Iran Retaliates – Crude Price Up over $65

January 07, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Iran

Iran retaliated for Trump’s idiotic killing of Qasem Soleimani last week, firing over a dozen ballistic missiles from Iran to two US bases in Iraq.  Casualties unknown as yet.  Crude price skyrocketed to over $65 on the news.  Expect it to be more volatile in coming days as Trump will do the next stupid thing.

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0 Comments to “Iran Retaliates – Crude Price Up over $65”

  1. Trump visited Al Asad Air Base in December 2018. Was it calculated that the attack was on a site he’s familiar with?

  2. Word is that this is why this base was targeted. It’s personal.

  3. Any one check to the “futures” market to see if there has been another suspicious large purchase of oil futures?
    seems to happen whenever the demented one does something to affect the marketplace.

  4. Sandridge says:

    This is just the beginning. The PBS Newshour had a discussion segment with two ME analysts. One was a rabid Rethug, he was ready to pour your tax money and kids into yet another ME quagmire, just like the Cheney-Bush Iraq fuckpit. He sounded just like the stupid lying fuckers that got us into that massively expensive shitfest, even the crap about how Iran is a ‘paper tiger’; no, Iran is not Iraq of 20 years ago, they are slick, trained, equipped, and competent.
    Now we’re at the brink of yet another one.
    Will Putin and the Chinese convince Donnei Dumbfuck to chill out? Or will this spiral into the big one? It’s going to be a real trumpmire.

    Anyway, told ya so [and my tanks are full, fwiw]. I was planning a visit to a NAS, may wait a bit, and worry about kin there.:

    Four days ago:

    “Sandridge says:
    January 3, 2020 at 5:52 am
    This will probably spiral into a nasty trumpmire so fast that we’ll have lines at the gas pumps in a week or two. …
    Comrade Bonespurs jumping in halfcocked is just a fortuitous crapfest for them. What could possibly go wrong? Just like the Iraq bushmire ~17 years ago, and we’re still stuck on that flypaper/gluetrap…
    Our forces and installations in the ME now have big neon targets on their backs. Wait for an attack on a Navy ship, aircraft shootdown, or bombings of American assets [like a trump tower] in 5-4-3-2…

    Sandridge says:
    January 3, 2020 at 9:14 am
    Well, guess what, the markets are barely open today and:
    price of crude oil is up ~3.75%,
    gold is up ~1.5%,
    the DJIA [and other indices] are already diving ~0.7-1%, and most global exchanges are moving down too.

  5. @K – This is why the price is up. Consumers of crude are buying in anticipation of a war that could shut down up to 25% of global supply.

  6. Sandridge says:

    Most world equity markets are tanking, and the big Asian ones have just opened.
    Gold, crude oil, other high-end commodities are off like rockets…
    Hedge me once, shame on you, hedge me twice, shame on me, hedge me thrice, call me Dubya.

    Just imagine how our inflation rate, consumer prices, etc., are going to spike up. And the upcoming job losses on top of all that trade tariff “winning” stuff.
    Y’all think that the Rethugs will dig out of this crapfest by November?

  7. He did a tweet about how “horrendous leadership” would lead to a WWIII. Was he referring to himself, or is this his way of backing away from a fight?

  8. It’s been reported 3 targets hit in Iraq: Al Asad, Taji, & the US consulate in Erbil.

  9. K@3:
    Look at the trades for Feb 2020, huge volume:

  10. Sam in Superior says:

    Trump’s fellow criminals like Carl Ichan will already have figured out a way to profit off this. The price of Saudi oil has jumped which is one reason they’re conspiring with Trump against the interests of the US.

    It’s time to take the gloves off and work to destroy the administration

  11. So.
    Rather than use rockets, Iran used ballistic missiles — which are more accurate. Then they pointedly didn’t hit anything all that valuable and [I’m betting] there will end up being no Americans dead and few, if any, Americans injured.

    And the attack was accompanied by a threat. “Don’t hit us again, and we won’t hit back again. BUT, hit us and we will crush you.”

    And they left lots of room to escalate before all hell breaks loose over there.

    Of course, we have no idea what attacks of the cyber variety they may already have launched. I’m guessing we’ll find out in coming days.

  12. Meanwhile, we’re not talking about impeachment.

  13. Sandrich @ 4:
    Not just lines at the pump.
    Pile in the groceries over the next few days — and any other necessities you might run low on in the near future. The price of anything that comes in by truck is going to JUMP.

    And, if you don’t know of a nearby farmers’ market, do some research. Those prices are likely to be less affected due to much less travel distance.

    Hunker down.

  14. Adam Eran says:

    Call me a cynic, but I’d suggest this is why we keep stirring up trouble in the Middle East…keeping that price of oil high. It makes no sense to frack or drill deep offshore when the price drops.

    Not that Exxon-Mobil or any of the other large oil companies would do anything so perfidious as stirring up trouble! Heavens to Betsy! Oh wait!…take a look at what they did with the climate catastrophe – their profit at the rest of the world’s expense.

  15. Harry Eagar says:

    Now it’s Wednesday and Exxon is down a little. Traders are speculating but this isn’t about oil.

  16. And in TODAY’S sniffling news conference he bragged about being energy self-sufficient. So which is the lie here?.

  17. Sandridge says:

    Well, with the threatened war seemingly fizzled out, WTI crude oil prices have dived, are now bouncing around $59.50/bbl, down 4-5%; and most market indices are up ~1%, globals still down.

    Karen @16, Dear Leader was referring to the huge ramp-up in US shale fracking oil and gas production. We now are the world’s biggest producer by far.
    I live in the Eagle Ford Shale region, it has transformed what was a stagnant economy into an incredible boom.

    Contrary to what the lying SOBOTUS said [see the Wiki graphs above], this boom didn’t just happen since he became resident. It began more than a decade ago, explorations and infrastructure starting while Bush was Prez, and greatly expanding during Obama’s terms.
    If you’re concerned about global heating/climate change, I [my nose] can confirm some recent articles about shale fracking sites being some of the world’s worse greenhouse gas emitters.
    I drive in local rural areas that now have thousands of wells and gathering/distribution sites. Many have flares [you can now see the huge light band in what was once dark country from satellites; in S TX, about 75-100mi wide, 300mi long, SW to NE].
    The smell of the leaked and unburned gas and volatiles can be overpowering, just driving by hundreds of yards away. That cannot be good for our environment.
