Archive for January, 2020

Greg Abbott Has It Floored In Neutral

January 08, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is not tottering on the verge of paranoid hysteria, he’s sleeping or has passed out at the dinner table.

Get this:



Oh silver plated rodeo with mother of pearl inlay!  Texas must be the highest bastion of anti-Persian power on earth and neighboring planets and that’s why they are going after us.  But Texas, fully armed, loaded, and ready to fight a damn war with Bubba and Melvin over at the shooting range leading the troops currently housed at trailer parks in Grimes County (and I have proof of that), are holding off them damn hackers.

Okay, proof about the trailer parks in Grimes County:



If you’ve never heard of Confederate Heroes Day, neither have people in Iran.  And they made it tricky because they put it on Martin Luther King Day.

Back to the idea of 10,000 Iranian computer hacks per minute on the Texas state computer system.



One hack did get the job done, though.  Our big doofus agriculture commissioner, Sid Miller, got his website hacked.



However, even Miller says it was probably the work of kids.

It’s not clear how the hackers got into the website. Officials don’t think it was Iran, but they suspect it may have been youth participating in some type of cyber challenge, Miller said.

Good Lord, he got that figured out and he’s an idiot.

Yeah, and I don’t think Iranians would name themselves #theloserteam.

Just a guess on my part though, just like every official statement from Greg Abbott.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

Crash of Ukrainian Airliner Very Suspicious

January 08, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Iran

I’m not buying the engine fire causes plane to crash explanation being given the media.  The Boeing 737-800 is highly reliable with sophisticated fire detection and fire suppression systems.  Also, this particular aircraft is only three years old.  An engine fire would not cause a loss of control of the aircraft unless an explosion would rupture the firewall between the engine itself and the wing structure.  The fire suppression systems on the 737 includes fuel and air shutoffs AND onboard fire extinguishers.  And the plane is designed to be flyable on one engine, which should have allowed it to return safely to Tehran or other nearby airport.

Watching the video, the plane was on fire all the way to the ground, which tells me that it was a serious explosion on board that got around the fire containment design.  This is very suspicious and I’m suspecting onboard sabotage or a shootdown.  Know what was going on at the time, I won’t be a bit surprised that Iran’s own anti-aircraft defense systems shot this one down.

Ukrainian Airliner Crashes after Take-Off From Tehran

January 07, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Iran

Curiouser and curiouser – A Ukrainian airliner is reported down in a suburb in Tehran shortly after take-off .  180 people were onboard.

Iran Retaliates – Crude Price Up over $65

January 07, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Iran

Iran retaliated for Trump’s idiotic killing of Qasem Soleimani last week, firing over a dozen ballistic missiles from Iran to two US bases in Iraq.  Casualties unknown as yet.  Crude price skyrocketed to over $65 on the news.  Expect it to be more volatile in coming days as Trump will do the next stupid thing.

Lock Him Up!

January 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, lookie here …

President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser Michael Flynn should serve up to six months in jail, prosecutors told a federal judge on Tuesday, saying Flynn has failed to accept responsibility for his actions and undermined a separate criminal case.

“It is clear that the defendant has not learned his lesson,” the Justice Department wrote. “He has behaved as though the law does not apply to him, and as if there are no consequences for his actions.”

Nooooooooo. Not a fine upstanding patriot like Mike Flynn.

Look, I know Trump will pardon him and that Flynn and Gallagher will open a torture consulting firm next month.  I know they will both get gigs on Fox News.  I know that. But I jut want to holler Lock him up! as they walk him out of the courtroom.


Poopie del Pollos

January 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, CNN breaks some news and says —

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he has the votes to set the ground rules of the impeachment trial for President Donald Trump — without Democrats’ support.

All McConnell needs is 51 senators — or a simple majority of the 100-member chamber — and several key Republicans. GOP Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Mitt Romney of Utah have said they back the leader’s approach.

I hate to say I told you so, but … oh crap, I knew it all along and so did you.  Collins and Murkowski need a dipstick like McConnell to prove they are about a quart low on estrogen and Mitch never had any guts whatsoever.

It’d be a dog and pony show except the pony died and the dog doesn’t know any tricks.

Don’t give them a hearing, Nancy.  They held a Supreme Court nominee for over a year so it’s about time for payback.