Who’s in the WH Really Does Matter…

December 28, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alt-Right Racists, Trump

Gallup has a new poll out about Americans’ top concerns, showing that for three years, the top concern was the government.  I can understand that, especially since Trump took the WH to help Republicans who have been working for years to gridlock everything and keep it from working to the benefit of all Americans.  But there is more in the data that clearly shows that who is in the WH significantly affects the concerns of the population.  Here’s the summary chart:

Look closely at the top two concerns each year and who happens to be president.  Before Trump, immigration made the top 4 issues only 3 times since 2001.  In the last two years, it’s been number two. Since Trump (with an assist from the GOP and Fox Noise) started vilifying immigrants, the issue has rocketed to the top of America’s issues.  Also look at the top issues by president.  Under GWB, it was Iraq, and later the economy.  Under Obama, it was the economy, even WAY after the economy gained strength and continued expansion.  In the last couple of years, as McConnell continually sabotaged the ACA and blocked all of Obama’s initiatives, government rose to the top of the list.  Under Trump, it’s government, for obvious reasons, as he works 24/7 to debase long respected agencies and urinates all over our 250 year history and traditions.  Also look across the top four concerns in the years under Trump.  Race is number 3 in all 3 of his years.  Now look down the rest of the list.  Race only appears ONCE, when Trump was running his blatantly racist campaign.  He has clearly opened a Pandora’s box in the American psyche that we had tried to keep closed for decades.

I find it fascinating to look at the list recalling the events during those years, and who happened to be president.  What becomes clear is that the messaging from the occupant of the WH and his allies greatly affects sentiment throughout our society.  When you have an immoral and shameless president, the worst of our country rises right back to the top.



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0 Comments to “Who’s in the WH Really Does Matter…”

  1. The Surly Professor says:

    Some redditors have been curating lists of how drastically Republicans change their opinions about *everything* depending on who is in the WH:


    (the “exhibit” links show images of opinion poll tracking)


    So IOKIYAAR is just one small part of this. Republicans in general do not respond well to reality, just to whatever Fox “News” tells them that day.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Catharsis is good for the soul? Post IQ4.5 there will be clean up on every aisle. Seriously. Now that “it” is all out there, we are in a nearly identical position as WWII Germany post Hitler and the Nazis.

  3. With the last 3 years with draft dodger donnie, born of german scottish union of ( or is orangutan scottish-Hats off to bill mahar) is enough evidence supported by historical record it is now shown that Germans and Scots should be banned and deported as seditious un assimilated aliens.
    From the so called scottish cavaliers being held up a exemplars of treason during the gang uprising of the 1860’s to the lead role the germans held in two world wars and in establishing “restricted” communities it is shown that these two places are producing mentally and ethically defective people probably as a result of an adverse genetic mutation native in the blood of these two bottom feeding races.

  4. The so called immigration problem & the so called war on drugs are all manufactured problem made by the rePUKEians and the cops and the rich to make money and shift everyone’s attention from the important issues to crap that is of little concern. Drugs are a concern because they are illegal so the criminal element is making a fortune!! Did everyone forget the total catastrophe of prohibition????

  5. 1smartcanerican says:

    K@3, I take exception to your name calling of the Scots! The Scots are a strong race, proud of their heritage. Scots have not started world wars in the this century, something that the Germans have done twice. Unfortunately the paternal line of 45 are responsible for his lack of honesty and integrity. His grandfather was the same when running brothels in British Columbia and his grandson seems to take after him. While he seems to received hair similar to his Scottish mother, I doubt that she is responsible for his nasty choices; far more likely it is from his father’s line. Stop picking on the Scots!

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Jane &PKM – sadly it will take many years to clean up after the Donald. He and his minions have touched every department of government and we now see he’s started in on the military. It’s so important to get rid of him, but we all need to be prepared for a long slog. And don’t forget the GOP will nip at the heels of all Dems in office!

  7. 1) Scots have treason in their blood. Look at how inbred fools in the south held up the traitorous scottish cavaliers as examples of their on doomed failure.
    2) If one cannot desparage a race for their prediliction towards treasonthen one cannot disparage any race for anything.
    If we allow a group of people with a “genetic” prediliction towards treason and slaughter then there is no reason to ban any race for any reason be it religion, hue of skin or past history.
    if the US allows whoremongers who were draft dodgers in their original country of origin to settle here then anyone.
    So before anyone argues for immigration restrictions imposed based upon area of origin best look into mrror of past history of the group.
    Personally the only “general” restriction I would support is banning the delusional who believe in a magic man in the sky.
    Obviously allowing such fantasist’s in can only lower IQ and educational abilities of the general public.
    Another failure of the scottish and germans to the point they engaged in wars and slaughter over inane arguements of the nature of a mythical being.
    It would be like Marvel fans taking up arms against the blasphemy of D.C. comics.
    Because lets face comic books and religious tomes share an equal requirement that the reader surrender reason, logic and science to subscribe to delusions.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Grandma Ada@6, it took Germany 45 years to achieve reunification with a lot of honest addressing of their problems. We are equally if not formally divided. We’ve yet to honestly address slavery or racism, and a host of our other inequalities. Moving forward without acknowledging our history with the venom released by this pResident will be a challenge.
