Archive for July, 2019

Paul Ryan. Who Dat?

July 11, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of my favorite blogs is Joe. My. God. because it’s smart, factually correct, and the comments are good.  It’s targeted to the LGBT community and the language gets a little raw, but it’s always funny, or so filled with rage that it lets you release some of own own.

My friend Kary is a native Texan, who used to be a theater producer but is now living on the coast of Spain with his very handsome husband Jimmy and you bitches can eat your heart out, gives me a heads up when he sees something at Joe’s that he knows will bring me an overload of “well, ain’t that prissy?”

And so it goes today.  Paul Ryan climbs on a mountaintop and attempts to nail himself to the cross.  Ryan explains that he retired “to get away from Trump.”

“We’ve gotten so numbed by it all,” Ryan says. “Not in government, but where we live our lives, we have a responsibility to try and rebuild. Don’t call a woman a ‘horse face.’ Don’t cheat on your wife. Don’t cheat on anything. Be a good person. Set a good example.”

“I told myself I gotta have a relationship with this guy to help him get his mind right,” Ryan recalls. “Because, I’m telling you, he didn’t know anything about government . . . I wanted to scold him all the time.”

Here’s a preening pipsqueak’s take on what is a “good person.”  Cancelling people’s heath insurance and supporting enough tax cuts to cause a $1.1 trillion deficit does not make you a choir boy.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

Haven’t Read the Mueller Report? Then Read This

July 11, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Mueller, Trump

At 448 pages, the Mueller report is tough sledding, described as hard to read “as a terms of service” document.  Insider has solved that problem for you.  They hired Mark Bowden, a journalist and author who wrote “Black Hawk Down,” “Killing Pablo,” and “Hue 1968.”  They also hired an artist who illustrates graphic novels.  Bowden took the entire Mueller report and supporting documents to masterfully write a narrative description, complete with illustrations, of the findings of the Mueller report.  The read is long, but a page turner.  If you want to understand the stunning story of Trump’s criminality and horrible conduct, this is it.

This is a must read, and a must share story.

Louie! Shuddup!

July 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, please feel free to enjoy democracy while Louie Gohmert defends his “good friends,” Diamond and Silk.  They are such victims. And Louie feels so bad for them that he gave them $5,000. to “entertain” his event.



And then he’s paying an awful lot to feed himself in the Member’s Dining Room.


And there’s the usual kickback to Trump.

Trump International Hotel 725 5th Ave  New York, New York 10022  05/17/2019 Hotel 995.10

See this and more at Louie’s Shame Report.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Diary Queen for the heads up.

Well, This Changes Everything

July 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I thought we were probably stuck with Trump’s tariffs until …



Well, we can’t be having that, can we?  Come to find out, two of the major Bible printers in America outsource the printing to China. Evangelical preachers hand out these Bibles to get donations back. If the Bible starts costing more than the donations, these poor preachers will have to give up their mansions and fancy cars.

This article claims that 150 million Bibles are printed every year in China and shipped to the United States.  Ya know, I counted and that’s plenty. The way I figure it, we only need two years worth to cover everybody. What are people doing with the Bibles already here and handed out for free by preachers?  Burning them or something?

And get this free walk for Donald Trump.

HarperCollins Christian Publishing President and CEO Mark Schoenwald recently told the U.S. Trade Representative that the company believes the Trump administration “never intended to impose a ‘Bible Tax’ on consumers and religious organizations,” according to a transcript of his remarks provided by the publisher.

He initiated a Bible tax but, y’all, he didn’t mean to do it.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Thanks to Mari for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: That’s Her Story and She’s Sticking To It Edition

July 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alabama, of damn course.

There was a road rage incident that concluded with somebody needing to die.

Erica Cole, a 31 year old pistol packing momma, got mad enough to kill someone and she certainly gets points for trying.  But, instead of killing the other person for taking up too much of the road or for trying to pass in the right lane or for driving with their blinkers on when they had no intention of turning, she shot her husband instead. In. The. Damn. Head.

He is in the hospital in stable condition and she’s still claiming it was an accident.

She was arrested on charges of attempted murder, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, and exceeding the Alabama pissed-off guidelines.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Toucan Play That Game

July 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just coincidence? Is London giving Trump the bird?

I do not know who the editor of the Times of London is, but they deserve a raise.


Thanks to Deb for the heads up.