Very early this morning, Mitch McConnell rammed through his rules avoiding a vote on witnesses and documents until AFTER the House and Trump’s goons present their cases. The only small victory for the House was him caving to “moderate” Senators who forced him to extend the time for case presentations and allowing evidence already presented. This vote tactic has become a standard fare for McConnell, dragging proceedings out into the wee hours of the morning and holding votes when most Americans are in bed. Remember he did the same thing when he tried to kill the ACA; McCain’s midnight thumbs down was the only thing that stopped him.
Yesterday was a circus. Schiff and his team presented clear, detailed evidence of Trump’s criminal activity, alternating with Trump’s lawyers acting like chimpanzees hurling their own feces at zoo visitors. Their behavior was shocking to the senses with the WH counsel and Jay Sekulow actually shouting at the senators; their case strategy is primarily yelling “Nuh Uh!” to every bit of evidence presented by the House team. Knowing that the fix is in, they’re not even trying to present a defense, preferring to play full time to their audience of one.
This is a very high risk strategy for McConnell and the Republicans, including Susan Lucy Collins, who is voting in lockstep with her party. As Schiff said in his arguments, the truth WILL come out. The suppressed evidence will become public, and every single witness will eventually tell the truth, either in books or television interviews. The tragedy will be that it will then be too late to remove Trump by impeachment. If (when) he’s voted out of office, he won’t go quietly, and it’s a virtual guarantee that he won’t go quietly knowing that he’ll then be facing a lifetime of trying to stay out of, or get out of jail.
This is now all on McConnell and the rest of the Republicans enabling this lunatic. Hopefully millions of Americans who are glued to Dancing with the Stars and America’s Got Talent, will be able to pry themselves away from their television pablum long enough to go vote. I’m not hopeful.