Archive for October, 2019

Here, Take My Money And Gimme That Book

October 22, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

CNN has the story

The anonymous senior Trump administration official whose 2018 New York Times op-ed was called treasonous by President Donald Trump has written a new book about Trump titled “A Warning” that will be published next month, CNN has learned.

The author will remain anonymous, and sources familiar with the book tell CNN that “elaborate precautions have been taken to protect the author’s identity.”
“The Author of A WARNING refused the chance at a seven figure advance and intends to donate a substantial amount of any royalties to the White House Correspondents Association and other organizations that fight for a free press that seeks the truth,” Latimer said, adding that the book “was not written by the author lightly, or for the purpose of financial enrichment. It has been written as an act of conscience and of duty.”

Remember all those years we guess who Deep Throat was?

Well, it starts again.  Who is it?

Remember when some people thought it was Rick Perry?  Or Mike Pence?  Or Elaine Chao?  Seriously, they did.

Got any guesses?


Victim Trump

October 22, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Poor little Donald, everybody is being mean to him.  They are writing bad things in the newspapers, people boo him when he goes out in public, they jeer him, they hate him, they lynch him … whoa, wait.

President Trump on Tuesday called the impeachment inquiry a “lynching” in an inflammatory tweet that drew swift condemnation from Democrats as a senior diplomat viewed as a key witness testifies.

Lynching? Are you kidding me? Until I see that sumbitch hanging from a tree, he needs to just shuddup.

The “acting” ambassador to Ukraine is set to testify today.  He became alarmed over text messages he was receiving and now he’s going to tell congress why.

I gotta admit something. I think Trump likes having people appointed to positions as “acting” so and so.  I think it means more to him that simply the fact that they haven’t been vetted and approved. I think he likes actors. I think this whole thing is a reality teevee show. But, I’m losing my mind over it all so who knows.



Breakfast at DQ

October 22, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I had coffee and Alfredo Eggs (scrambled with pico and a fresh tortilla) over at the Dairy Queen this morning. It’s World Series day and nobody takes that lightly around here.

So, anyway, Alfredo was showing me some real interesting stuff at the Republican National Committee’s FEC forms, and I know you guys love these things, too.

For example

B RILEY FBR INC 1300 NORTH 17TH STREET SUITE 203  ARLINGTON, Virginia 22209 09/05/2019      BUILDING MAINTENANCE 780.00

There’s nothing wrong with maintaining your building but having an investment bank do it probably isn’t a smart decision.  B Riley FBR is not a janitorial or construction company. It’s an investment bank.  Maybe they cleaned up but I don’t think it involved a mop or windex.

And here’s another one.

EVAN ESTRATE – VENDOR             1229 AIRPORT PULLING ROAD NORTH  NAPLES, Florida 34104  09/27/2019                OFFICE SUPPLIES              3,250.00

Well, you gotta have office supplies, but if you check out that address, you find an auto body shop. Did somebody get drunk and dent a fender and had to hide it?  I dunno and neither do you because what the hell?

You can have a look around and see if you can find any.  Hell, you ain’t got nothing better to do and neither do I.

Thanks to Alfredo for breakfast and a heads up.

Ladylike, Real Ladylike

October 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so the accounting firm of Ernst & Young decided that the women at their firm weren’t doing it right.  So, they brought in some other people to do a workshop on how to do it right.

When women speak, they shouldn’t be shrill. Clothing must flatter, but short skirts are a no-no. After all, “sexuality scrambles the mind.” Women should look healthy and fit, with a “good haircut” and “manicured nails.”

These were just a few pieces of advice that around 30 female executives at Ernst & Young received at a training held in the accounting giant’s gleaming new office in Hoboken, New Jersey, in June 2018.

Surely they have the date wrong.  Surely this was like, I dunno, 1950?

Nope. Last year.  They even had a scoresheet.



The executive attendees were told not to talk to men face to face …

  • If you’re having a conversation with a man, cross your legs and sit at an angle to him. Don’t talk to a man face-to-face. Men see that as threatening.

Don’t speak up at meetings ..

  • Don’t directly confront men in meetings, because men perceive this as threatening. (Women do not.) Meet before (or after) the meeting instead.

And even …

Attendees were even told that women’s brains are 6% to 11% smaller than men’s, Jane said. She wasn’t sure why they were told this, nor is it clear from the presentation. Women’s brains absorb information like pancakes soak up syrup so it’s hard for them to focus, the attendees were told. Men’s brains are more like waffles. They’re better able to focus because the information collects in each little waffle square.

It’s 2019.  Two years ago, we had a choice between a man and woman for President.  Obviously, even with Trump’s bigger brain, we made the wrong choice.

Earnst & Young says they are not doing this particular training now but they won’t say if they still hire the consultant who did it.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

Who Is Next?

October 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m figuring that any minute now, Trump is going to deny ever meeting Ivanka or what’s his name – the dumb as dog dump son?

Evidence to the contrary does not matter, at all, even one whiff.

The private Instagram account of Lev Parnas reveals new clues about his access to the Trump family and his close relationship with Rudy Giuliani. In August of 2015, Parnas posted four photos and a video from a Trump campaign event at Doral, including this picture with Trump and his son.
Parnas posted a pic of a personalized thank-you note from POTUS & FLOTUS. “Lev Parnas, Thank you for your friendship and dedication to our cause,” it reads. WH didn’t respond to request for comment.
My personal favorite, on March 25, the day after Barr released a summary of the Mueller report, Parnas posted photos from what he called a celebratory dinner with the Trump legal team at  Trump’s hotel in DC.



Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

Out, Damned President, Out!

October 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Lady McTrump is trying to wash the blood off his hands.

Richard Engel tweets –

“US officials tell me Trump wants to wash his hands of responsibility for the Kurds,” Engel wrote on Twitter. “The US mil/gov gave Kurds REPEATED assurances of protection. US even asked Kurds to REMOVE defenses BEFORE the Turkish offensive. Kurds complied and now being displaced. WH says not our problem.”

Until Trump can raise the dead, there will be no hand washing, you know, except for the Trumpites who think Trump is being victimized.

He’s going to hell in a hand basket with bloody hands.