Barr as a distraction and Barr is playing along with it. That resigning thing? Yada yada.
