So Much Winning

January 23, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Trump’s accomplishments in Davos:

  1. Announced “reforms” (translation: cuts) to Social Security and Medicare will come early in his next term.
  2. Announced further unwinding of EPA clean water rules to allow more free fouling of our waterways, returning to the bad old days.
  3. Complained that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have not been awarded the Pulitzer prize.  Yes, you read that correctly.
  4. Downplayed brain injuries to US servicemen who were in bunkers on the base attacked by Iranian missiles.
  5. Called his Senate trial on impeachment a hoax (for the thousandth time).

Here endeth the lesson.


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0 Comments to “So Much Winning”

  1. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I can’t recall the source, but here’s a great quote which is so apropro of the moment:

    Such folly smacks of genius; a lesser mind would be incapable of it.

  2. Sam in Superior says:

    While it would weaken the prestige of the Nobel Prize, I have no problems with Trump, Hannity, or Limbaugh receiving the Prize as long as it’s posthumous and in the next two weeks.

    Other than those conditions, HELL NO.

  3. So very many reasons not to vote for Trump. They should be repeated over and over on billboards and in TV ads from now until November 3.

  4. Buttermilk Sky says:

    He also correctly identified the large body of water west of here as the Pacific Ocean. Apparently it is badly polluted by every country but ours, and Greta Thunberg should clean it up.

    And he bragged about withholding evidence from the impeachment inquiry, thus admitting to obstruction of justice. His very good lawyers should tell him he has the right to remain silent, if not the ability.

  5. Ever hear the term “dying dementia”? Sometimes at the end the patient just babbles until running out of wind.
