Archive for December, 2019

UPDATED: Another Sunday, Another Church Shooting

December 29, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Fun With Guns

This time in Fort Worth today.  One reported dead, two wounded.  Police are still looking for the shooter.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

UPDATE: Two are now dead, one apparently is the shooter.


December 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay dokey, a new study by the Federal Reserve shows that Trump’s tariffs on imports, which were intended to boost the economy and protect jobs, ultimately led to job losses and higher prices for consumers.

Well, shock-a-roni, Skippy.

Do you want to know why this happened?  Because Trump does not know what he’s doing.  Never has and always won’t.

However, there is an upside.

The world’s richest 500 people increased their collective wealth by 25% in 2019.

Phew.  So everything’s okay because of Newton’s Equal Stuff Out Law.


Gangster in Chief

December 29, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Impeachment, Trump

Another great read, this time by David Frum about Trump’s lawbreaking to retaliate against the person identified as reporting his past lawbreaking.  Must read.

Who’s in the WH Really Does Matter…

December 28, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alt-Right Racists, Trump

Gallup has a new poll out about Americans’ top concerns, showing that for three years, the top concern was the government.  I can understand that, especially since Trump took the WH to help Republicans who have been working for years to gridlock everything and keep it from working to the benefit of all Americans.  But there is more in the data that clearly shows that who is in the WH significantly affects the concerns of the population.  Here’s the summary chart:

Look closely at the top two concerns each year and who happens to be president.  Before Trump, immigration made the top 4 issues only 3 times since 2001.  In the last two years, it’s been number two. Since Trump (with an assist from the GOP and Fox Noise) started vilifying immigrants, the issue has rocketed to the top of America’s issues.  Also look at the top issues by president.  Under GWB, it was Iraq, and later the economy.  Under Obama, it was the economy, even WAY after the economy gained strength and continued expansion.  In the last couple of years, as McConnell continually sabotaged the ACA and blocked all of Obama’s initiatives, government rose to the top of the list.  Under Trump, it’s government, for obvious reasons, as he works 24/7 to debase long respected agencies and urinates all over our 250 year history and traditions.  Also look across the top four concerns in the years under Trump.  Race is number 3 in all 3 of his years.  Now look down the rest of the list.  Race only appears ONCE, when Trump was running his blatantly racist campaign.  He has clearly opened a Pandora’s box in the American psyche that we had tried to keep closed for decades.

I find it fascinating to look at the list recalling the events during those years, and who happened to be president.  What becomes clear is that the messaging from the occupant of the WH and his allies greatly affects sentiment throughout our society.  When you have an immoral and shameless president, the worst of our country rises right back to the top.



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It’s Contagious!

December 26, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rudy Giuliani says that the Southern District of New York is investigating him because of jealousy.  Sadly, they are upset that they aren’t as good as he is.

Wait, wait, you have to hear him say it.

“It’s a terrible thing to say because it will get the Southern District all upset, but I know why they’re all upset. Because they’ve never done anything like me since me. They haven’t done in eight years like I did since I left being U.S. attorney. Nothing close.”

Oh my stinkin’ goodness.  He caught severe unrelenting chronic reoccuring infectious trumpism.

He’s the best in the history of the Southern District or more likely, the universe.  And everybody wants to be Rudy.


Alaska Fingers Crossed

December 26, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski found her voice. She says Mitch McConnell’s behavior is “disturbing.”

I think it’s real nice of her to notice.  Finally.

Murkowski indicated she’d prefer to see a “full and fair process” that possibly uses the Clinton precedent as a model.

But would not say how she plans to vote on the question of conviction.

“For me to prejudge and say there’s nothing there or, on the other hand, he should be impeached yesterday, that’s wrong, in my view, that’s wrong,” Murkowski said.

Two things:

They cannot use the Clinton model.  Clinton testified under oath.  Trump refuses to do that.  Clinton did not send a 6 page letter to Newt Gingrich that went beyond disturbing and into the Land O’ Scary as Hell.

Second, Murkowski will do what the hell ever her handlers – the Alaskan oil and gas industry – tell her to vote. Trump supports raping the Alaska environment so she will support Trump.

She’s talking a good game, but she couldn’t find courage with a map, a sherpa, and a mission statement.