Archive for August, 2019

Holy Crap: Trump Is The Second Coming of God

August 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wayne Allyn Root is a radio talk show host who decided that Jews should stick with Trump.  Wanna know why?

“I happen to be Jewish by birth and 75% of all Jews vote Democrat, and they don’t like Trump,” Root said Tuesday. “This is the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world. Not just in America, Trump is the best president for Israel in the history of the world. And the Jewish people love him like he is the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God.”

Well, here’s the part that’s really nuts: Trump quoted this crazy man on Twitter this morning and thanked him for his “kind words.”

You can watch the original here.

Y’all, Trump is not a well man.

He called Nazis “very fine people” and opened up concentration camps on our border but thinks the Jewish people see him as the second coming of God.


Lawyering Up

August 20, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen and I have decided that the RNC’s theme song ought to be Lawyers, Guns, and Money.

The RNC seems to be collecting lawyers, which indicates to me that they are pondering on doing sketchy crap.  That’s what you do when you foresee the possibility of getting caught – get lawyers, put the NRA in your backpocket, and kiss the ass of the upper class.

You can find an example right here.

Joy Lee 310 First Street, SE  Washington, DC 20003  07/31/2019 Reimbursement – Moving Expenses, Membersh 958.74

Virginia State Bar 1111 E Main Street Ste. 700  Richmond, Virginia 23219  07/30/2019 Membership Dues 290.00

Joy Lee 310 First Street, SE  Washington, DC 20003  07/31/2019 Payroll 3809.98

Alfredo is threatening to keep count of all the lawyers the RNC hires and keep a running total on the window of the drive-thru. Those glass writing pens are the most dangerous thing anybody ever gave Alfredo.


Deep State is About to Fall

August 20, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal.  Trump is convinced that he’s going to get revenge on all his enemies. He and his vestiges of remaining friends are convinced that the FBI and the federal intelligence agencies are going down, down, doobie-do, down.

On Twitter, on conservative cable TV and in countless interviews, they’ve claimed the FBI and U.S. intelligence agencies are on the verge of being exposed for planting spies, falsifying evidence and forging testimony. They’ve relished in the possibility that a federal prosecutor on the case could file criminal charges. And they’ve predicted jail time for top Obama-era leaders who they say were behind a “deep state” plot to take down Trump.

Trump even told Sean Hannity that it was treason.  But then, Trump is a whiny little ninny crybaby.

I just wanna point out the obvious – if the Deep State was as dangerous as Trump says they are, why is Trump still in office?  The Deep State is obviously a bunch of ineffectual bloviating pissants who can’t get their ducks in a row.  You know, kind like the United States Senate.


Glow in the Dark White

August 19, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Pearland, Texas, is between here and Galveston. It’s pretty redneck but there is a growing upper middle class African American population moving to Pearland.

The redneck population didn’t get the memo.

A 13 year old junior high student who had never been in any trouble whatsoever before, got a fade haircut. It was a stylized M – no gang symbol or special meaning – just an M.

He got called to office and told he was in violation of the dress code. He wasn’t.



He was told that he could either be in in-school suspension or let the administrators – get ready – color in the fade with a black magic marker.

How white do you have to be to think that would work?  Seriously.  How white?

He picked the magic marker because he didn’t want to miss out on the track team.  So, they did it. And the student got teased by other students because it looked like crap.

The young man’s parents were never called or asked if the school could write on their kid’s head.

They are going to rewrite the dress code. Ya think?

The parents asked the school administrators get some training in these matters.  So far,, they have been ignored.

They are suing.  I do not blame them.  In fact, I thank them for taking on this battle.

They colored it in with a black magic marker.  Oh Lord, white people.


Steve Stockman

August 19, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you don’t know who Steve Stockman is, go get up to speed.  He’s a former Texas Congressroach who stole as much as he could while imitating a crazy man.  He went to federal prison last December for ten years.

Well, apparently the Bureau of Prisons decided he wasn’t crazy enough to keep in a federal prison mental hospital for his entire ten year sentence.

Register Number: 23502-479
Age: 62
Race: White
Sex: Male Located at: Beaumont Low FCI
Release Date: 12/26/2026

That’s in his old congressional district. His constituents will be thrilled. My bet? He’ll be running a racket out of there within six months and have other prisoners working for him.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen who has made it his life’s work to know where federal prisoners are.


Losing Your Last Friend

August 19, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump the Lump has now given up on being Most Popular.

My Granny Rose use to tell the story about being at a parade. As she was watching one of her daughters march with the high school band, there was one young student marching horribly out of step.  “Oh look,” said the woman next to her, who was obviously that student’s mother, “everybody is marching out of step except for my Joseph.”

Trump is Joseph. He’s now mad at Fox News.

President Donald Trump on Sunday slammed his preferred news network over recent unfavorable poll results, saying: “There’s something going on at Fox [News], I’ll tell you right now. And I’m not happy with it.”

And he’s also had  spat with a long time best friend.  The spat is over money, of course.

Tom Barrack and Donald Trump have been friends and confidants for more than three decades — the two men are so close, for instance, that Barrack comforted Trump during the funeral of his father, Fred.

But the intimate relationship between the wealthy California investor and the president has fractured so badly that the two no longer speak, current and former White House officials say.

Oh my, I think his friendship list is down to three WWF wrestlers and Mitch McConnell.  Hell, even Mike Pence thinks he’s the devil.