Archive for October, 2019

Instant Karma. Well, Almost

October 13, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Karma is fast.  Sometimes it’s really fast.  Remember a few days ago we talked about Bill Waybourn, the Tarrant County sheriff who went on a racist rant from the WH press room podium about “drunk” immigrants?  You can’t forget him; he’s the hayseed sheriff from Texas who embarrassed all Texans even more  by wearing his cheap cowboy hat that was apparently screwed onto his head so tight he couldn’t take it off, even inside the White House.

Friday night Ol’ Bill got a little Karma treatment when his own son was arrested for…wait for it…being drunk in public.  Young Waybourn topped off his little display (literally) by exposing himself.  And the really funny thing is that he’s not even an immigrant or anything.

Sometimes there is poetic justice in this world , even in the face of an abyss of stupidity and hatefulness.  This is one of those times.

Yee Ha.



Never Met Them

October 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump has been active with his Sharpie again.



Texas Comes Through

October 11, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Judge David Briones of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, ruled that Trump’s declaration of an emergency on the southern border is unlawful

Briones, who was appointed to the court by President Bill Clinton, ruled that Trump overstepped his authority to divert more funds to border security than what was appropriated by Congress.

He also ruled that El Paso has standing to sue the president and members of his Cabinet because the county “suffered reputational and economic injuries” as a result of the administration’s rhetoric on the situation at the border and the construction plans that the proclamation entailed.

This is good stuff.

On a less important Texas court decision today, Infowars loses again. Alex Jones is on his third set of lawyers in the Texas cases and he still hasn’t won even one single motion on any of the cases. This decision came down today from the Third Court of Appeals. I think Lil’ Bubba is enjoying pitching a no-hitter against that slimy sumbitch.


Thursday Night – Let’s Recap this Week

October 10, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Ukraine Shakedown

Astros win!

Ok, seriously…two Giuliani associates, Ukraine born Lev Parma, and Belarusian born Igor Fruman were arrested last night trying to board a flight out of the country at Dulles airport after having lunch earlier in the day with…wait for it…Rudy Giuliani.  And guess where they had lunch…that’s right, the Trump International Hotel.  They’re now charged with funneling foreign money (including from a Russian oligarch) into pro-Trump PACs to influence US politicians including our own Pete Sessions, former congressvarmit.  Sessions has been exposed for pushing the State Department to fire former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yavanovich; Parma and Fruman have been implicated in that ousting.  Why was she ousted, you ask?  For being “anti-Trump”.

Also, Trump unilaterally announced the withdrawl of support of longstanding allies, the Kurds of Northern Syria.  Recall that the Kurds led the way in ousting ISIS from Syria, and for holding 50,000 former ISIS fighters in prison.  All those bets are off, and some Republicans, including Lindsey Graham have actually learned to stand without spines against Trump’s rashness.

Meanwhile, Jared and Ivanka have reported $82 million in income during 2018 while serving in the White House, 4 more White House staff are reported to have blown the whistle on Trump’s shakedown of Zelensky, and Trump continues spouting bullshit in Hitleresque political rallies.

Oh, and Rick Perry’s been subpoenaed to testify before the impeachment inquiry about his involvement in shaking down Ukraine to get them to manufacture dirt on a political rival.

But, please…let’s talk about Biden.


Oh Hell Yes

October 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I am a happy woman.


Yep. He has to bring his happy butt to testify before congress where oppsies aren’t allowed. Get the team together for watch parties.

Perry on Thursday was subpoenaed by the three House committees — Oversight, Intelligence and Foreign Affairs — leading the investigation into whether Trump abused his power by pushing Ukraine to investigate political rival and former Vice President Joe Biden.

Now this means he has to tell the same story three times. He can’t do that. He can’t tell the same story twice, Honey.

RickPerry at the Intelligence Committee! Here, take my money and give me a ticket.


Tarrant County Sheriff Shows Ass on National TeeVee

October 10, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Border Catastrophe

Holy Jesus.  Today, for some unknown reason, Tarrant Country Sheriff, and Guy Who Listens to Too Much Rush Limbaugh, Bill Waybourn, was asked to address the nation from the White House press room about immigration.  Before I discuss his shameful tirade, I’ll give him a little advice about one bad habit that he, and many other ignorant big tuff guys from Texas have…


If Ol’ Man Papa Jefe were alive today and in that room, he would’ve slapped that silly Cavender’s-Made-in-China Chamber Pot off his head telling him he had no manners wearing his hat in the house. He would ask loudly if he was raised in a barn, which apparently Waybourn was.  I learned that lesson early and well.

Now, onto said Waybourn’s hateful statement – during his rant, he had some choice things to say about those dark skinned people coming across our southern border.  Among his remarkable claims were that “they are drunks who will run over your children,” and “they will run over my children.”  He ranted on and on about a “California judge making law,” and other nonsense.

What an embarrassment.  Using the platform of the White House for these kinds of screeds in uniform is nothing short of shameful.  Here it is if you can hold your nose long enough.  The screed starts around 46:00.