Archive for January, 2020

Call The Salvation Army To Pick This Crap Up Because We Sure Don’t Need It

January 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s the Republicans handing us a scam impeachment “trial” of a president seeking to be Dear Leader and Premier rolled into one, and what do we do?  We screw it up by starting a family feud.

A four-hour docuseries about Hillary Clinton will premiere in its entirety March 6 on Hulu, the Hollywood Reporter reports.

In it, Clinton slams Sen. Bernie Sanders: “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.”

She refused to say whether she would endorse him if he won the Democratic nomination.

Shut the hell up.

Obviously, someone likes him or you wouldn’t be so damn bitter. He has friends. Some people like him. Just shut up.

Even suggesting that you might not vote for him if he’s the Democratic nominee belittles you and the entire damn country. But mostly it belittles you. Shut up about it.

This just makes me want to sit down and cry. Please don’t patronize Democrats who support Sanders. I know some Sanders supporters who can give you a dozen rational reasons for supporting him. They were not sucked into it, they thought their way there.  Don’t tsk-tsk them.

I have stayed out of the Hillary fight because I support anybody who will run against Trump.  I would even support Hillary, again.  If she’ll just shut the hell up about petty crap like this.

Yeah, I’m rolling my eyes.



January 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans took Alan Dershowitz down to the river to baptize him.  They dunked him three times to get all the liberal off and then banged his head against a rock about five times too many.

After OJ, the man was a nobody.  Nobody cared what he thought or asked him to be on teevee.  OJ eventually went to jail and Dershowitz went to celebrity hell.  In my way of thinking, they both deserved what they got.

But, Dershowitz found his way back. He did a complete flip flop on what the Constitution says and now says the framers did not mean abuse of power to be an impeachable offense. Okay, if abuse of power is not impeachable, what the screaming hell is?

How does he explain this about-face?  When questioned about his current views as opposed to his opposite views during the Clinton impeachment, we get this.

“I am much more correct right now having done all the research.”

Nope. You cannot be “more correct.” You can be right or you can be wrong. This is not a multiple choice question. Going the opposite direction is not getting “more right.”

Dershowitz is 81 years old. He ain’t got a lot of study time left to spare.  Who’s to say that if he studies it for another 20 years, he won’t come full circle?

But I still respect him slightly more than I do Ken Starr. Ken Starr is just a law gigolo.


Armed Mobs are Not “Militias”. They’re Just Armed Mobs

January 21, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Fun With Guns

Gun nuts from all over the country crowded around the Virginia statehouse yesterday (on Martin Luther King Day) to protest laws that no one has proposed.  Their main objections that caused their fake outrage was that the new Democratic majority was going to…I kid you not…to “shut down the internet”, “have no-knock raids on gun owners”, and to “start confiscating everyone’s guns”.  This is in response to the state legislature’s consideration of improved background checks and limitations on the number of guns on can purchase in one month.  That’s real tyranny, right?  Generally, I find that those who parade around like this are either 1.  Criminals who can’t legally own a firearm, 2. Right wing racists who try to piss off normal people by co-opting holidays like MLK day, 3. Mentally unstable, and 4. Compensating for a physical deficiency.  Namely:

Most of said demonstrators yesterday were all dressed up in body armor, helmets, radio headsets, multiple firearms and vests that hold multiple high-capacity magazines.  Many claimed they were members of “militias”.  A news flash for these fine fellows – you’re not a member of a militia.  You are a member of an armed mob.  Militias come under federal, state and local authorities, and not just any group of idiots can dress up, and run around in the woods playing Army.  Here’s a really good explanation of the laws surrounding actual militias.

I’ve found these folks impossible to talk with about their gun obsession.  Their minds are so full on nonsense about the Second Amendment that they believe it was written to allow individual citizens to attack the government if they disagree with what their government is doing.  The Second Amendment was added for the opposite reason, which was to provide a structure for federal, state, and local governments to protect from insurrections and attacks from standing armies (like the British).  So much bullshit has been pumped into the public domain about guns that we have the result today of thousands of gun nuts protesting laws that are not proposed.  And most of the media let them get away with that.


January 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Rocky, Rocque, and Ricky: I Love Yew, Texas

January 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In Texas and several foreign states, there are three guys, all related, and all named pretty near the same.

Here’s the backstory:

 Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente, who has run for president in the past as a Democrat, is running for president this year (including in the Texas primary) as a Republican. He also has run for Senate, simultaneously and unsuccessfully, in several of the several states.

His son, also Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente, following in Dad’s footsteps, is among 18 candidates (including four who’ve dropped out) on this year’s Texas Democratic presidential primary ballot. I’ll let you decide whether either of the De La Fuentes is a rogue Roque.

So, it is possible, weirder things have happened, that we have a November election consisting of a Democrat named Rocky De La Fuente vs. a Republican named Rocky De La Fuente.

Daddy Rocky is also running for a congressional seat as a Republican in California.

But, it gets leaky here … Daddy Rocky has another kid, named Ricky.  Ricky De La Fuentes is running for congress in both California and Texas. States with lax residency laws will let you do that.  He’s running as a Democrat against his Dad in California and as a Democrat against no family member in Texas, which seems to take some of the sport out of it.

Glen Maxey puts a translation lid on it in the Austin American Statesman.



Political dynasty – hey, it couldn’t be worse than the Trump family.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

“Flood the Zone with Shit”

January 20, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Lie, Russians, Trump, Ukraine Shakedown

In early 2018 Steve Bannon gave away the entire game plan for Trump in an interview with Michael Lewis of Bloomberg News.  In that interview, Bannon said a lot of things, but summed up his entire strategy in this one sentence:

“The Democrats don’t matter. The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.”

That’s it.  That is the entire strategy for TrumpWorld.  Not surprisingly, that’s Vladimir Putin’s strategy, too.  In fact, he’s the guy who perfected it.  In the bad old days of Soviet communism, propaganda was directed in monolithic terms.  The government had it’s own version of truth, and repeated it 24/7.  But that stopped working as the few large media outlets lost the volume battle to alternative sources of “news” and with the rise of social media.  Putin’s strategy now is to confuse and contradict so much that people get numb to it all and start believing that the truth is unknowable.  In his new book, Nothing is True and Everything is Possible, Peter Pomerantsev describes this strategy in the modern Russia which is now completely controlled by Putin.  Putin controls all the mainstream media in the country, and his military hacks into social media around the globe to spread the same misinformation used to control his own people.

The Bannon/Trump strategy keeps Americans off balance by spewing a mountain of bullshit on a daily basis which is why you hear Trump complaining about everything from low water use toilets to windmills killing millions of birds.  He’s done it at least 16,000 times since he became president, and his entire group of enablers from Giuliani to Kellyanne do it in a continuous stream.  There is so much bullshit that people are exhausted trying to keep up, and those he has brainwashed amplify the amount of bullshit circulating television, radio, and social media, repeating said bullshit millions of times.  They did it to Hillary with the debunked uranium story, and they’re trying to do it to Biden right now with the false Ukrainian corruption fiction they’ve whipped up.

The strategy works almost flawlessly.  This is how you get Trumpists, in the face of a tsunami of evidence that Trump illegally extorted Ukraine for his own political benefit, deny he did, and if he did, they say “so what?”    Think about it – what used to be headline news just ten years ago is now just a little dust you brush off your sleeve.  The disinformation is so perfectly delivered and maintained that people actually believe that everyone, including all of the mainstream press, all Democrats, all nonpolitical people, intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, and the courts are lying.  The ONLY source of truth is Donald Trump and his talking heads.  Confusion propaganda is designed to sideline the truth and convince otherwise normal people that the only way to get unconfused is to believe only one leader who, in his “great and unmatched wisdom” is the only person to know true truth.

This is how democracy is destroyed.  When the people no longer trust the system, especially when it comes to voting, the news, and the common good, then the bad guys win.  Trump, Bannon, Giuliani, and the rest of the criminals in TrumpWorld want you to be stupid.  And they keep you stupid by feeding you mountains of bullshit. When you believe that bullshit, he’s got you, and you then virtually can’t be saved.